
I couldn’t verify the source myself, but thanks to reader kk for sending this in.

“My buddy in Shanghai recently sent me this poster he found at a posh Mexican restaurant/bar which I thought is really hilarious and a classic example of bad translation done by mainland cina. And I thought if the prostitutes can read the england, they won’t be prostituting liao leh as China is so in need of england speaking ppl. Anyway, hope you have a good laugh.
kk “

Zapata's Mexican Cantina

Excuse me, do you think I’m a whore?


African drums – vibrators without batteries.

Man. I just got back from the Rainforest Music Festival and I am so totally spent. I shall leave the update till tomorrow. In the meantime, here’s my lame joke attempt for the day.
Do you like this building name?

Well. If you don’t like it, Fook Off.

Talk Cock King At His Best

Its a slow start to the weekend and I’m hardly motivated to do post on my own. But for those who didn’t catch it, here’s the infamous conversation I had with minishorts, reproduced with some Malay words translated and graphics included.
I still get a chuckle everytime I read it.
(Minishorts and I were slacking off at work. We were talking about my reputation as a crowd pleaser)
minishorts : you horrible lah
Kenny : i please everyone too much
minishorts : reply religiously
minishorts : die lah
minishorts : i go by the mantra : i don’t give a fucking damn.
Kenny : i don’t give a damn, but I can give a fucking.
minishorts : i’m sure
minishorts : how long are you
Kenny :
Kenny : private question!
minishorts : i want to know
Kenny : siao ah
minishorts : 3 inches limp! yes
minishorts : silence is consent
minishorts : muahahaha!
Kenny : that’s like asking for ur cup size.
minishorts : eh no lah i think
Kenny : u dun tell ppl one u know.
minishorts : 2.5 inches limp
minishorts : i’m a xxxxx
Kenny : !
Kenny : i didn’t ask.
Kenny : u dun crazy.
Kenny : anyway
minishorts : i’m trying to tell you its the same thing
minishorts : so…
minishorts : 2.5 inches limp
Kenny : it doesn’t matter that size it is limp
Kenny : ‘cos limp is useless anyway.
minishorts : maximum 5.5 inches hard
Kenny : hey i never measured.
minishorts : i’m going to blog this
minishorts : mUAHHAHA
minishorts : anyway
minishorts : i think its…
Kenny : but even if i had, i’m not gonna tell.
minishorts : ok
Kenny : !
minishorts : from thumb end
minishorts : to little finger end
minishorts : outstretched
minishorts : that’s the length
minishorts : right not?
Kenny : hey i’m in the office right now
Kenny : not gonna unzip my pants and confirm your statements!
minishorts : chewah words only mah
minishorts : go and wank yourself and see
Kenny : cannot
Kenny : must have images.
minishorts : then come back tell me how big is the big bird
Kenny : waliew
Kenny : wendy asked me the same thing
Kenny : and i didn’t wanna answer her
minishorts : hehehe
Kenny : she said “if you’re long, you’d answer. if you don’t answer, that means you’re short.”
Kenny : !!!
Kenny : die die both ways.
minishorts : i can estimate a guy’s length by his face
minishorts : top of forehead
minishorts : to bottom of chin
minishorts : that’s the length…when hardened..
minishorts : usually correct one
Kenny : no wonder girls like horse face
Kenny : crazy ah
minishorts : you don’t believe go check and see
Kenny : eunuches don’t have flat face
Kenny : squashed face i mean
minishorts : next time you go wanking… you estimate the length of your face
minishorts : use your hands to help lah… then you will be shocked by the accuracy of my prophecy
Kenny : DAMN YOU
Kenny : now everytime i look a man’s face i think of the length of his penis
Kenny : shit
Kenny : now i gotta photoshop my face to make it look longer.
minishorts : hahaha!
minishorts : eh what’s the length lah
minishorts : got yellow feathers all around your dick right
Kenny : c’mon. why did u wanna know! not like i’m gonna sleep with you.
Kenny : or anyone else
Kenny : anytime soon.
minishorts : cheh
minishorts : you keep on saying you got big bird
Kenny : siao ah
Kenny : of course its all in jest
minishorts : you got your ownself into this
Kenny : hohoho
Kenny : good what
Kenny : keep the suspense there.
Kenny : remain an unsolved mystery.
minishorts : no oh.
minishorts : not fun
minishorts : wait lemme see..
minishorts : yeah lah kautim should be 5.5 inches when hard and solid
Kenny : my face length is longer than 5.5 inch ok
minishorts : yeah meh
minishorts : you take ruler and measure your face length adi
Kenny : 18cm
minishorts : fucker
minishorts : ok i change the metthod
minishorts : FACE width

After the extraction of my 4 wisdom teeth, 2 years ago.

