Foot In Mouth

It was great meeting up with Cynthia, Nadia, and The Great Swifty last evening in an impromptu bloggers meet of sorts.

I thought I was freak walking around with my digicam, until I met “Swifty” Edmund Yeo who walked around with his GODDAMN VIDEO CAMERA.

One of the highlights of the night has gotta be my conversation with Lena, one of Cynthia’s friends who tagged along to Farrell’s cafe in Victoria Park. I don’t know who the heck Lena is and I’m pretty sure she doesn’t read or even know much about blogs at all.
What’s strange is that as soon as pulled a seat next to her, she started to quiz, grill and interview me CNN-style.

With Cynthia (who reads my blog) and Lena (who tagged along for the meet).

Lena : What do you hope to achieve in the world today?
Kenny : *giving her the wtf-are-you-nuts look* Err… world peace?

Lena : What do you think of the current Malaysian prime minister?
Kenny : What is this? Some sort of beauty pageant interview?
Lena : No, I heard you’re a blogger so you must have lots of thoughts. That’s why I’m asking you what you think.
Kenny : Well, I reckon Badawi is doing a great job. I certainly like him better than Mahathir for sure. Mahathir’s burnt too many bridges with the Western world for my liking.

Lena : What do you think of beauty pageants?
Kenny : Why are you asking me this?
Lena : Just now you said something about ‘world peace’, so I thought about beauty pageants lor.
Kenny : Err… It’s great opportunity for us to cuci mata (feast the eyes) lor.
Lena : What do you think of this year’s winner?
Kenny : Gloria Ting? Other than her elvish ears I think she looks pretty good. Certainly better than (Miss Universe Malaysia 2004) Andrea Fonseka.

Lena : What do you think of Andrea Fonseka?
Kenny : Gee… I don’t have much nice things to say about Andrea Fonseka. Don’t wanna risk offending people in case some of you guys know her.
Lena : It’s ok. You can just tell us what you think.
Kenny : Look, I’m pretty sure she’s a nice person, smart and all that. But looks-wise, I don’t think she’s ready for it. First and foremost, she looks horrible in a swimsuit. She looks as good as I do in a bikini! This is a BEAUTY pageant and you have to expect to be judged on your body. I think irregardless of how smart you are, you gotta at least look a certain standard before you sign up for it.

My Chocolate Devil cake. Deliciously evil.

Lena : *Unimpressed* It’s sad how society thinks that women have to have an hour glass figure in order to be beautiful. The other contestants in the competition can’t even string a proper sentence in English! By winning Miss Malaysia, Andrea is the ambassador for Malaysia. And you gotta have someone smart for that position.
Kenny : I know, I’m not saying it’s her fault she won the competition. All the contestants that year were pretty bad anyway. But still, brains shouldn’t the only thing you need to have to win the competition. If that’s the case, anyone can just pick the smartest professors off the University, put them in a beauty pageant and expect them to win Miss Universe.
Lena : Hmm ok. You gotta admit that she has a lot of guts going for that beauty pageant.
Lena calmly took a sip from her vodka orange. I was still puzzled why she seemed so passionate during the conversation, so I asked “Why are you asking me all these? Are you related to Andrea Fonseka or something?”
That’s when she put her glass down, looked at me dead in the eyes and said “She’s my sister.”

I just wanna crawl my ass into a box, lock myself up and throw the key far far away.

Perth Food

So I went down to Spectra on Wednesday to pay my old workplace a visit.

Surprised to see that not much has changed since I resigned earlier this year. All the old faces are still there and everyone is still sitting at the same spot as they were 7 months ago. Even my old desk was intact, except maybe for the layer of dust covering it. Gary said they’ve been advertising my old position but haven’t yet found any suitable candidates.

I offered to clean up the mess I left help them out for a few days while I’m here, which is why I haven’t been updating this site as often.
My former manager David said to me, “We’ll take you back right away if you want.”
I felt a squish inside as I replied, “I can’t…”
Considering Kuching has so much cheap and delicious food, I didn’t realize I actually miss Perth food a lot, but I did.

