ERROR: No name indicated.
} elseif($_POST[‘number’]==””){
echo “
ERROR: No phone number indicated.
} elseif($_POST[’email’]==””){
echo “
ERROR: No e-mail address indicated.
} elseif($_POST[‘ic’]==””){
echo “
ERROR: No IC number indicated.
} elseif($_FILES[$fieldname][‘error’] > 0) {
echo “
ERROR: File upload error. Either file size too large, or no file attached.
} elseif(@is_uploaded_file($_FILES[$fieldname][‘tmp_name’])== FALSE) { //check error condition of this line
echo “
ERROR: Not a HTTP upload.
} elseif(@getimagesize($_FILES[$fieldname][‘tmp_name’]) == FALSE) {
echo “
ERROR: Only image uploads are allowed.
} else { //no errors
// make a unique filename for the uploaded file and check it is
// not taken… if it is keep trying until we find a vacant one
$now = time();
$username = @substr($_POST[’email’], 0, @strpos($_POST[’email’], ‘@’));
$Filename = $now.’-‘.$username.’-‘.$_FILES[$fieldname][‘name’];
while(file_exists($uploadFilename = $uploadsDirectory.$Filename))
// now let’s move the file to its final and allocate it with the new filename
move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$fieldname][‘tmp_name’], $uploadFilename);
// If you got this far, everything has worked and the file has been successfully saved.
// We are now going to redirect the client to the success page.
echo “
SUCCESS: Your entry has been submitted!
$to = “”;
$from = $_POST[‘name’] . ” <" . $_POST['email'] . "> “;
$subject = $_POST[‘name’] . ” — ” . $Filename;
//define the headers we want passed. Note that they are separated with \r\n
$headers = “From: ” . $from;
$message = “Name: ” . $_POST[‘name’] . “\n”;
$message .= “IC: ” . $_POST[‘ic’] . “\n”;
$message .= “Number: ” . $_POST[‘number’] . “\n”;
$message .= “IP: ” . $ip . “\n”;
$message .= “E-mail: ” . $_POST[’email’] . “\n”;
$message .= “Malaysian: ” . $_POST[‘malaysian’] . “\n”;
$message .= “Caption: ” . $_POST[‘message’] . “\n”;
$message .= “File:” . $Filename . “\n”;
//send the email
$mail_sent = @mail( $to, $subject, $message, $headers );
} // no errors
} else { // if submit button is not pressed, then….
The Mister Potato TV ad I’ve been waiting for has finally gone to air.
To celebrate my glorious three seconds worth of appearance on national TV acting like a giant oversized dolphin, Mister Potato is giving away a chance for one lucky reader and a friend to win and all-expense paid trip to Bangkok.
But this ain’t your typical boring free trip giveaway.
Because on top of a trip for two to Bangkok, there’s also a special bonus added to this prize package.
You see, we are not gonna just put you on an airplane, jet you out and throw you into some dingy hotel in some God forsaken corner of Bangkok for 4 days. To fully savour the best of South-East Asia’s mecca of shopping, spa, food, culture and nightlife, you’re gonna need someone knowledgable to show you around Bangkok.
Which is why we have arranged for tour guide to not only accompany you on this fantastic journey, your tour guide will personally ensure that you do have a whale of a time there as well.
Alas, you can’t just have any tour guide. You need a tour guide that knows Bangkok intimately. So intimate, that he’d probably soaked himself for 3 hours in Bangkok river before just to tell you how it felt like.
That tour guide is of course none other than…
Yes, apparently Kenny Sia has turned into a contest prize.
If you win this contest, you and a friend could win a trip to Bangkok. And I, the poo-water-swimming potato-chip-eating dolphin will be there to act as your personal tour guide.
Best of all, this trip is all expense paid thanks to Mister Potato. And heck, we’ll even give you some pocket money for shopping at Chatuchak Weekend Market.
In total, this prize package is worth RM5,000. And with me as your guide, I promise you it will be one holiday unlike any other.
How do you win this prize?
All you gotta do is upload a picture imitating me eating a Mister Potato chip like this.
This contest is open exclusively to readers.
Your photo doesn’t necessarily have to be yourself eating the Mister Potato chip. It could be a human, an animal or an inanimate object. It doesn’t matter. If you could con your 5-year-old nephew into doing this, even better.
