ADV: The Garage Sale

Because I decide it’s finally time to upgrade my computer, I’m putting up my old machine for sale now at Mudah.

For sale: Intel Pentium 4 2.8GHz computer system
Comes mounted on a 865PE motherboard, boosted with a ridiculous 3GB worth of RAM, CoolerMaster CPU fan, 80GB hard drive, 52x CD rewriter, Antec 350W power supply, Creative Audigy soundcard and a solid ATI Radeon 9600XT graphic card.
This computer system has nostalgic value towards me because it is the computer I bought with my first paycheck of my first job.

Back then, it was considered pretty high end. Though 5 years old now, it is still works perfectly fine by today’s standards.
The only reason I wanna upgrade my computer is to run the latest 3D games at full speed. But if all you play is The Sims 2, DotA and Counterstrike then this system should be more than enough for the job.
5 years ago, I put together this system for close to RM3,000.
All I’m asking for now is RM750.

For sale: Samsung 17″ LCD Monitor
3 years old. This is the same screen I stare at since the day I started blogging.

Because I’m such a clumsy donkey, I accidentally left two gashes into it on the day I decided to put it up on Mudah for sale.
Original price was RM1,000.
Now selling at RM450 RM350 because of that stupid gash left by the stupid owner.

For sale: Logitech LX300 Cordless Keyboard & Mouse Set
3 years old. I blog for long hours, so it’s important that I go for only the most comfortable keyboard and mouse set. Comes with a rechargeable cradle for the mouse.
The keyboard originally to came with a wrist pad, but it fell off one day when I got too excited watching Paris Hilton watching online videos.
Asking price: RM100.

I’m happy to sell the whole set for RM1,100, payable in cash and in person.
For practical reasons, this set of machine is only for sale to anyone in Kuching because it’s ridiculous to send a whole set of computer through the mailbox. If you wanna know more details, the specs and all are in my Mudah listing.

Anyway, I think I’ll be putting up more of my used belongings for sale over time to clear up the clutter in my room.
Mudah is fantastic. They have been quite aggressive in their online marketing lately, placing their ads all over the Internet. I’ve been checking out their website ever since they started advertising on, and now I’m hooked.

The whole thing works like a dumbed-down, simplier version of eBay.
The problem with eBay is that most sellers are located around the Klang Valley. For someone like me who lives in East Malaysia, it becomes darn impractical and expensive to buy and sell these goods online when you take into account how to deliver your products.
No one wanna pay ridiculously expensive shipping charges, wait 2 weeks for the package to arrive, only to realise that it is never gonna arrive because somehow Pos Malaysia managed to screwed up.

The listings are grouped together according which part of Malaysia the seller is at, so that the buyer can meet up with the seller to complete the transaction.
This works especially well for things that cannot be sent through the mail.
Stuff like massage chairs.

Damn that stupid cat


This Porsche ‘Boster’. Does not come with a free bolster.


Model not included


And cows.

Like, how are you gonna send a cow through the mail?

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New Laptop

Check out my new laptop.

It’s a HP Mini. This baby is smaller than a text book, slightly larger than a novel and weighs lighter than a dictionary. Compared to most normal laptops, this gadget is a midget.
For a frequent traveller like me who is always needing a laptop on the go, it is just awesome.

I love the MacBook Air, but it’s too expensive and too powerful for what I need to use it for.
I like the Asus EeePC too, but it’s too small, too weak and too cheap-ass looking for me to wanna carry it around.
The HP Mini strikes the balance. Not too fast, not too slow, not too expensive, comes with heaps of storage space, but most importantly, impresses me enough on the cool factor to wanna show it off.

It comes with all the bells and whistles including a miniscule webcam, which HP has cheekily hidden underneath the flush black surface of the inside.
That could be a good thing or a bad thing depending on how you look at it. Just be careful if you’re the kind who like to stay the same room in the same hotel all the time.

Despite being slimmer than Kate Moss on diet, the thing that immediately sold me on it was that the laptop’s keyboard is almost as big as a full-sized one. That to me is obviously very important.
Typing on the HP Mini is a joyous experience that I seldom experience with other implementations of shrunk-down keyboards.
It’s also spill-resistant, which is a good feature to have if you have the tendency to shoot liquid everytime you use your laptop.

Of course lah, the HP Mini ain’t perfect. If I really wanna nitpick, I’d say the only real complaints I have are that the trackpad is ridiculously clumsy to use, the acrylic LCD screen is annoyingly glaring, and the boot up time to Windows Vista is still a little longer than what’s comfortable.
Run too many intensive applications at once and the HP Mini slows to a tortoise crawl.