I’m doing this as a tribute to my favourite eateries in Perth. They may not have all the glitz and glamour or be as fancy as the exclusive restaurants around town, but they damn sure are responsible for the extra kilos I’ve piled on.

The $3.50 Chicken Rice

Back when we first arrived in Perth with very little money on us, all the restaurants around town were charging at least $7 for a steamy pile of bullshit.

At the time, the $3.00 chicken rice shop at Karawara was God sent. Nowhere else can we have a taste of home without paying ridiculous Australian prices. 8 years later, they’re still around and their prices have only increased by 50 cents.

Don’t be fooled by the innocent-looking Singaporean couple running the shop. In the morning, they work their asses off serving hungry Curtin students. At night, they put on their best suits and gamble their fortune away in the Burswood Casino VIP room.
Thai Village Garden’s Squid Pepper Rice, Karawara

Just next to the chicken rice shop in Karawara is Thai Village Garden, another student favourite. Their $7.30 squid pepper rice is simply mouth-watering. Best served with their homemade spring roll sauce.
George’s Kebabs at the Curtin Uni Tavern

Officially awarded the best kebabs in Perth for many years running and more. They are so popular that every lunchtime, the lines would all the way to the outside of the Tav. You don’t get kebabs as fat and tasty as theirs back in Malaysia.
Utopia Bubble Tea, Northbridge

They started with one shop hidden away in Northbridge but rapidly expanded to 5 stores all over Perth. $3.50 for a bubble tea may be expensive but it’s worth it. Other bubble tea outlets that offer cheaper alternatives come and go, but Utopia is still growing strong. Try their Summerlove Milk Tea with Jelly – you don’t get them anywhere else.
Kimchee House, Northbridge

I used to go to this place so often, the lady boss still recognized me though I haven’t been back for 7 months. I reckon Seoul is overrated and Arirang is only good for their BBQ. For the best Korean food in Perth, it’s gotta be Kimchee House in Chinatown, Northbridge.

I like their $6.80 Korean pancake and $9.60 seafood tofu stew.
The Moon Café, Northbridge

Perth is dead after 9pm and there aren’t a lot of cafes around that opens till late night. I used to like Fast Eddy’s, until their food takes 20 minutes to arrive. I used to think Oriel’s in Subiaco was good, until one of their waiters got permanent PMS. Then I discovered the Moon.

The best thing about Moon Café isn’t the food, but the relaxing environment it offers to people who just wanna sit back and chill out with friends. Get in there Monday/Tuesday for $9.95 pizza /pasta with wine, or Thursday night for their live jazz band.
Chilli Mussels at Conca’s

If you ever wonder why the Italians in Perth are so rich, take a look at Conca’s.
Everything in there is old: The furniture is old, the computers are old, heck – even the people serving the food are old! Yet, these grandmothers have the audacity to charge $23 for a small bowl of chilli mussels that used to cost $17 a few years back.

By any means, every single item on their menu is WAY overpriced for a run-down shop like theirs, but for some reason people kept coming back for more. It could only mean that their food isn’t just good – it’s DAMN good.

Man, I got so hungry writing this entry. Now if you’ll excuse me I’m gonna eat a koala bear now.

The Yellow Cows of Xiang Yang Market

Shanghai’s Xiang Yang Fashion Market is an interesting place of attraction worth anyone’s time.

It is a flea market very much like KL’s Petaling Street. What makes it stands out is that Xiang Yang Market is located on Huai Hai Road, an Orchard Road-like high end fashion street housing some of the most famous international brands including Rolex, Davidoff and Louis Vuitton.

Huai Hai Road – the old French Concession. In the 19th century, France took up this piece of land and build unique French architecture of their own. Today it’s nicknamed Oriental Paris and is a shopping street for rich bastards with serious cash to burn.

Over at Xiang Yang Market, pushy street vendors show total disregard of international copyright laws by shamelessly selling fake copies of their neighbours’ line of luxury goods.

I managed to find some quality stuff here at pretty good bargains. Brand names or not, you gotta admit the workmanship is top-notch and the attention to detail put into these products are impeccable. This set of decorative chopsticks could cost up to RM80 outside, and I snagged them for only RMB30 (RM14).