The most important thing is that your photo has to be creative and funny.
The Mister Potato packaging must clearly be visible, and you must upload the photo using the form below or e-mail it to me at before 11:59pm on the 8 June 15 June.
Of course, you must agree to terms and conditions, judges decisions are final and all the legal bla-bla-blas apply.
Hey, the City of Angels awaits the winner. 😉
Terms and Conditions:
This contest closes exactly at 11:59pm on the
8 June 200815 June 2008. -
If you upload your photo even one second late, you’re screwed.
This contest is open to all Malaysians residing in Malaysia only.
If you are a Malaysian living overseas, you’re screwed.
The prize is for a trip for two to Bangkok, Thailand for 4 days 3 nights only with Kenny Sia as the personal tour guide, bodyguard, photographer, and friend.
The contest winners must agree to have their photos and their trip published on
By taking part in this contest, you agree to transfer the rights of your photo to Mister Potato
The budget for the prize package is a maximum of RM5,000.
If there any leftovers in the budget after accounting for all the essentials, the winners will be given those leftovers as shopping money.
Please note that Kenny Sia will not be carrying your shopping bags at Chatuchak Market.
Winners will be chosen based on how creative and or the submission is.
Both myself and a representative of Mister Potato will be the judge for this contest. Our decisions are final.
The winner will personally be notified by me, and I shall make all travel arrangements with the winner to decide a schedule most suitable to all of us.
All photos uploaded might be used on
Why are you reading these fine print anyway? No one bothers with it most of the time.
There’s really nothing important for you to read here.
Wow, you must be really bored huh?
Terrorists bombed Bali in 2002. 3 years later, terrorists bombed Bali again in 2005.
This year in 2008 and I am in Bali. I think I’m gonna have a blast.
second =.=
Oh my fat grapes. A trip wth Kenny?! Gotta start snapping deih….
5th XD too free~
Cute doggy kenny has^^
Gonna try out this contest.
Imagine hanging out with the..
Kenny ‘Godlike’ Sia
omg i wann~~~ hahaha
good good…
I wanna Bang-someone’s-Kok. =D
i just cant miss this again
wah… chance of a lifetime… hehehee…
let me see if i have the time to think of something hilariously stupid n funny… or else too bad lor…
if i win, i will bring best friend along… yay!!!
wah… chance of a lifetime… hehehee…
let me see if i have the time to think of something hilariously stupid n funny… or else too bad lor…
if i win, i will bring best friend along… yay!!!
hahaha the terms and regs super funny can xD
bah non-malaysian not in malaysia. s-c-r-e-w-e-d.
good luck for all of you.
what’s with the new theme? Selamat Ari Gawai? What’s that?
interesting !!!! i wanna try !!!!!
I don’t live in Malaysia, nor I’m Malaysian, so I guess I’m double screwed ehh?
Even so very funny contest. Might just join for the fun of it.
The future winner can consider oneself as very fortunate to be allowed to put up with you.
Awesome! trip to Bangkok! time to snap on
Oh man, I bet you’re going to have a load of overseas readers wishing they were eligible for this. Me being one of them. 🙁
You should also host a self-judged for-fun category for the non-eligible people if you ask me, surely they’d be some people willing to submit pictures just for the fun of it, too!
Either way, looking forward to seeing the winning one, if you put it up! 😀
what if i dont have a double chin?
i think it’s not so much of going to the bangkok trip, but going with the tour guide instead. hehehehe!
Would just wanna inquiry, are we only eligible to submit only 1 photo? or many more also can?
You will be carrying our shopping bag?
That’s the interesting part!
Too bad I’m not in Malaysia.
couldnt join cos i’m not in malaysia
i’ll just leave it out to the chicks to battle it out..
Kenny Sia will not be carrying my shopping bags at Chatuchak? But you’ll help carry them at Platinum, Central etc. right?
i think i should compete, i serioulsy need some holiday
Dayummm!! I’m in Perth!! No “bangkok-ing” with Kenny.. 🙁
can choose to receive the rm5000 without going to bangkok? LOL
nice terms and conditions lol
I m gonna join~ haha, can be my body guard huh~ haha.
bang-cock kenny!!!
Wow, may be it’s a chance for a person like me who is not creative and funny, but dare to try! Haha.
OMG! But i’m in Singapore! Pleaseee can we join???
