118 Replies to “Triple H”

  1. wwe employees are nice ppl 😀 i call em on the phone before, the operator is really very helpful and kind

  2. yeah!!! U sure CAN DO BETTTTTTTTTTTTERRRRRRRRR THHHAAAAANNNNNN TTTTTTTHHHHATTT!! smack the shit outta big shaw!!!!!!

  3. Err… just dont understand why people keep on commenting when there is no body to reply them, not even kenny?
    Get a life…

  4. because when you comment, you don’t expect replies. if we have no life, then you must not have one too, seeing you yourself are posting a comment. idiot.

  5. Lol.. I’m expecting to see triple H .. hahaha… funny … but then, why not immitate john cena ?? he is more good looking bah

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