minishorts : from right cheek end to left cheek end
Kenny : ear to ear or what
minishorts : cheek end to cheek end
Kenny : 19 cm
minishorts : hahahahaha
Kenny : depends on where u position it
minishorts : mid-cheek to mid-cheek
Kenny : fuck lah
Kenny : next thing u know u’ll say left nostril to right nostril
minishorts : that one is your flacid length
Kenny : not that short pun
Kenny : c’mon lah
minishorts : you got big nose hole mah
Kenny : how would u like it if ppl say they can measure ur cheebye length by the width of your lips.
Kenny : gross rite
minishorts : got such thing meh
Kenny : everytime ppl look at u, u’d feel violated.
minishorts : where got gross
minishorts : we girls are proud of our vaginas.
Kenny : mann
Kenny : we shouldn’t compare.
minishorts : i’m not comparing
Kenny : everyone is good in their own right
Kenny : heh heh heh
minishorts : i’m just saying it’s like a lock-and-key situation.
minishorts : when you find a man, it’s like you’re looking for the key to your lock.
minishorts : IF the key fits… sex will be superbo.
Kenny : hey, what does it have got anything to do with me.
minishorts : length doesn’t necessarily matter.
Kenny : even if i say 30 cm u’re not gonna leave eric for me.
minishorts : of course not.
minishorts : he is infinite.
Kenny : besides
Kenny : i can just say any number
Kenny : u’ll never know.
Kenny : shit.
minishorts : 30 cm you will look like a hantu lah
minishorts : i’m trying to say… length doesn’t matter… what matters is that the key will fit the lock.
Kenny :
minishorts : but that doesn’t stop us from wanting to know ‘just how big is kenny’s big bird’.
Kenny : a dick is not a key. a cheebye is not a lock.
Kenny : u dun insert the key into the lock and turn clockwise.
Kenny : u insert the key, remove the key, insert the key, remove….
minishorts : hahahahaa
minishorts : wah you damn experienced hoh
Kenny : 9 months later they’ll produce a baby lock
Kenny : and a baby key
minishorts : i’m asking you about your length
minishorts : you tell me about insert key remove insert key remove
Kenny : well
Kenny : that’s for the ladies to find out.
Kenny : u better dun ask one of ur undercover agents to seduce me.
Kenny : next time i see elaine acting strangely towards me i’ll know one.
minishorts : ok change method
minishorts : i think your key…. i mean dick
minishorts : is the length of the word ‘dick
minishorts : when typed out in times new roman font size 72.
minishorts : correct?
Kenny : well
Kenny : dick is a short-form
Kenny : the actual word is dickonorsaurus.
minishorts : that one
minishorts : if it is dickonorsaurus.
minishorts : then is is the length of that word typed out in times new roman font size … 24
Kenny : scientific name. dickonosaurus cerebus palpatineus von obiwan kenobicus
Kenny : so there.
minishorts : talk kok king at his best.
minishorts : that one should be times new roman font size 10
Kenny : brb i wanna go to the toilet
Kenny : NOT to measure ok
Kenny : i drank too much water
minishorts : go measure go measure

KLCC Premier Paid Toilets Review

I heard about the Premier Paid Toilets in Suria KLCC for so long now I simply had to check it out when I was in KL last week. Honestly, how many people would pay RM2.00 to use the toilets, when for the same price they could buy:
a) a bowl of Kuching kolo mee
b) two sticks of lok-lok by the roadside
c) a pack of condom

Leave it up to the Management of KLCC to stay true to their word when they said “Always Something New”. The Premier toilets are located on Level 1 where all the designer boutique shops like Dunhill and Cartier are located. Obviously its meant to attract those atas shopper who treat money like water.
Since I’m always up for trying something new, I parted RM2 to the bored-looking lady sitting by the same old crappy counter at the entrance, and she gave me a pack of wet towel in return.

The poor man in the background didn’t know I took a photo of him happily scratching his butt

This is my pack of ‘Freshening’ wet towel. It is made in Japan. It is just like any other pack of wet towels you can find in Chinese restaurants.
In fact, the so-called Premier toilet look just like any other ‘nice’ toilets I can find in 5-star hotels or shopping malls. Suddenly, I felt as if I was cheated out of my RM2. Cheebye.
The only thing that caught my attention there was this clean-cut handsome guy wearing a formal attire, looking sharp as if he’s about to attend some important conference with Mahathir, Badawi and Co.

Except he was squatting down there cleaning the toilet floor.

I think that’s the second most unusual thing I’ve ever seen in a toilet. The first is some crazy dude taking photos inside a male toilet.

This is the urinal! It looks just like any other urinal!

Unfazed, I proceeded to do my business.
Its drier and cleaner than usual, but there’s really nothing special about this particular bowl of urinal. Now I’m really starting to regret parting ways with my RM2. For the price I’m paying, they should at least get someone to unzip my pants or something.

This is the basin area. Its probably the most tastefully decorated part of the entire ‘Premier’ toilet. The erotic red flowers, romantic bowl of potpourri and the sensual slow-burning candles make this an ideal place to have sex.
Except this is a male toilet. That sucks.
No pun intended.

Here’s a closer look at the range of Body Shop products available for use.
There’s the Bilberry Leave-In Detangler. The Vitamin E Face Mist. The Oceanus Body Mist. The Oceanus Body Lotion. The Oceanus

Stupid Body Shop. The first time I heard of the name Body Shop I was thinking to myself, “The Body Shop? What the hell do they sell? Bodies?”

This is the Bilberry (aka Blueberry) Leave-In Detangler for the hair. It supposedly helps you to relieve knotty, tangled hair and the bilberry extract will leave your hair “shiny, soft, healthy and tangle-free”.
Sounds good. I always have a problem with tangled hair.
I’m sure as hell not talking about the hair on top of my head.

I give my head a few spray of the product. Other than making my hair smell like blueberries, it doesn’t do my hair any shit. (No pun intended)
I left the KLCC Premier Paid Toilet wondering why I even bothered wasting my money on this uninspiring trip to the loo. I’m not sure if I’m supposed to feel some sort of achievement or something.
I’ve seen it once out of curiousty and I don’t think I’ll be going back there again. I don’t think anyone would. So I reckon the KLCC Management should consider changing their advertisement into something a bit more eye-catching.
Maybe something like this.