It’s great as gifts! Ummm… just pretend it’s really expensive if you happen to receive this set of chopsticks from me. 😉

The process of bargaining is pretty much standard.
(1) You spot the item you fancy, and you ask the vendor for the price.
(2) The vendor quote you a price, usually a figure ridiculously expensive for a counterfeit product.
(3) You mentally divide the price he gave you by 6, and suggest that price to him.
(4) He’ll then proceed to give you this face like you insulted his grandmother’s cooking. Smile as you admire his distorted facial expression.
(5) The vendor will give you 20% off his original price. This is your cue to reject him and tell him the final price you’re willing to pay.
(6) Once again he’ll kao peh kao bu and give you a lesson on cost price, selling price and the mechanics of retail. At this point, you walk away telling him you no longer want the product.
(7) Quietly count to ten and chances are, he’ll chase you down giving you the product you want at the price you suggested at (5).

Quality neckties at only RMB20 (RM10) each!
This one says Burberry on the back, but the look and feel of it is as good if not better than the RM80 Emilio Valentino ones I’ve been wearing.

Xiang Yang Market is notorious for this group of people who call themselves Huang Niu (Yellow Cow). These people usually have A-class counterfeit goods stashed away in a hidden showroom nearby – goods that look so authentic, the vendors would get into trouble if they were to put them out for sale in the open. It’s the Huang Niu‘s job to pull potential customers into these secret showrooms.
Trusting these Huang Nius is a great risk to cash-loaded tourists because SOMETIMES these people might take you to a back alley, lock you up and extort money out from you. The local police seems to recognise this problem and signboards like these can be seen everywhere in Xiang Yang Market.

Hunan NAIGHBOURHOOD tell you don’t FELLOW them liaw you still go and FELLOW them!

I went to one of their showrooms because my balls were feeling pretty huge that day. And sure enough, they have fake branded goods that look SO MUCH like the real thing not even Mr Louis Vuitton himself can tell the difference.

As a matter of fact I’m pretty sure Mr Huang himself is actually selling authentic Louis Vuitton handbags.
Why would I know?

If that’s not real you tell me what’s real.

I reckon we should all welcome to there for BISINESS!
Believe it or not, Huang Nius are not just unique to Xiang Yang Market. I was approached by no less than 8 of them whilst walking along Nan Jing Lu, all of them trying to sell me goods of a different kind – Shanghai girls.
These are the kind of people whom you should never trust when you’re out travelling. They’ll promise you Heaven and Earth, but if you follow them they’ll take you to an empty warehouse, beat you up and take all your money from you. Kinda like how suicide bombers were promised 80 virgins in Heaven if they bombed up Bali, but when they blew themselves up they ended up going to Hell watching Hitler, Uday & Qusay Hussein in bikinis.

I was taking photos on the Bund during my last night in Shanghai when I was approached by a middle-aged man offering me fair-skinned Shanghai University students working as prostitutes. I’m not interested. I knew the dangers if I were to trust him. Besides, I’m a good boy. 🙂
Instinctively, I turned the dial on my digital camera and recorded the following interesting piece of conversation.
Watch Kenny Sia being approached by a pimp. (Alternate link for IE users) (WMV format, 5MB, 2mins. In Mandarin with English subtitles.)
Huang Niu: Come have a look! You can have her for 4 hours at 250 yuan only!
Kenny Sia: HA! Are you kidding me? She should be paying ME for sleeping with her.
Damn I wish I’d said that.

Continue reading

Shanghai 2005

Pearl of the Orient. Paris of the East. The Whore of Asia.

Whatever you call her, it’s undeniable that there’s no other Chinese city that is as unique, romantic and exciting as Shanghai. She’s a victim of the Opium War, a refuge for Jews in World War 2. Communist China was born here. Countless blockbuster movies were made and Jay Chou even wrote a song about her.