Obviously, this is a low-powered laptop. Everytime the HP Mini lags, I was brought back to the reality that it was never meant to function like a normal full-featured laptop.
But hey, if all you need to do is surf the web, browse for photos and update your blog, then those are small concerns to most people. It is still an excellent unit for people like me who need a midget laptop easy enough to carry around, without paying the price tag of a full-powered machine.

Don’t ask why I’m dressed like Harry Potter

The HP Mini is just one month old and is still in such phenomenal demand that it triggered a worldwide shortage. The first batch arrived in Malaysia last week, and was almost for its launch.
Lucky for me, I happen to be one of the few to own one right now.

And I’m happily lugging it with me over my week-long Gawai break to Bali. ๐Ÿ™‚
To all’s Iban readers, gayu-guru gerai-nyamai.

How I Learned To Drive

I don’t normally do this on my blog.

But this time round, because it involves Charmayne Chung, Davina Goh and fellow CLEO Bachelor Johann Lim, who are among the nicest people in KL, I decide to make an exception. ๐Ÿ˜‰
How I Learned To Drive is a story about a young girl who learned how to drive from her uncle, but in the process developed an unhealthy sexual incestous relationship with him.
This theatre production was produced in New York and has been awarded the Pulitzer prize among many others. For the first time, The Oral Stage production company is adapting the script and producing it for the Malaysian audiences.

How I Learned To Drive is showing at The Actor’s Studio at BSC from now till Sunday 8th June. Ticket prices are RM33 adults or RM22 concession.
Kids are not allowed because this show is For Mature Audiences only.

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The ‘Eat A Chip Like Kenny Sia’ Contest

ERROR: No name indicated.

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echo “

ERROR: No phone number indicated.

} elseif($_POST[’email’]==””){
echo “

ERROR: No e-mail address indicated.

} elseif($_POST[‘ic’]==””){
echo “

ERROR: No IC number indicated.

} elseif($_FILES[$fieldname][‘error’] > 0) {
echo “

ERROR: File upload error. Either file size too large, or no file attached.

} elseif(@is_uploaded_file($_FILES[$fieldname][‘tmp_name’])== FALSE) { //check error condition of this line
echo “

ERROR: Not a HTTP upload.

} elseif(@getimagesize($_FILES[$fieldname][‘tmp_name’]) == FALSE) {
echo “

ERROR: Only image uploads are allowed.

} else { //no errors
// make a unique filename for the uploaded file and check it is
// not taken… if it is keep trying until we find a vacant one
$now = time();
$username = @substr($_POST[’email’], 0, @strpos($_POST[’email’], ‘@’));
$Filename = $now.’-‘.$username.’-‘.$_FILES[$fieldname][‘name’];
while(file_exists($uploadFilename = $uploadsDirectory.$Filename))
// now let’s move the file to its final and allocate it with the new filename
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// If you got this far, everything has worked and the file has been successfully saved.
// We are now going to redirect the client to the success page.
echo “

SUCCESS: Your entry has been submitted!

$to = “”;
$from = $_POST[‘name’] . ” <" . $_POST['email'] . "> “;
$subject = $_POST[‘name’] . ” — ” . $Filename;
//define the headers we want passed. Note that they are separated with \r\n
$headers = “From: ” . $from;
$message = “Name: ” . $_POST[‘name’] . “\n”;
$message .= “IC: ” . $_POST[‘ic’] . “\n”;
$message .= “Number: ” . $_POST[‘number’] . “\n”;
$message .= “IP: ” . $ip . “\n”;
$message .= “E-mail: ” . $_POST[’email’] . “\n”;
$message .= “Malaysian: ” . $_POST[‘malaysian’] . “\n”;
$message .= “Caption: ” . $_POST[‘message’] . “\n”;
$message .= “File:” . $Filename . “\n”;
//send the email
$mail_sent = @mail( $to, $subject, $message, $headers );
} // no errors
} else { // if submit button is not pressed, then….

The Mister Potato TV ad I’ve been waiting for has finally gone to air.

To celebrate my glorious three seconds worth of appearance on national TV acting like a giant oversized dolphin, Mister Potato is giving away a chance for one lucky reader and a friend to win and all-expense paid trip to Bangkok.

But this ain’t your typical boring free trip giveaway.