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At Least I Still Have Friends

More Bloglitics.
If you write about people gloating over their first cheques from Google AdSense, people are gonna get upset thinking you have something against people who put up Adsense on their blogs.
If you write about the Singaporean blog culture being mature, people are gonna say you think Malaysian bloggers are immature.
If you write about Singaporean bloggers being treated more seriously in their country, people are gonna say you think Malaysian bloggers are inferior.
If you befriend Xiaxue, people will think you are Xiaxue.
If you attempt to find out what good points the Singaporean blogosphere have over the Malaysian blogosphere, people will think you’re trying to complain, or compare, or change. And change = very bad.
In short, don’t write anything good about Singapore, or Australia, or about any other countries. Or else people will think you have something against your own country.

Because I was misunderstood when I wrote in long proper English sentences, I hereby write my reaction to that in short simple English.
Head -> Wall
Gun -> Temple
Knife -> Heart

*sigh* At least I still have friends.

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Sassy Xiaxue Poisons James Brown’s Scarlet Feline

Sunday, 26th June.
2:00pm. Hotel 81 Chinatown.

When I parted with Scarlett Ting the night before, I promised I’d do lunch with Sassy Janice and her today. Its already 2pm and she still hadn’t yet replied my SMS. Wait any longer and our lunch date is gonna turn into dinner.

I messaged ‘Very Poisonous Lady’ Apple Lim since I was supposed to meet her for coffee as well, but there was no reply either. Man, I never felt so neglected.
Still feeling giddy as I recounted the events of last night I ventured out of my hotel alone, wandering around aimlessly and ended up at Plaza Singapura.
3:45pm. Plaza Singapura.

I like heart-shaped latte art.

Phone call from Ting, finally. Believe it or not, that woman had only just woke up. You know you’re a blog addict when you went home at 6am after meeting so many people from the blogosphere and the first thing you did was to update your blog.
By coincidence, paikia(bad boy)-loving Finicky Feline was in Plaza Singapura as well. We arranged to meet at Cafe Cartel, and she bought me a drink. Thanks, FF!
Her old-time friend GuoJun joined us a little later. He paid for his own drink. Poor bastard.

In case you were wondering. That’s not FF’s real face.

Something unusual happened while we were sitting there chilling out. A man approached us and placed a little pin attached to a card on our table. The card reads something like this: “I am deaf. I would appreciate it if you help me out by purchasing this badge, which costs SGD$5”. I’ve seen people doing this in Kuching as well.
I had my suspicions because the man is obviously well-dressed and well-fed, probably more well-fed than I am. If it were to choose between giving him or the Kuching Shuffler money, I’d choose the latter without blinking twice. FF reckoned it was a con, but my lousy conscience got the better of me.
When the man returned, I handed him SGD$2 and asked him to keep the pin. FF looked at me quizically. I looked back at her grinning sheepishly. Was I conned?
We looked over our shoulders when we heard funky music blaring over the speakers. Apparently there’s some cheerleading demonstration going on. FF, GJ and I ran over there like primary school children at the start of their lunch break.

Download cheerleading video: here or here.
I always thought male cheerleaders are kinda gay. Despite that fact, you gotta envy them because they can anyhow grab, fondle and touch those hot nubile little cheerleaders without landing themselves into hot water. So lucky. When I grow up I wanna be a cheerleader too.
5:00pm. Plaza Singapura.
FF and GJ left to watch some crappy movie. Scarlett Ting sent me a message blasting me for making her meet so many strangers. And Apple Lim just woke up.
“OH MY GOD! I slept like a pig!! Seventeen hours!

Seventeen hours! Have you heard anyone who have slept for 17 hours?! Gee, what is it with Singaporeans and punctuality? 😉 And I thought Xiaxue was being mean for making me so long for the answers to her IQ questions.
6:15pm. Bakerzin (or was it Baker’s Inn?)
Scarlett Ting, Sassyjan and I finally had “lunch” at 6:15pm.

Joining us was “Chao Ah Lian” Apple Lim.

Apple’s round necklace and ring intrigued me. She said she likes round things. I think that’s probably the reason why she likes me.
Apple Lim is truly one of a kind. I’m not saying that because she once declared that she wanted to hug my hairy leg to sleep. I’m saying that because I’ve never seen a self-confessed Ah Lian blogger as good and as hilarious as she is. She’s also in the Wheels Magazine Race Queen contest, so go vote for her.
There’s this stereotypical misconception that models are usually stuck-up bimbotic airheads. Apple is the exact opposite.

Me giving you that grin that makes you wanna throw a punch to my face.

We talked only once on MSN. When I told her I was coming to Singapore, she was nice enough to offer her place (not her room lah, siao) for me to stay. I declined, fearing she’d secretly take photos of me in my red boxers and post it all over the Internet. She suggested Hotel 81 Chinatown, which is why I stayed there this time round.

Interesting fact: all the girls in this table are or were at some point involved with modelling / talent agencies.

I felt so left out. The only modelling experience I had was when I did my SarongPartyGirl pose.
Anyway, I’m surprised Apple Lim is so unpretentious, so incredibly down-to-earth, so likeable. It was the first time she met us all, but we seem to hit off pretty well. Scarlett Ting and Apple had a lot more in common than they think, and they were chatty throughout lunch dinner. Apple told us her interesting encounter with a fortune teller. I was amused she put so much faith in what a fortune teller told her.

I had agreed to meet James Seng and mr brown for dinner at 8pm, so I bade the girls farewell.
8:30pm. River Valley.
Finally. Some male bonding after all that female attention. Never thought I was ever gonna say this, but after a while, I kinda grew tired being surrounded by hot and pretty girls, especially when these girls belong to the can-see-but-cannot-touch category.
I had a long chit-chat with mr brown that night, and it was definitely the most enlightening moment throughout my whole trip in Singapore. No wonder they called him the ah kong (granddaddy) of Singaporean blogosphere. This man knows his shit. Right down to its colour, texture, and the number of undigested yellow kernels in it.