Bah I wanna join but I’m a Singaporean in Singapore.
kenny ah…… overseas….here dun sell mister pOtato boh…how leh wanna take picture?
Kenny kenny, what’s scary is we now know what you’ll look like in a porno 😀 Don’t shoot me! Hahahaha. Be well dude! Enjoy the travels.
Oh it’s Hari Gawai again. We don’t celebrate that in Peninsular Malaysia, but I remember this time last year when the Hari Gawai theme was on this site =)
5k includes the flight or not? is it airasia?
You should make another similar contest for us currently staying outside Malaysia mah 😉
Fyi, there’s some syntax error from your feed in Google Reader.
Yea, it’s from the processing of your contest form 😛
when exactly the trip will be? i’m a malaysian WORKING in oversea, guess i’m not screwed huh? coz i usually go bek once in 2-3mths.. lemme know the date so i can arrange my nex trip to bang-cock wif u! (no, no.. i’m not gay..)
hey..kenny..why dont u just post sumthing @ special event of sarawak, such as gawai dayak in ur blog?comon man…its a very interesting story to b shared in here..why owest others people’s place..why not ur own place..isk…
Dear Kenny,
I respect you a lot, and still do, but I think the wording of your short talk is rather ill judged – not as you intended it, I think. Off course, as usual, you creatively play with semantics of the meaning ‘bomb’, but if you do read again what you wrote, you’ll come to realize it kind of leaves a bad taste. Yes, it’s a form of black humour, but one that isn’t self-reflexive of its disturbing quality. Off course, one could argue for the subversive element of humour, which overturns and ‘transform’ the situation to which it is employed, but far from doing so in this case, the humour horrifies precisely because it does not negate the very real horror of the bombing for many Australians. The ‘insistent’ repetition of the 3 year intervals acts as a traumatic reminder that lingers on the psyche of people who have lost their loved ones there. If you had wrote: ‘Terrorists bombed Bali in 2005, but I’m going there to have a blast’ would mean a completely different thing. Thought that I might just let you know. Cheers.
wow, thats really nice. so tempting!
Yay! I love contest! Only thing to do is win it. Lol…
I’m in Kenny. 😉
Kenny! Awesome idea…but when will this ‘trip’ be? I study in Melbourne but I’ll be returning to KL for a month for holidays…!!! 🙂
eat a chip? just 1 chip?!
i bet it’s gonna be chick who win the contest. Then she’s able to bangkok with Kenny.
i’m a malaysian living overseas… i’m screwed!
This contest is so UNFAIR…..only for Malaysians living in Malaysia 🙁
Anyway, I’m screwed…
Boooo. We should petition for a contest for the Malaysians outside Malaysia. =D
What if you’re out of Malaysia, but know that you’ll be back for holidays, so, you submit the picture anyway…? Hehe. Just a thought.
why oh why do we have to go with kennysia…..?!!
don’t bangkok with Kenny cause his wan bengkok.
This is something interesting…..
Kenny, you want people to EAT LIKE YOU…. with the BIG mouth opened waiting for the chip to drop in… wow! This gonna be tough…
But I wish all contestants the best of luck….
OMG i totally love your fine print! i spent time reading it leh hahahahahaah… funny Sia… muacks~
but NOT in malaysia for the time being
why oh why this contest didnt end during my summer vacation??????????????????????
i wanna be a m’sian now =(
hahaha! every1 noe’s dat if thy win..kenny will b carryin thier shoppin bags…dats a fact! kakaka!
well I guess Im not eligible to join the contest as I’m not in malaysia now …I would really love it if am eligible cause if I do win… then my friends and I both will have you as our guide plus you can bring us to meet the famous “Bangkok’s Sleazy Go-Go Bars” and meet your ‘Good friend”
I can’t join cos i’m singaporean. 🙁
How about this kenny, if i win, you come over to singapore instead and let’s hang out? LOL
If I join, can u promise that we will be playing with coconuts?? (not anyones, just coconuts, just for the fun of it) XD
The champion is me
Damn, if only I was living in Malaysia.
I’m your Thai reader! Can I join the contest too??
Damn it, not applicable to non-Malaysian..
aiya kenny..i am a malaysian but i am not in malaysia..but ill be back in malaysia soon..can i join?hehehe..hmm..the prize is tempting lah..hahaha
Yeah… am staying in Singapore, cannot join meh?? Sama kampung la…
Hah? You not gonna carry my shopping bags ah? Aiya like that I dowan join already lah!