Because on top of a trip for two to Bangkok, there’s also a special bonus added to this prize package.

You see, we are not gonna just put you on an airplane, jet you out and throw you into some dingy hotel in some God forsaken corner of Bangkok for 4 days. To fully savour the best of South-East Asia’s mecca of shopping, spa, food, culture and nightlife, you’re gonna need someone knowledgable to show you around Bangkok.

Which is why we have arranged for tour guide to not only accompany you on this fantastic journey, your tour guide will personally ensure that you do have a whale of a time there as well.

Alas, you can’t just have any tour guide. You need a tour guide that knows Bangkok intimately. So intimate, that he’d probably soaked himself for 3 hours in Bangkok river before just to tell you how it felt like.

That tour guide is of course none other than…


Yes, apparently Kenny Sia has turned into a contest prize.

If you win this contest, you and a friend could win a trip to Bangkok. And I, the poo-water-swimming potato-chip-eating dolphin will be there to act as your personal tour guide.

Best of all, this trip is all expense paid thanks to Mister Potato. And heck, we’ll even give you some pocket money for shopping at Chatuchak Weekend Market.

In total, this prize package is worth RM5,000. And with me as your guide, I promise you it will be one holiday unlike any other.

How do you win this prize?

All you gotta do is upload a picture imitating me eating a Mister Potato chip like this.

This contest is open exclusively to readers.

Your photo doesn’t necessarily have to be yourself eating the Mister Potato chip. It could be a human, an animal or an inanimate object. It doesn’t matter. If you could con your 5-year-old nephew into doing this, even better.

The most important thing is that your photo has to be creative and funny.

The Mister Potato packaging must clearly be visible, and you must upload the photo using the form below or e-mail it to me at before 11:59pm on the 8 June 15 June.

Of course, you must agree to terms and conditions, judges decisions are final and all the legal bla-bla-blas apply.

Hey, the City of Angels awaits the winner. ๐Ÿ˜‰

The ‘Eat A Chip Like Kenny Sia’ Contest

IC Number:
Tick if Malaysian:
Photo (less than 1MB please):

Terms and Conditions:

  • This contest closes exactly at 11:59pm on the 8 June 2008 15 June 2008.

  • If you upload your photo even one second late, you’re screwed.

  • This contest is open to all Malaysians residing in Malaysia only.

  • If you are a Malaysian living overseas, you’re screwed.

  • The prize is for a trip for two to Bangkok, Thailand for 4 days 3 nights only with Kenny Sia as the personal tour guide, bodyguard, photographer, and friend.

  • The contest winners must agree to have their photos and their trip published on

  • By taking part in this contest, you agree to transfer the rights of your photo to Mister Potato

  • The budget for the prize package is a maximum of RM5,000.

  • If there any leftovers in the budget after accounting for all the essentials, the winners will be given those leftovers as shopping money.

  • Please note that Kenny Sia will not be carrying your shopping bags at Chatuchak Market.

  • Winners will be chosen based on how creative and or the submission is.

  • Both myself and a representative of Mister Potato will be the judge for this contest. Our decisions are final.

  • The winner will personally be notified by me, and I shall make all travel arrangements with the winner to decide a schedule most suitable to all of us.

  • All photos uploaded might be used on

  • Why are you reading these fine print anyway? No one bothers with it most of the time.

  • There’s really nothing important for you to read here.

  • Wow, you must be really bored huh?

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My New Boom-Boom Car Sound System

A couple of people have requested that I write something the latest car audio that I purchased.

I was actually kinda reluctant to blog about my car audio. The reason for that is that I know when compared to others, mine is really nothing to brag about.
I don’t understand why people are so interested in my car audio really.
Somehow, guys always like to get together and compare the size of their equipment. Somemore they always like to ask each other about how big their woofer is.

So people keep on comparing and upgrading.
Hust when you thought you’re walking around with the biggest woofer in town, someone else comes along with a woofer twice your size.

That’s one reason why I didn’t really wanna blog about it. Another reason is, I don’t really like cars.
I know.
Shock. Surprise. Guys by nature SHOULD love cars. Heck, there are even guys out there who love their cars more than they love their women.
I don’t know if anyone noticed, but usually the more a man loves his car, the bigger his car’s back hole is.

That’s definitely a source of concern.
I don’t like cars and I don’t know know a lot about cars. In fact, I’m really quite noob when it comes to cars and car audio systems. If I blog about how much I spent on my car audio, someone like Paul Tan is probably gonna come along and say “OMGWTFBBQ! YOU GOT PWNED. N00B! LOL!”