Pyramids of chicken rice. Beware of boobie traps.

We talked about the Singaporean blog culture, the upcoming Blogger’s convention, the commercial aspect of blogging, among other things. One thing I realised from our conversation is how much more mature and serious the blog culture is in Singapore compared to the rest of Asia. Its evident from the facts. Mr brown, Miyagi are writing for Today; Wendy is writing for The New Paper, Maxim, endorsing LocalBrand; and most interestingly, commercial entities are APPROACHING the Bloggercon organizers for sponsorship, instead of the other way round.
All these are happening while Malaysian bloggers are still gloating over how they got their first cheques from Google Adsense.

James “Drupal” Seng, mrbrown, some Malaysian dude, and remote control specialist HC

I learnt so much from mr brown that night, and yet he still chia me eat chicken rice. What a nice man. Thanks mb, I appreciate it.
12:30am. Holland Village.
Decided to meet up with the princess again before I leave the country the following day.
I was buying FHM and Maxim (as I always do when I’m in Singapore) at Cold Storage when a makeup-less Wendy in pink platforms suddenly appeared and gave me the shock of my life that froze me. How appropriate was it then that I was in Cold Storage.
We adjourned to the nearest kopitiam, where she wowed and entertained me with her amazing blowing skills.

BUBBLE blowing skills lah. What were you thinking?
Quite a few people have asked me how Xiaxue is like in real life. I admire her for her willingness to share details of her private and personal life. I think in a way, she is very similar to the way she blogs – feisty, straightforward, sometimes mean, sometimes vindicative. But not mean to the point where she’ll kick a stray dog off the road lah of course.

Kenny: “Eh why you cross the road like that? Not scared cars knock you down one is it?”
Wendy: “Never mind lah. Cars won’t knock down ‘mei nu’ one.”
Kenny: “…”

Still, it takes a lot of understanding to click with Wendy’s sense of humour and not get offended.
People are so used to her being that snobbish vengeful bitch online its kinda difficult accepting her nice, angelic side. And she does have an angelic side. Its the subtle things she did that speak for itself. Like how she blew bubbles to make a little toddler girl smile, and later gave the whole tube for her to play with.

Somehow this picture looks very wrong. Its not what you think alright?

People usually don’t notice things like these when she writes about it online, but it does bring a nice fuzzy feeling to my stomach.
Wendy and I chatted, joked, strolled till 5am in the morning.
In the process, we encountered one big ass spider.
Wendy tried to act chio by planting a flower on her head.
I tried to act chio, but failed.
5:15am. Hotel 81.
I returned to my hotel after exchanging goodbyes with Wendy.
I was about to enter the lobby, when out of a sudden I spotted two familiar faces scurrying towards the exit. It all happened within a few seconds, but I managed to whip out my digital camera in time to snap this scandalous picture.

mr brown and James Seng. Seen walking out of Hotel 81… TOGETHER!

Now we know exactly what the editors meant when they say “We work together hard. Very hard.

Continue reading


If you blog everyday, people say you have no life.
If you don’t blog everyday, people say you’re running out of ideas.

Anyone got anymore contributions to the list?
Happy 6-month anniversary to
Having blogged for so long, here are some of the things I’ve learnt thus far.
Bloglitics = Blog politics. It is inevitable. Anything you do or write will be used against you. Whatever you put on your blog, there’s ALWAYS people out there who will be offended.
What can you write on your blog?
If you write about your daily life, people will say that your daily life is very boring.
If you don’t write about your daily life, people will say that you have no life.
If you post photos of yourself in your blog, people will say you are an attention-seeking bitch.
If you don’t post photos of yourself in your blog, people will say you’re an ugly-looking anonymous coward hiding behind the computer screen.
If you post Photoshopped photos of yourself in your blog, people will say you are fake.
If you post un-Photoshopped photos of yourself in your blog, people will say you cause infertility.
If you link and write good things about other bloggers, people are gonna say you’re an ass-kisser.
If you link and write bad things about other bloggers, people are gonna say you’re just jealous.
If you praise Singaporean girls, people are gonna think you’re putting down Malaysian girls.
If you defend Malaysian girls, people are gonna think you have something against Singaporean girls.
If you write about your conservative lifestyle, people will say you’re a right-wing evangelising religious nut trying to force other people to lead your lifestyle.
If you write about your liberal lifestyle, people will say you’re a sex-crazed attention-seeking exhibitionist slut who enjoys baring your titties on the Internet.
If you post photos of pretty girls on your blog, no matter how pretty you think they are, there will ALWAYS be people out there who say they’re ugly.
If you write jokes on your blog, people will say you’re not funny.
If you write satirical jokes on your blog, there will ALWAYS be someone who don’t get it and turn all angry and upset over it.
If you create a personality quiz on your blog in the name of fun, people will say your readers have no personality.
If you have ads on your blog, people will say you’re selling out.
If you don’t have ads on your blog, people will say you’re stupid for not trying to make easy money.
If you leave your comments and site address on other blogs, people will say you’re site-whoring.
If you get featured in the newspaper because of your blog, people will say you’re a fame whore.
If you reject the newspaper’s request for an interview, people will say you’re a stuck-up bitch.
If you write socio-political blogs, people will say you are boring.
If you don’t write socio-political blogs, people will say you are infantile.
If you write in perfect English, people will say you’re a hao-lian elitist.
If you write in casual colloquial English, people will say you cannot write at all.
If you write about Malaysian issues, people will say you’re trying to imitate Jeff Ooi.
If you rant and diss using words like ‘dipshit’ and ‘dumbfucks’, people will say you’re trying to imitate Maddox.
And if you write an entry like this, people will say you’re trying to imitate mr brown.
As a matter of fact, here’s a screenshot of what I believe is the most bloglitically-correct blog you can find on the Internet.
If you follow these simple rules, then I can assure you that you’re well on your way to bloglitically-correct superstar-dom.