*runs and go snap some photo now*
Agree with the comment earlier on the short talk. I really dont think its smart nor funny.
Add another clause:
Singaporeans need not apply. =.=
Kenny u scared me,
my Bali trip comin’ but u made me feel like wanna cancel my trip….
I find this seriously disturbing. But that’s just me :p
I’m sorry but the City of Angels is Los Angeles, not Bangkok. There can only be one, and its LA.
Also before any idiot points it out, yes, I do know the official name for Bangkok is “Krung Thep Maha Nakhon” or City of Angels. Whatever. I still don’t care.
Oh man…im craving for the chips now!!
the T&C is hilarious! .. =)
eh Kenny,
found DawnYeo also go Bali ler,
R u with her right now?
Can the picture be touched up with photoshop to emphasize certain point. ???
addition fine print for you kenny…
– If the winner is a gay or ah gua, I’m screwed.
OMG thats gotta be so fun! IF i win, that is. But it’s so hard…I’m gonna make a fool of myself =P maybe I should con my brother into it… hahahaah ^^
Great! I going to join this and buy mister potato first!!
this sounds oh so tempting. I’m confused as to the condition. Would the entry still be valid if Malaysians like living overseas but coming back to Malaysia soon? 0_o
bangkok trip.. i wan i wan i wan
can i join?
wuwuwu.. i’m also a kennysia reader woot !!
Aw…I’m going to be so jealous of the winner and his/her friend. 🙁
Winners will be chosen based on how creative and or the submission is.
Both myself and a representative of Mister Potato will be the judge for this contest. Our decisions are final.
**omg** trust me, you don’t hv to be creative to take part in this contest.kenny will choose the hottest chicks as the winner…noob!
Yes. I am bored. I did read the fine prints, didn’t I?
And gosh…this is truly WEIRD. The prize isn’t that interesting at first…until you, Kenny, being the tour guide. Damn! It is really weird, coz knowing that actually made me feel like taking part. @_@
I think I’m too bored.
Kenny will choose the hottest chick as the winner?
The person/animal/object/whatever in the most creative picture may not be the participant lah! How will he know the chick hot or not?
oh man i can win this! i have so many ideas for this!
but not in msia at d mo, DAMN!
why lah kenny why! ;P
ur blog had a coffeeshop where people dunno-for-what-reason like to chit chat there, making readers unable to post some comments to you at all. I thought a chatbox is for readers to communicate with you? Then there are people who really got nothing better to do, fighting to post the first comment on your blog with this word : “FIRST!”.
what’s going on with your blog nowadays??
any limits on how many entry per person??
Let me just predict: The winner is going to be a girl!
Kenny will dig pu$$ies anytime.
Bangkok, here i come!
Find Malaysia Jobs @
damn…. i cant join.. why only for malaysians man
Kenny Sia, so over commercialised now. Sorry Man .. you’re beginning to sound like a total Sell Out. You sold your Soul man ..
Picture of my balls eating mr. potato can?
BAng CORK!!!! hahaha
umm i thought the city of angels was los angeles? or was I mistaken again?
awww i wish i can win it .. but i know i have no chance… prolly pretty girl will win 🙁
sorry…how many times can we submit for the contest??
Oh boy, here we go again
by the time saw the adv, a guy there seems familiar..
no wonder.. it is u 😀
Well, lucky me it was extended to 15th june, then i will have more time to random pick the foto. Hmm, anyway.. can ask itu Ever*se to to special discount for mister potato ka?
yes… done with my photo to be sent 😀
The ‘Eat A Chip Like Kenny Sia’ Contest
SUCCESS: Your entry has been submitted!
fast fast reply me… *if i kena lar.. wakaka
ur toy dog .jz like mine .the only thing is my dog’s nose is black ! and urs is brown ! lol =.=
sum1 ppl hu comment in kenny’s blog r really sickening.. i mean like giv urselves a break man… tis is his blog.. let him write wat he wants n leave it if u dun like it…
🙁 moscow dun have mister potato~~~ 🙁 i miss msia~~
Great contest.. Interesting but I don’t think I can go to Bangkok ~~ too buzzyyy………with my website//LOL