Shanghai today is a fast-moving city growing at an extraordinary speed. The city skyline is characterised by futuristic highrise buildings on one side, and breathtakingly beautiful French buildings on the other.
Geographically, the city is divided by the Huangpu River into new Shanghai Pudong and old Shanghai Puxi. The large expat community here usually mispronounced them as Pudding and Pussy.

How a 1.5 hour journey became a 7 minutes – the Maglev Train, faster and cheaper than KLIA Express.

I stayed at the Renaissance Hotel in the internet cafe-deprived Pudong area. At RMB1,400 (RM680) a night, your ass gotta be made of gold to be able to afford staying at this place. Luckily my accomodation was paid for. 😉

The Renaissance hotel chain prides themselves in spicing their interior tastefully with beautiful antique decor, and their Shanghai branch is no different. Check out my Buddhist script (‘fu’) inspired quilt cover.

Waliew. With blankets like these, I sure as hell am not gonna have another nightmare EVER.

Nan Jing Dong Lu. The Orchard Rd/Jalan Bukit Bintang of Shanghai.

Shanghai girls in general are fair-skinned, petite and slender. They are all above average in the looks department and from what I can gather from those young couples canoodling publicly in parks and shopping streets, they tend to be a lot more open-minded and sexually-liberated than most.

Ummm… they were in my line of fire when I took that photo. 😉

That makes Shanghai a certified chio bu heaven. Pity their sense-of-fashion though. I swear I’ve seen more camel toes one day in Shanghai than I have my entire life.

Xin Tian Di. The Boat Quay/Jalan Sultan Ismail of Shanghai.

Still, some Shanghai girls are eager to please, or shall I say, easy to impress. At the expat-frequented pub area of Xin Tian Di, a lot of them young ones would be necking and dirty-dancing with business execs at least 2.5 times their age. Odd, I always thought age and language would form a barrier. Obviously not.

In my humble opinion, I still think Singaporean girls rank number one in the looks department, with Shanghai and South Korean girls coming in a close second. Not trying to butt-polish of course, but whatever lah. Vietnamese girls are also pretty good looking. Too bad they have the face of an angel but the voice of a crow.
I’m just ignorantly generalising of course.

Is that woman wearing her… pyjamas?!

Another thing that irks me about Shanghai is the way people drive. If you think Malaysian drivers were bad, well YOU AIN’T SEEN NOTHING YET. Shanghai drivers are BLOODY LUNATICS I tell you. This is probably the only city in the world where traffic lights are useless. To them, green means GO, orange means GO, red means honk 3 times then GO.

Nice to see Shanghai police doing their jobs.

Seriously, Shanghai drivers like to honk so much its like their hands are like permanently attached to the car honk. Every little thing they also honk.
Got cars in front, they honk. Got cars on the side, they honk. At night with absolutely no cars around, they also honk! Forget “Shang Hai Tang”, the sound of cars honking is the official soundtrack to Shanghai.
Click here to watch how Shanghainese drive. (Quicktime MOV format, 7.9MB)

That said, the abundance of excellent pubs and nightspots will keep anyone coming back for more. Imagine sipping Barcardi on the balcony with the amazing riverview of Pudong serving as the backdrop.

It’s heaven. No wonder celebrities who come to Shanghai feel at home mingling around everyday people in the pubs here. Nevermind the fact that a single glass of coke costs a crazy RMB80 (RM38) here.

Bar Rouge on the Bund. The preferred hangout place of celebrities like Faye Wong, Zhang Ziyi and *cough* Kenny Sia.

The best thing I experienced in Shanghai is probably the foot massages.

Shanghainese Foot Reflexology. Best thing to have happened to my feet since Osim iSqueez.

Take it from me. The foot massages are fucking good alright? These are authentic true blue traditional Chinese foot massages, NOT the seedy types where they start by massaging your feet and end up slowly moving their hands up to massage your bird.
From RMB70 a pop, I reckon anyone who’s planning to visit Shanghai should NEVER leave without having their foot massaged.

I don’t know her name but she introduced herself as Number 76, and she gets full marks for daring to put her hands on my forest legs.