At the same time, I’m very happy about my purchase.
Guys blowing a big sum of hard-earned cash on boys toys is the same as girls spending money buying new underwear for themselves. Whenever we get a new toy, we get a rush of happiness and self-satisfaction going through us that closely approximates orgasm.
Not only that, part of us feel like sharing the orgasm with everyone else.
So here is my orgasm.

My brand new Alpine CDA 9887 head unit.
I’ve never used Alpine before this because they are usually ridiculously expensive. But I do know they’re good because they supply to the likes of Mercedes-Benz and Aston Martin.
The Pioneer unit I used before this was good too, but compared to this one it’s crap.

Having a detachable faceplate is one security feature I demand for any head unit that I buy.
I learnt it the hard way after having my car window smashed, dashboard ripped open and head unit stolen.

The Alpine unit I bought comes packaged with an external bluetooth device. The bluetooth factor was what attracted me the most because I listen to a lot of music and podcasts from my mobile phone.
The bluetooth thingy also doubles up as a handsfree kit so I can answer my phonecalls while I’m driving. There’s a cute little microphone that I mounted behind my steering wheel.

All up I paid around US$525 (or RM1,680) for those two online. When I picked up my package from the post office, I was also asked to donate RM90 to Malaysian Customs.
Paying RM1,770 for a head unit is probably a little excessive, but yeah I’m crazy like that.

This is the VSL monoblock amp which I bought locally for RM900.
An idiot like me have no idea anything about amps. All I know is that the bigger it is, the better. And this is the biggest amp they had that falls within my budget.

This 12″ woofer from Pioneer was the final piece of upgrade I bought for my car. This baby is capable of handling up to 1200W, but costs me RM400 for the privilege of having my whole car shake when I play some big bass music.
The guy at the garage also charged me another RM150 for wiring, enclosure and installation. Fair enough, since he did quite a good job at it.
At least now, I got one tricked-up car audio system and a subwoofer strong enough to blow panties off.

I especially love it when I put on some hip-hop music and turn the volume right up. It’s like I got the whole Zouk happening in my car, and everyone is invited. The audio quality is the simply best I have experienced, and I haven’t even finished tuning it yet.
The delivery was so crisp and clear, it sounded as if Mariah Carey was in my car singing next to me.
It makes me really happy. But it also makes me so sad because everytime she sings Touch My Body, I turn around and she’s not there for me to answer her invitation. ๐Ÿ™

All together I paid RM3,200 for my new toy.
Die lah confirm I’ll be eating grass for the next three months.

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The Making Of Mister Potato’s ‘Fish’

It was something I could never have expected when the brand manager of Mister Potato called me up.

Mister Potato: “Would you like to make a cameo appearance in our latest TV commercial?”
Kenny Sia: “What! Me? You sure? It sounds fun, but… I dunno how to act leh!”
Mister Potato: “Don’t worry about it, it’s just a cameo. Besides, there will be there people telling you what to do.”
Kenny Sia: “Does that mean I have to fly to KL?”
Mister Potato: “No, the shooting will be done in Bangkok!”
And with that I found myself in Bangkok, Thailand for this once in a lifetime opportunity to appear in an ad for Mister Potato.

Okay. I know I am not an actor, I have never acted before and I have zero clue on how the whole thing works.
I was confused, but at the same time honoured that Mister Potato actually has enough faith to handpick me to make an appearance in their TV commercial. Not only that, they flew me all the way to Bangkok to do the shoot!
Not like there’s not enough qualified actors in Thailand. But when such a big corporation like Mister Potato is willing to bend over backwards for me, of course I feel compelled to do a good job for them.

Question is, why of all places, Bangkok?
Well, if there is one thing I know the Thais are good at making (apart from spicy Tom Yum soup), it’s their rib-tickling pants-droppingly hilarious TV commercials.
The best thing is, I didn’t even know until I arrived on set that I would be working with not just one of the best production houses in Thailand, but throughout the whole of Asia as well.

Phenomena is the TV commercial production house responsible for a lot of those funny Thai commercials that you see circulating around the Youtube.
They are really well-known in the advertising industry, and even produced the most awarded TV commercial director in the world. In fact, they have won so many awards, they were even given an award for winning too many awards!