Meeting Them For The First Time

“Its becoming a hangout place for bloggers here.” Belinda said of the Hideout. She’s only been running it for 2 months.
I’m not surprised. I wouldn’t have found out this gem if it weren’t for brown, Miyagi and Caleb blogging about it.
hideout mic
Saturday. 25th June. 9:15pm. A small crowd began to form after the Oddfellows moved their equipment onto the de facto stage area. I wondered how they’re able to perform when the drunk Ah Bengs downstairs were competing with them singing Lee Shen Jie. The place started to get noisy and Bel kept disappearing and reappearing as she and I tried to hold a decent uninterrupted conversation. Fat chance.
It didn’t take long for Belinda to excuse herself again, only this time she came back with a male companion.
“Kenny, meet my friend Ben.”
In front of me stood a man that looked more like a boy if it wasn’t for his funny-looking little goatee. I instantly recognised him as the poster boy on mr brown’s photo album. “Finally! Nice to see you Miyagi!” I shook his hand as he apologised for coming in late.
Its exactly like an irc gathering. I addressed him by his online pseudonym instead of by his real name. I felt like I was 15 years old again.

Mr Miyagi aka Benjamin Lee aka the guy who Today-ed me.

I sometimes forget Mr Miyagi is 35 because not only does he not behave like one, he talks and jokes like he’s still 21. We bonded over beer, chicken wings and Belinda’s Ah Gua cocktail as we talked about his job, how he dealt with his pseudo-fame and our common topic of interest – blogging. We talked about the commercial-side of blogging which, whether I like it or not, is probably gonna come knocking on my door. I’ll write about it some other day.
m o b

Her boyfriend is an Oddfellow

Through Miyagi I met a few other bloggers who were present. Evelyn was here with a few friends and she introduced herself to me as Juicypout. It wasn’t until I got back to Kuching that I realised she’s actually Mail Order Bride. (No, she’s not from Vietnam. Her online nick is MailOrderBride.)
m o b

“Shit! How can his one be bigger than mine?”

postmaster-general looks like a bad-ass army general I wouldn’t wanna mess with. He was there with his female companion. He offered us some fine cigars, which I respectfully declined. Learn to say no to smoking, kids. 🙂
A young, demure-looking girl nudged Mr Miyagi and whispered into his ear.
“Hey, where’s Kenny Sia? Did you see him?”
Miyagi’s eyes grew big, act all surprise and replied, “No leh. He’s supposed to be here by now but I don’t know where he is!”
I heard my name and I turned around.
I looked at her and she looked at me and I smiled at her and then suddenly she just burst out like that laughing non-stop.
Her: “You are Kenny Sia!”
Me: “You are Finicky Feline!”
We: “!!!”
She covered her mouth in an effort to unsuccesfully silence her paiseh laughs. I just stood there wondering what I did wrong.
I’ve been a silent reader of FF for quite sometime now. She’s one hilarious man-basher and its very easy to get hooked onto her. I’m glad the admiration is mutual. There’s always a tinge of exhiliration when you meet an anonymous online person for the first time, and I felt that with FF.

She is actually very fair and pretty but I had to cover her face with soft brown fur to protect her anonymity. Sorry har. Let me know if you prefer a different type of fur.

Too bad I actually thought she’s Indian because she used to call herself Babushka. That is, until I saw a photo of her back sometime back (bad pun, sorry).
“Where’s Ting?” I asked FF.
“She’s in the toilet.”
“Oh ok.”

“She was here. She actually saw you just now so she ran to the toilet.”

“Huh!?” Walau. I’m not that ugly kua.
FF led me to the unisex toilet where Scarlett Ting was hiding. The door was unlocked, held closed only by her feeble strength pushing the door.
“Ting?” I asked.
“… Yea?” she opened the door. There she was. Scarlett Ting, the twirly mouth babe.

To those of you not familiar with Scarlett Ting, she twirled her mouth in Photoshop to maintain partial anonymity.

“What were you doing in there?”
“I SHY!” *nervous giggles*
“Crazy lah. What’s there to be shy about?”
Scarlett Ting is the first person from Singapore I knew over the internet that I can honestly say has become a closer friend of mine. It started when she e-mailed me after reading about the frustrations I had to go through caring for my father when his condition was critical. She empathises and I appreciate that. The on-and-off email communication soon turn into the MSN conversations that we have regularly now.

This photo freakingly similar to the album cover of an S.H.E CD.

Our friendship is reflected in the more personal description that I wrote of her in my Singaporean blogger personality quiz. Its great to finally be able to meet up.
(At this point in time, I starting to feel as if I’m writing Friendster testimonials on So I’ll cut the crap and get to the point.)

Mr Miyagi, Mr Brown and Mr… Coconuts.

Mr Brown arrived! We spent the evening talking blog, talking gadgets and debating whether or PPS is better.

R U OK, me, MakanGuru , Dank, and the infamous blog-for-date couple Sandralicious and TripleTripod TriplePeriod.

The Cowboy Barflies! Airhole dropped by a bit later. They were at Wala Wala a while ago so its nice for them to come all the way from Holland Village to drop by and say hi.
Just as I was running around trying to make small talk with everyone. Mr Brown nudged me and said that Wendy has arrived. I looked to my left, looked to my right, but saw no trace of her.
Then I looked down and realised “Oh! There she is!”