Shanghai hasn’t been promoted most positively in movies, but I daresay it’s one of the most amazing cities on Earth.
Attitudes are changing and with the exception of rude and money-minded shop owners, most Shanghainese are friendly, courteous and willing to help. The triads, prostitution and drugs rampant in the 1930s are mostly gone.

Yummylicious Shanghainese Xiao Long Bao

What’s left is a city more romantic than Paris, more cosmopolitan than Hong Kong, and a city that blends East and West so perfectly it’s made it to my most favourite cities in the world alongside Perth and Singapore. I don’t mind living in Shanghai if I had the chance.

Yalah, I just want my foot massages lah.

Continue reading

Wrong Mary

Kenny: *press button for flight attendant*
Cute MAS Flight Attendant: “Hi, how may I help you?”
Kenny: “Yeah, can I have a Virgin Mary please? Thanks.”
Cute MAS Flight Attendant: “You want a… Virgin Mary?”
Kenny: “Yes, please.”
Cute MAS Flight Attendant: “You mean a Bloody Mary?”
Kenny: “OH! YA YA YA! BLOODY MARY! My mistake.”
Stupid difficult-to-remember cocktail names.

Travel Audioblog

Audioposts will appear here when available.

<br /> <? include(""); ?></p> </div> <!-- /.entry-content --> <footer class="entry-meta"> </footer> <!-- /.entry-meta --> </article> <!-- /#post --> <article itemscope="itemscope" itemtype="" id="post-233" class="post-233 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-life-documentary"> <header class="entry-header"> <h1 class="entry-title"> <a href="" title="Permalink to World Tour" rel="bookmark"> World Tour</a> </h1> <div class="header-meta"><span class="publish-date"><i class="far fa-calendar-alt" aria-hidden="true"></i> <a href="" title="Posted 8 October 2005 @ 1:47 am" rel="bookmark"><time class="entry-date" datetime="2005-10-08T01:47:57+08:00" itemprop="datePublished">8 October 2005</time></a></span><address class="publish-author"><i class="fas fa-pencil-alt" aria-hidden="true"></i> <span class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n" href="" title="View all posts by admin" rel="author" itemprop="author">admin</a></span></address><span class="post-categories"><a href="" rel="category tag">Life Documentary</a></span><span class="comments-link"><i class="fas fa-comment" aria-hidden="true"></i> <a href="" title="Comment on World Tour">63 Comments</a></span></div> </header> <!-- /.entry-header --> <div class="entry-content"> <p>Yea, right.<br /> <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" src="" width="400" height="300" alt="" border="0"><br /> This month is travelling month. With Project #1 and #2 firmly behind my back, I&#8217;m looking forward to getting my ass far far away from Kuching, perhaps try to max out my credit card pampering myself in the process. Kenny Sia lives by the principle <b>&#8220;WORK hard. PLAY hard. And PRAY hard hard so I can win 4D later.&#8221;</b><br /> This coming Sunday I&#8217;ll be in Kuala Lumpur. Following day I&#8217;ll travel to Shanghai, right after which I&#8217;ll be in Perth for ten days before returning to Kuching (and getting back into the routine) on the 25th. Appreciate it if Shanghai-travelling experts have any tips to share on the best places to shop/eat/party/hangout.<br /> <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" src="" width="400" height="300" alt="" border="0"><br /> Things I plan to do when I&#8217;m in KL:<br /> <b>1.</b> Gadget-shopping at Lowyat. I&#8217;m eye-ing the iPod nano. I checked, RM969 for a 2GB model. So expensive but it&#8217;s&#8230; oh&#8230; so&#8230; pretty&#8230; <i>*drools*</i><br /> <b>2.</b> Meet up with <a href="">minishorts</a> for Hokkien Char.<br /> <b>3.</b> Get my essential dose of Starbucks Lampa Frappuchino.<br /> <b>4.</b> Skydive from the top of KLCC twin towers.<br /> <b>5.</b> Try NOT to get cheated at Petaling Street.<br /> <b>6.</b> Consider accepting <a href="">Tilia&#8217;s benevolent act of kindness</a>.<br /> <b>7.</b> Go out partying with sexy bomb <a href="">LaineyLashes</a>.<br /> <b>8.</b> Return <a href="">ShaolinTiger</a> to the zoo he escaped from.<br /> But since I&#8217;ll be in town for merely 12 hours, I&#8217;m only gonna have time to attend 1, 2 and 3. Shucks.