Fake Kenny doesn’t look like actual Kenny

I’ve never done any of these before.
Because I couldn’t attend any of the casting and fitting sessions before the shoot, Phenomena went through quite a bit of trouble for me.
We communicated a lot through e-mail, and when I found out they basically used this random guy to model for the photos for my wardrobe, I LOLed.
Can see from his face that he looked quite tulan lah, as if saying, “Nabeh this Kenny Sia didn’t come early to Bangkok. Made me to the dirty job for you only.”
Sorry, dude!

Then there’s this other thing about the casting process that really tickled my funny bones as well.
Before I flew to Bangkok, I was requested to fill out this casting form.
The FIRST question they asked, immediately after I filled out my name and age, was this:

What!? What kinda question is that?
To me, that was almost like the equivalent of going up to a girl, asking “Hi, what is your name?”
“Now can I see your boobs please?”

I was really excited about doing my first TV commercial. Having slept only just a few hours the night before, I arrived on location bright and early at an ungodly hour of 6 in the morning.
Filming was done in a quaint park located some distance away from central Bangkok. When I arrived, two huge semi-trailers were already parked by the roadside and a team of about 30 workers was busy carrying stuff, clearing rubbish and setting up props to prepare for the shoot.

I was simply astounded by the level of preparation for this shoot and attention to detail for everything. It was pretty impressive. They got props for every little thing I could think of, and virtually every other thing no one could’ve thought of.
They were so attentive that they even prepared English-language signboards to cover up the original Thai ones in the background just in case, and even mini-trampolines so we could jump higher than what we’re capable of.

Actors are treated very well by the production team.
This is the food area, where the crew has very considerately prepared meals and drinks for us.
There’s also a makeshift laundry and clothing line to hang our wet clothes.

We all need to become fitting potatoes in our lives sometimes

I was promptly introduced to the wardrobe department, who already had my outfit ready.
In my opinion, the wardrobe department was the coolest department of the production team. The casting manager was this nice auntie who knew exactly what look she wanted out of me.
All I was asked to do was change into the T-shirt and pants they provided, and then just stand still on the spot while three people simultaneously worked on my hair, my accessories and my clothing.
In no time, I was transformed from Kenny Sia to “Guy In Boat” in the Mister Potato Commercial.

Practicing my facial expressions

If you guys had watched the video, you’d know that the ad was actually pretty short. In fact, it was only half a minute long.
How long does it take to shoot a 30 second long video clip? Certainly not one whole day, I presume!
30 seconds isn’t very long and by right, the filming process should finish pretty quickly. At least, that was what I hoped so I could bugger off and enjoy a 3-hour-long Thai spa session.

Despite it being only a 30-second-long TV commercial, in reality we had to shoot multiple scenes because the director wanted to have a wide selection of different footage at his disposal for editing later.
Some scenes even had to be repeated over and over again to achieve the best take. Even if one person accidentally made an error, the ENTIRE scene had to be resetted and then we had to do it all over again.
The whole shooting process was long, gruelling and tiring. For those of us as extras, there’s a lot of idling and waiting in between scenes, which was something I’m not used to since I’ve always been a workaholic doing many things at once.
On the good side, I had some free time to get to know my other cast members better.

Girl on park bench

The Thais are really fantastic people. Almost all of them took the effort to chat up to me eventhough we know we’re gonna have trouble communicating fluently. They asked me about Kuching, and some even wondered if I were some kinda movie star back home because I was specially flown in from Malaysia.
To that, I laughed and laughed and laughed until my left tit fall off.

For once, it was actually pretty refreshing to speak to the local Thais without them trying to sell me souvenirs/give me massage/ride their tuk-tuk.

Girl in boat

This is Yue Hwa. She is my “girlfriend” who I shared a bed boat with in the commercial.
In real life, Yue Hwa is a 19-year-old student whose exotic looks comes from her Italian and Thai parentage. She was the only person I spoke to in fluent Mandarin, which she claimed to have picked up herself after subjecting herself to Mando-pop songs by Fish Leong.

The first scene that Yue Hwa and I had to do was also our most difficult.
What we’re supposed to do is, on the director’s cue, shout out loudly, jump as high as we can from our boat into the river, and then swim as fast as we can towards the bridge.
“Swim like you are a crazy person!” said the director.
Sounds simple? Not quite.
I already made a mistake on my first try.
I was so excited that instead of LEAPING from the boat, I lost my balance and TRIPPED myself into river like a fat elephant.