Two familiar faces, Shuyin and ‘Wo Shi Mei Nu’ Wanyi tagged along. It was a pleasant surprise as I didn’t expect them to come to the Hideout at all.

Shuyin, Wendy, one goddamn lucky guy, Wanyi and Ting.

Any man would love to be in my position right then.

The name’s Bone. James Bone.

I was molested.
But I was satisfied.
I returned to the Hideout with Wendy, Shuyin and Wanyi after a detour to the nearby kopitiam grabbing something to eat. By then, most casual patrons there have vacated the place and the only people left are people who know each other.
Perhaps the only regret I have of that night was that the whole thing felt like a birthday party. You know how when you invite people from work, from Uni, from secondary school, your relatives, and so on to your party. You know all these people but they don’t know one another. So you’re running around making small talks and trying not to make anyone feel left out, dividing your time equally between each group of friends that you have.

Kenny: “And its all your fault.”
Wendy: “What my fault. Your head ah!”

That’s how I felt that night. I didn’t have a chance to hold a decent conversation with anyone. But you get that, I guess.

mr brown pretended he didn’t know, but he was sitting on Mr Miyagi’s right hand.

Wendy, Shuyin and Wanyi left for Partyworld KTV. I thought of joining them but I have singing voice that could close down a karaoke joint and put them out of business. So I decided to stay back and hang out with the rest till Belinda chased us out with a broom.
We were having supper at Shah Alam Restaurant when we saw a fight broke out between two groups of people. One side, armed with broken bottles and pool cues chased the other down the alley. It was like a scene out of Young and Dangerous, only starring Singaporean Ah Bengs.

Look! The girl in front is wearing Nothing!

Download fight video here.
I waited 20 minutes for Janice to turn up to no avail. By then Wendy had already sent me multiple death threats for making her wait at the KTV. So I excused myself and made my way down to Partyworld KTV in Orchard. Ting and Janice joined us a little later.

Guess which one is Janice’s leg?

I can’t sing for the life of me. Everytime I sing, clouds turn gray, birds fall off the skies, and babies start crying for no reason.

Shuyin fell asleep singing.

But damn, those girls can sing! God knows why they invited me to ruin their otherwise nice KTV session.
I stayed till 6am that night. When I got back to Hotel 81 (alone, mind you) the receptionist said she was about to report me to the police for failing to turn up. Regardless, I was thoroughly entertained. I had tons of fun. So you ask, how the hell did I still manage to have fun when I couldn’t sing for shit?
That’s why. 😉

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Seeking My Hideout

Saturday. 25th June. 10:30am. The coach I was on had only just departed Puduraya bus station en route to Singapore.

KL contrast – old buildings with the twin towers as the backdrop

My Singapore trip was more or less decided on an impulse, having just booked my hotel room the day before I was supposed to leave (a grave mistake as I found out later). I made some really close friends from across the border, so I thought while I was in Peninsular Malaysia, why not make a detour down to Singapore to pay them a visit? There’s a list of people I was hoping to meet, though I didn’t want to let them know ‘cos I was secretly planning to give them a surprise.
So I told Scarlett Ting, who was supposed to mastermind a dinner with Finicky Feline (FF) and some others, where I’d appear out of nowhere and give her the shock of her lives. Ting came up with that evil plan, and I loved it.

Slept at 4am the night before thanks to nuovo.

Apple Lim knew too. But that’s fine ‘cos she’s always been very indepedant and I know she wouldn’t be telling anyone else.
Then I told minishorts, which I thought was ok since she’s Malaysian. Wrong. Within 15 seconds, she sent a message Mr Miyagi-san, who then told mr brown, who then relayed their phone numbers and a time to meet back to me almost immediately. Darn that minishorts.
Someone else I wanted to surprise is Wendy Cheng. The night before I was supposed to leave for KL, I hinted her that I was coming down. She demanded that I come down. So I told the blog princess my plans.
At this point, I’d like to iterate although I was portrayed as a casanova, our relationship is definitely not a romantic one. But telling you that kinda spoils half the fun. So pretend you didn’t read this message.
So as I was making myself comfortable for that 5-hour coach trip, I suddenly realised one thing… I SUCK AT GIVING SURPRISES.

Can you see Singapore’s neh neh pok?

Anyway, I didn’t make any appointment with any of them because I want to stay flexible, so a lot of our meet-ups were improvised and impromptu. I thought that as soon as I arrived in Singapore at around 4pm, I should be able to meet with Wendy for some chit-chat, dinner with mr brown and Miyagi around 7pm, Ting and FF at Wala Wala around 9pm, then finish the night with Apple at Devils Bar around midnight. Everyone goes home happy.
Wishful thinking, Kenny. Stop planning your schedule like a 3-year-old.
I was sleeping on the coach when I was interrupted by this message from mr brown.

“Actually, I am lyin on my back without my shirt on, listen to cool David Tao music on my iPod, while getting my monthly facial with my wife. So metro, right?”

brown = ‘metrosexual’? Suddenly I have this image of a half-naked mrbrown forming in my head.


“I’m lying on my back without my shirt on, Kenny…. Come draw me.”

I continued the rest of my journey holding vomit in my mouth.
When I arrived at the Golden Mile Complex on Beach Rd, Wendy gave me a call and said something along the lines of “I don’t want to meet you anymore” , Miyagi said he’ll call me at 8pm to meet at the Hideout, Ting said to meet at 8pm (as well) at Wala Wala, and Apple was holed up in some place far far away called Tampenis.
Worse still, when I checked into Hotel 81 in Chinatown later that day, the receptionist told me they’re fully booked and my reservation didn’t went through. Nabeh. Just ‘cos my surname is SIA doesn’t mean you all can go fly aeroplane on me.