<br /> *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*<br /> <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" src="" width="400" height="300" alt="" border="0"></p> <p class="caption">Town center, Saratok.</p> <p>Saratok is a beautiful small rural town and all that, but to tell you the truth I&#8217;m SO glad to get away from it finally.<br /> It&#8217;s small, crime-free and everyone knows everyone. I especially like how Malays here speak Hokkien and Chinese speaks Iban. But there&#8217;s just something else I cannot get used to over there.<br /> <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" src="" width="400" height="300" alt="" border="0"></p> <p class="caption">Saratok sunset.</p> <p>No, it&#8217;s not the fact that there&#8217;s no entertainment after 7:30pm, it&#8217;s nothing to do with the fact that people here naming their convenience store <i>&#8216;Luxurious Restaurant&#8217;</i>. It&#8217;s those freaking insects infesting the entire bloody town!<br /> <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" src="" width="400" height="300" alt="" border="0"></p> <p class="caption">GAH! Get away from my computer you stupid big fat juicy Saratokian housefly!</p> <p>I was sleeping with ants and spiders and cockroaches even in the supposedly cleanest hotel room in Saratok. Every morning I wake up, I check my nose to ensure there&#8217;s no dead cockroach sleeping in it. It&#8217;s bad. It&#8217;s very bad. It&#8217;s BEYOND bad.<br /> Saratok has stray cats &#8211; lots of them. These cats rule the foodcourts. Every evening you&#8217;d see a family of 6-7 cats, all huddling around a table patiently waiting for the next patron to feed them scrap food. On one occasion, I saw a stray dog wandering into the foodcourt innocently, only to be bitten and chased away by the feline army.<br /> <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" src="" width="400" height="300" alt="" border="0"><br /> I was impressed. Not even Cat City Kuching has stray cats as vile and vicious as the ones they have in Saratok.<br /> I think they should change the names of the towns around here. Change Saratok into Kuching, and change Kuching into Anjing.</p> </div> <!-- /.entry-content --> <footer class="entry-meta"> </footer> <!-- /.entry-meta --> </article> <!-- /#post --> <article itemscope="itemscope" itemtype="" id="post-232" class="post-232 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-life-documentary tag-baby"> <header class="entry-header"> <h1 class="entry-title"> <a href="" title="Permalink to Pinku" rel="bookmark">Pinku</a> </h1> <div class="header-meta"><span class="publish-date"><i class="far fa-calendar-alt" aria-hidden="true"></i> <a href="" title="Posted 6 October 2005 @ 2:53 pm" rel="bookmark"><time class="entry-date" datetime="2005-10-06T14:53:45+08:00" itemprop="datePublished">6 October 2005</time></a></span><address class="publish-author"><i class="fas fa-pencil-alt" aria-hidden="true"></i> <span class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n" href="" title="View all posts by admin" rel="author" itemprop="author">admin</a></span></address><span class="post-categories"><a href="" rel="category tag">Life Documentary</a></span><span class="comments-link"><i class="fas fa-comment" aria-hidden="true"></i> <a href="" title="Comment on Pinku">69 Comments</a></span></div> </header> <!-- /.entry-header --> <div class="entry-content"> <p>Remember my baby niece <a href="">Kirsten</a>? Probably not. Here&#8217;s a pic taken of her just two hours after she&#8217;s born.<br /> <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" alt="2 hours old" src="" width="400" height="300" /></p> <p class="caption">I think she doesn&#8217;t like me taking her photo&#8230;</p> <p>She&#8217;s my favourite baby girl. I love her for her baby smell, her droopy cheeks and her sad sad face. Kirsten is nicknamed <em>Pinku </em> because when she&#8217;s born her face was all red and pinkish. My sis&#8217; mother-in-law said it&#8217;s probably because my sis planted too many tomatoes when she was pregnant with her.