Another election, another erection.
Everytime an election comes around, a sex video tape pops up. On the day the Sarawak state assembly is dissolved, a "Datuk T" emerged, producing a video alleging "someone who looks like Anwar Ibrahim" getting jiggy with it with "someone who looks like a Chinese prostitute".
To that I say, how do they know it’s a prostitute from China? Maybe it’s his "personal friend" leh?
Suddenly, everyone is pointing fingers to everyone. Fingers are pointed to Anwar, saying he is not fit to be a leader. Fingers are pointed to Datuk T, for broadcasting pornography.
Heck, even Chua Soi Lek pointed his finger to Anwar urging him to admit his wrong.
Then I wondered. How come no fingers are pointed to the China woman for prostitution?
I also dunno. Welcome to Malaysia.
Predictably, Anwar and his supporters got into super defensive mode.
Anwar claimed that the person in the video has a big tummy, and he does not. He also claimed the video was fake, and his face was superimposed on another person.
Well, ladies and gentlemen. The speculation ends here.
Guess what? After a lot of phone calls, texts and e-mails, I managed to get my hands on the controversial Anwar sex tape.
Here it is, revealed finally, on
Big tummy.
Chinese woman.
Superimposed face.
Datuk Tua Liap Sia
Kenny, where is d download link????
Cool…. I think the BN Datuk T is the actor in the film…muahahahahha
No one has the tape at the moment…the one posted is Chua Soi Lek Video 2 years back la…..
Whether the video is true or not,… it doesn’t matter. He dug his grave n buried him self in it on September 16th 2008.
i was wondering when you would post something about this lol
OMG.. it really looks like Anwar!! I’ll send this to PDRM now~ thanks a lot.. -_-”
Everything is a set up lah. This clearly shows that BN is a very uncreative party. I mean, first sodomy, then SEX TAPE? Surely there’s something else in their mind that they could think of doing to bring Anwar down..
Will Taib lost Sarawak? Quite impossible.
Tua Liap Sia! Hahahaaha!
Nice one kenny! This is what we want to read!
he is a muslim leader.. a religious one too…
how can he do these kind of things
Finally, The Kenny Sia is back!!
how to top your post liddat?!!
kenny, you are so ignorant. You will put a lot of pressure on unfortunate chinese people in serious business opportunities and other threats too. Chinese are not much better off either!
Thank you very much for making such embarrasement to Malaysians such entertaining joke!
Can our lovely government be more creative? please do not reuse the same old tricks. And please do not treat us like as if we are the Stupid citizen whom don’t have brain.
I’m sick and tire on this… CHANGE URGENTLY NEEDED PLEASE!
Aiyo… sensitive post..
MCMC is everywhere
So what if anwar is in a sex tape?
Somehow, Soi Lek is leading MCA, leading the chinese, eventhough he commited adultery
If the chinese are so stupid to select that as a leader, then I really wonder how it will affect Anwar. Probably Soi Lek paid a whole deal to be up there
lol!! Anwar should appoint you as his secret IT Agent! :p
Kenny, you are the best!!
while everyone seems to praise said blog entry, i felt such post is really unnecessary. whether Anuar is guilty of this or not, I felt its not right for us to use this story as a joke for crowd puller. just that my sense of humanity is higher then my sense of humor !
OMG .. I nearly choked on my coffee when I scrolled down n see ur tua liap sia … haiyorr ..(=_+)
keeny sia!! u rly suck sia!! u shldnt photoshop his face there even tot u dun like! wad ur brain thinking! r u recently becos idiot!! come on,dun tell me u r innocent!! stupid u
Yo Kenny! When u have the time, do you think you could send me the link of the video?! Muahahah! Much thx!!
What poor taste, Mr Sia.
Good satire !
It is all dirty politic. But the two dirty old men ; George Chan and Tiab have the real young things at home .
Haha..funny politic~~~ thumps up~~ Kenny
Mr Kenny,
Please update your blog instead of clubbing in Zouk
What is Tua Liap Sia?
election in Sarawak how? dekat2 election then issues like this comes up…I think Malaysian should know better this election time..
suddenly i wonder how does it affect the political situation in sarawak…
LOL. Santa must have borrowed Anwar’s big belly for awhile.
Hahaha, that’s damn funny bro
“Another election, another erection.” VERY TRUE!
Kenny, I always thought you are right leaning type, want no trouble with authorities, a little polish can carry you a long way. The fact remains, the government had overstayed their welcome.
it’s a joke. stupid
Is this something that passes for comedy these days? It’s hardly surprising that nobody reads this blog anymore.
First, he’s gay & sodomizes guys.
Then, he’s straight & bonks prostitutes.
Either someone is lying or is he’s bisexual ? WOW! What a man!! ;D
Hehehe.. as you know (yet!) this guy can get whatever he want.. but something wrong here, believe me.. there is somethings missing.. emm.. i wonder where that “FREEDOM” has gone.
Political issue nahh’ We’re not fit to judge! we’re only say the repeat answer, we didn’t know what is right nor wrong, the only way to prevent this from happen is by “STOP” the political issue amongst us, we need steady country to lived on happily, WAR is not a solutions – But if that WAR give something good in future, we still can FIGHT! The only way to the FREEDOM is choosing your own BATALION! i’d rather choose god than choose human that has been treated this way! – Whow knows someday he will be the one!
Sorry guys im not into politicians issue just for an apple mind for an apple star for you guys.. stay apple, stay young.. LOL!