Boat Quay.

6pm. Orchard Rd. Ting messaged me back after I asked her to try to convince FF to meet at the Hideout instead. Then at least, I get to meet brown and Miyagi together with them. Scarlett Ting tried, but the Feline’s flawless cat sense managed to see right through her. My attempt to surprise FF: FAILED. At least she agreed to go to the Hideout at 8pm. Good.
7pm. Orchard Rd. Still no word from the princess, though I knew she wouldn’t want to turn up at the Hideout. At the back of my mind though, I was secretly hoping she’d use her brand spanking new Zouk card on me. That is, after my excursion to Hideout.

Raffles Place skyline. Taken while I was talking to Miyagi on the phone.

8pm. Raffles Place Stock Exchange. Ting advised me to alight at Raffles Place MRT to go to the Hideout. She’s still at home. Miyagi just got home after work. Brown was at church. I thought the princess was angry at me ‘cos I still don’t know what her plans were.
I walked around the nice pubs at Boat Quay and Circular Road trying to look for the Hideout to no avail. Obviously they’re not called the Hideout for no reason. That is, until Muthu from Shahbucks showed me the way.

Can’t afford a Starbucks. So they started a Shahbucks.

8:45pm. The Hideout. Finally I’m at this place after hearing so much about it from the Singaporean bloggers. Old furniture in amongst maroon walls casually decorated by simple art pieces. Jazzy music playing in the background. Holy shit, its almost exactly the same as Moon Cafe, my favourite late-night hangout place in Perth. Its like coming back to a familiar place after so long. I fell in love with the place almost instantly.
When I got there, it was still rather quiet, save for some really bad karaoke singer on the 2nd floor. I seated myself at the bar and ordered a pint of beer from Chris the bartender. “Hi, welcome to Hideout.”, Belinda took the seat next to me as she introduced herself as the owner. She didn’t know, but I recognised her.

Bel: “Is this your first time here? You’ve been here before right?”
Kenny: “No, it is my first time here.”
“Oh welcome. We don’t get many new visitors here ‘cos its so well-hidden. How did you find out about this place?”
“My friends told me about it actually.”
“That’s nice.” *reached over and passed me a namecard* “Here’s a card. There’s our website and I keep a blog there as well. Feel free to drop by and sign up for our spam list.”
“Spam list? That’s alright I’m not from Singapore actually.”
“Oh that’s fine. 🙂 What’s your name?”
“Hi Kenny. Bel.”

I know. 😉 Belinda walked around entertaining some of her patrons before she made an abrupt U-turn and came up to me again.

Belinda, that delectable owner of the HideOut. Gotta love the top she’s wearing that night.

“You don’t happen to be from Malaysia right?”
“I am.”
“Your surname don’t happen to be ‘Sia’ right?”
“It is.”
“Oh… my… ! You’re waiting for Ben (Miyagi’s real name) aren’t you?” *starts getting excited* “I was thinking what are the chances of someone not from Singapore, whose name is ‘Kenny’, coming to the Hideout!”

Not many. That’s why I was there that night, Belinda. 🙂
Anyway the time now is 4:30am and this entry is getting a bit longer than usual. There’s a lot more to write but I do need my sleep so I’ll continue my story tomorrow. Sorry for being such an anti-climax. Promise me you’ll check back hey?

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That PPS 2nd Anniversary Bash

The Project Petaling Street 2nd Anniversary Bash was held at Charlie’s Place, a little old bohemian Western restaurant next to an art gallery, located not far from KL’s Masjid Jamek.
I arrived at Charlie’s Place fashionably late – literally – when the hairdresser I was with turned my haircut from a 45 minute job to a 1.5 hour affair. 8:30pm and the place was already bustling with bloggers. Random bloggers and readers greeted me and I shook hands with them as I made my way into the restaurant to order my food and to introduce myself to Aizuddin Danian, the selfless owner of the PPS blog portal and host of the event.
A typical conversation at the bloggers meet-up went something like this.
Blogger: “HEYYYYYYY…. Hello Kenny Sia!”
Kenny: “Ummm… hi!” *scans for name tag*
Blogger: “Its me, my name is HunnyWunnyBunnyKins [or some other obscure online nicknames]. Remember?”
Kenny: “Oh! Hi! Yea yea, I remember you! You commented before. How you doing?”
*Repeat process with 20 other bloggers*
This being my first bloggers meet-up, I was very lost until I was spotted by Niki Cheong, an old friend from my involvment with Curtin University Student Guild some 3 years ago, and a rather well-known journalist himself. Thanks for the beer, Niki.

I know. Stop saying that we look like twins in this pic. Or worse, gay couple.

Its a different excitement having people commented on my entries to me face to face. A lot of people liked my Datuknametoolongitis entry. Few sent me their condolences and letting me know they cried reading what I wrote about my father (sorry!). Then there are those who told me the results they got from my ‘Which Malaysian Blogger Are You?’ personality test. Its all very interesting.
After the initial frenzy cleared up I began to spot some more notable faces in the crowd.

minishorts, Dave “Itchyhands”, Freckled Adam PeterPan, some guy I never met in my entire life, and KinkyPug Kevin

minishorts is indeed totally hot. Don’t be fooled by her sweet smile and good looks, ‘cos if anyone rubbed her the wrong way she has a tongue sharper than Gilette Mach3 blades that will not hesitate cutting you up into a million pieces. As a resident PPS crawler, she knows almost everyone at the venue. That girl’s social network is bigger than the whole freakin’ Internet, baby.

Whoa! Check out minishorts’ boobies custom-made top!