<br /> I haven&#8217;t seen Pinku since she returned to Perth and I can&#8217;t wait to hold her again later this month. Last I saw her she&#8217;s still cute and small like a baby pillow. I wonder how she is right now. For all I know, the little princess could be all grown up right now.<br /> <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" alt="8 months old" src="" width="375" height="500" /><br /> Some things never change.</p> </div> <!-- /.entry-content --> <footer class="entry-meta"> </footer> <!-- /.entry-meta --> </article> <!-- /#post --> <article itemscope="itemscope" itemtype="" id="post-231" class="post-231 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-my-web-app tag-agent-smith tag-matrix"> <header class="entry-header"> <h1 class="entry-title"> <a href="" title="Permalink to Agent Smith Quote Generator" rel="bookmark">Agent Smith Quote Generator</a> </h1> <div class="header-meta"><span class="publish-date"><i class="far fa-calendar-alt" aria-hidden="true"></i> <a href="" title="Posted 5 October 2005 @ 12:33 pm" rel="bookmark"><time class="entry-date" datetime="2005-10-05T12:33:44+08:00" itemprop="datePublished">5 October 2005</time></a></span><address class="publish-author"><i class="fas fa-pencil-alt" aria-hidden="true"></i> <span class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n" href="" title="View all posts by admin" rel="author" itemprop="author">admin</a></span></address><span class="post-categories"><a href="" rel="category tag">My Web App</a></span><span class="comments-link"><i class="fas fa-comment" aria-hidden="true"></i> <a href="" title="Comment on Agent Smith Quote Generator">77 Comments</a></span></div> </header> <!-- /.entry-header --> <div class="entry-content"> <p> Barely 2 days worth of R&#038;R in Kuching and I&#8217;m already back slaving myself in sleepy Saratok.</p> <p>I don&#8217;t think I can survive in Saratok. There&#8217;s virtually no entertainment around here and the only Internet Cafe I know of closes at 6:30pm. </p> <p> Meanwhile, I haven&#8217;t yet gotten over my Agent Smith obsession. Here&#8217;s an Agent Smith Quote Generator I created. Enjoy. 🙂 </p> <p> <? if(isset($_POST['line1'])) { $line1=$_POST['line1']; $line2=$_POST['line2']; print "<img src='$line1&#038;line2=$line2' width='500' height='313' />&#8220;;<br /> ?><br /> <br /> To save this image, right-click the image and select <i>&#8220;Save Image As&#8230;&#8221;</i>.<br /> <? } else { ?><br /> <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" src="" width="500" height="313" /><br /> <? } ?><br /> </p> <form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>&#8221; method=&#8221;post&#8221; name=&#8221;form1&#8243; id=&#8221;form1&#8243;><br /> <strong>And he said:<br /> <input type="text" name="line1" maxlength="22" /><br /> <br /> <input type="text" name="line2" maxlength="27"/></p> <p><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit" /><br /> </strong><br /> </form> <p><B>NOTE:</B> No quotation marks (<B>&#8216;</B> or <B>\&#8221;</B>) and ampersands (<B>&#038;</B>) allowed or else it won&#8217;t work. Use <B>&#8217;</B> for quotes instead.</p> <p><b>Last creation: </b><br /> <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" src="" width="500" height="313" /></p> <p>Please post a comment if you&#8217;re gonna use this on your site, yea?</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click here for archived image gallery</strong>!</a></p> <p>Let me know if you guys found any gem.</p> </div> <!-- /.entry-content --> <footer class="entry-meta"> </footer> <!-- /.entry-meta --> </article> <!-- /#post --> <nav class="navigation pagination" aria-label="Posts"> <h2 class="screen-reader-text">Posts navigation</h2> <div class="nav-links"><a class="prev page-numbers" href=""><i class="fas fa-angle-left" aria-hidden="true"></i> <span>Previous</span></a> <a class="page-numbers" href="">1</a> <span class="page-numbers dots">&hellip;</span> <a class="page-numbers" href="">79</a> <a class="page-numbers" href="">80</a> <span aria-current="page" class="page-numbers current">81</span> <a class="page-numbers" href="">82</a> <a 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