Niki introduced me to Adam, whom I recogised from JoyceTheFairy’s blog. Adam is also a host for 8TV. Too bad I don’t know what show he’s presenting ‘cos I don’t get 8TV here in Kuching. Otherwise I’d be squealing like a little girl having her first orgasm.

KinkyBlueFairy. Neither kinky, nor blue – but definitely a fairy.

Award for most glamourous babe of the night goes to Joyce ‘The Fairy’ Wong of kinkybluefairy fame, who came sashaying in with her red top, short skirt, sleek L.A.M.B bag in tow. Wow. Joce is the kind of photographer that looks fabulous behind the lens and in front of it.

ShaolinTiger aka Shaolin Harimau aka Shao Lin Lau Hu – arguably Malaysia’s favourite expat blogging geek. He’s the co-founder of

Nolah I’m not as tall as ShaolinTiger – he was sitting down and I was standing up. I am damn ashamed to say that this guy is more Malaysian than I am, right down to him speaking with a perfect Malaysian accent.

Fip, Kenny, Nessa Yeo and Lainie Yeoh.

Are they as excited to see me as I was to see them or what? I’ve been following Lainie’s blog way before I started blogging. Hilarity is guaranteed almost everytime Fip or Nessa is featured. Those girls are so naughty you can’t help but to fall in love with them.
Fip said she couldn’t help but to stare at my crotch. Coming from a lesbian, I find that comment very flattering. 😉
Nessa Yeo is hot. You probably can’t tell because everything she’s in front of the camera, she’s either making silly faces or flashing her ass-ets in front of me. Hands down, the wildest 16-year-old I’ve ever met – seen it all, done it all, even had a song written about her.

RSF Award-winning Jeff Ooi needs no introduction.

Check it out – its the little bird and the big bird! In that order, of course.

Reta, who has been reading since wayyyyyyyyyy beginning.


Jolene, who posted 3 (count it, THREE) photos of my butt on her site. The devil! What is it with women and their obsession with men’s butt?

I was elated to see Jolene ‘cos I thought she’s not gonna turn up. The SarongPartyGirl news in local media indirectly caused her conservative parents to think that blogging could lead to their daughter baring her titties on the internet. That and other reasons almost forced her to stop blogging altogether. Silly right?

David Teoh all the way from Melbourne. Visit his blog for awe-inspiring photography.

I’ll forever remember him more as ‘That guy who made me a millionaire playing BlogShares’.

Peter Tan (not to be confused with Peter Pan), the most heart-warming Malaysian blogger on two wheels.

I’ve chatted with Peter on numerous occasions. He’s the classic example of how blogging changes one’s life and one’s outlook on life. Its difficult not to like this guy because everything about him is so positive. I have to admit seeing that smile on his frail face reminded me of someone of my past. Eat a little more, Peter.

HB, one of the pioneers in the Malaysian blogosphere.

This is Huai Bin (HB), also from Kuching, whom I mentioned numerous times before on my blog. Later that night, he cheekily asked “We’re gonna do some K, wanna join us?”. I felt like replying “Nah its alright you can go ahead. I’m not very good at singing Karaoke!”

I know Suanie has been looking forward to this gathering like no tomorrow.

Suanie hugged me countless time throughout the night. As you can see, I was very shocked.
Quote from her site:
“I WANNA HUMP THEM LIKE MAD DOGS! … I’m going to have wet sweet dreams tonight.”

FireAngel used the word ‘fuck’ a lot in her blog. Too bad she didn’t say the same thing to me.

I swear I was molested by sultry FireAngel that night too. (no link to her blog, sorry) Her over-reaction cracked me up.

Amanda, whom I got to know through Jolene. And ShaolinTiger in the background pretending as if he didn’t know we’re taking a photo.

There’s a lot more photos but I’ll try not to kill my server’s bandwidth, especially after I freshly upgraded it. Feel free to click on the links here.
The more formal part of the evening was the PPS Blog Awards ceremony. Mack Zulkifli was made the MC of the night, and he was such a natural entertainer. He did a fantastic job electrifying the crowd.

Don’t be fooled by the seriousness of his blog. This man has charisma.

Quote of the Night goes to TV Smith: “And the nominees for PPS Ping of the Year are… Sarong Party Girl: My left boob is bigger than my right boob.”
I presented Simon with the Neophyte Blog of the Year award. Jeff Ooi added the Ping of the Year award to his collection. Damn that bastard. If it weren’t for that Anwar dude commenting on his entry he wouldn’t even have appeared on newspaper and won! What did he do to deserve that award?! ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! This is so unfair I deserve to win that award and I was robbed, I tell you. ROBBED! Congratulations Jeff.
I snagged the Blog of the Year award. My balls are now officially huge.

I’m glad the shirt fits, ‘cos my balls sure aren’t gonna fit into my pants.

To those of you who thought that I went back to my hotel with my ‘groupies’. Nah, it didn’t happen. 🙂 I have my witnesses.
That’s how Malaysia’s largest blogger meet to date ended. It was a great night and I totally enjoyed meeting the 60 over bloggers and non-bloggers alike that were in attendance. Credit once again to PPS owner Aizuddin for bringing together and truly defining the Malaysian blogosphere. Without him, none of these would have happened.

When a cockroach mischievously crawled up her knee, Xav climbed all the way up the bartop.

Such diversity of people in the blogosphere. Blogs are the word-of-mouth of the 21st century, and I say it never looked so good.
So, seen anyone you fancy in the Malaysian blogosphere? 😉
Next up, Kenny ventured deep into the dark alleys of Singapore, joined a gang, and became one with The ‘Hood

Think twice before you cross two of the baddest rappers of Singapore – 50 Seng and Snoop Doggy Cow.

Peace, duuuuuudddddeeee!