It was the most awkward-looking jump I had ever done, and the wobbly little boat didn’t make things better.
Obviously I ruined their footage. And obviously I couldn’t do another take right away because I was already drenched in filthy river water.
So how?

The crew helped me out from the murky river and proceeded to blow me dry all over using a HAIRDRYER.
I barely even had time to catch my breath because 10 minutes later, I was put back on the boat and to do a second take.
Then another accident happened.

The director told me to act like a mad man.
But I got into “the zone” so much that as soon as the director yelled “Action!”, I threw away my paddle so hard that the damn thing flew and hit the head of the crew member behind me.

It must be the most excruciating pain ever and he complained to me about it.
Luckily for me, the guy was ok about the incident. Accidents do happen, especially when you’re dealing a noob actor with no prior acting experience.
Some other actor however, wasn’t as fortunate.

Among our cast, there’s this damn impressive stuntwoman whose role it was to run past the main character, jump off from the bridge onto this floating barge that’s supposed to cushion her fall.

Unlike me, Miss Stuntwoman is by no means a noob in acting. She has worked as a theatre actress before on the set of Wild Wild West in A’Famosa Resort, where she had to jump down from buildings and perform other death-defying stunts.
But somehow when Miss Stuntwoman leaped from the bridge onto the barge, she landed awkwardly and sprained her ankle bad.

The girl was in so much pain she had to be sent to the hospital immediately. At that point, I thought we might have to call off the shooting since we’re down by one cast member and there wasn’t anyone to replace her.
By right, the last thing anyone in her situation would think about is to finish the ad.

But instead of heeding doctor’s advice to stay at home and take a break, Miss Stuntwoman limped back to our filming location, bandaged ankles and all.
That, my friend, didn’t just take guts.
It takes BALLS.

The final portion of the ad was when we had to soak ourselves in river water. Ironically, it was the most unpleasant and yet my favourite part of the shoot.
There was this scene where we all had to poke our heads out from the murky river water, and then open our mouths wide and show our greedy faces.
Try as we may, this was how pathetic we all looked when we did what we did.

We were asked to hold our facial expressions for as long as we could.
But then our jaws got tired from opening so wide for so long, and we ended up looking a bit stupid like this.

Now, being immersed for three whole hours inside stench-filled disgusting river water wasn’t exactly my idea of fun.
We joked around and tried to take our minds off the odour. The production crew was also nice enough to pass us bottles of ice cold water during every break.

Somehow I couldn’t help but to laugh at myself at the irony of my situation.
While everyone else goes to Thailand to soak themselves for 3 hours in traditional Thai spas, I actually went to Thailand to soak myself for 3 hours inside filthy the river of Bangkok.

As we splashed around, I must have lost count on the number of times I inadvertently swallowed those dirty river water. And let me tell ya, it sure didn’t taste good.
All I could think about at that point in time was a glass of ice cold beer, and two cans of my favourite Tomato-Flavoured Mister Potato chips.

Still, we made the most out of the situation and even went on to shoot multiple endings for the TV commercial. Some of those alternate endings we shot were really quirky and funny, and if we’re lucky, Mister Potato could release those versions online.
After doing many different takes of me jumping from the boat, blowdrying myself, dipping in the dirty river and splashing around like a mad man, at long last the director shouted “Cut!” for the final time and called it a wrap.

There was jubilance in the air as we high-fived each other and congratulated everyone over the hard work we all put in.
Shooting this 30 second TV commercial took close to 12 hours. We arrived at sunrise and finished just before sunset. Honestly, I never felt more relieved to get a job done.

This was only my first acting experience and already I gotta say, I’m developing a whole new level of appreciation for professional actors and actresses.
It’s a 30 second long TV commercial. And of that entire 30 seconds, I only appeared on screen for less than 3 seconds.
And yet, it took some 12 hours and a whole production team just to get that 30 seconds perfect.

No doubt, swimming and drinking brown-coloured river water wasn’t exactly pleasant.
Still, I had fun. LOTS of fun. ๐Ÿ™‚
I am always up for trying something new and this is exactly the kind of thrill I seek for. And I love it.
Thanks to Mister Potato, not only did I get a rare opportunity to work with the best production house, I actually learnt something new. If I’m not mistaken, I might be the first Malaysian blogger to score a part in a TV commercial.

It’s simply surreal watching myself on screen in a TV commercial that I am so proud to be part of. I can’t wait for the ad to officially go to air across all the TV channels in Malaysia next week.
Mister Potato is indeed one of my favourite snacks since primary school, and never in a million years would I imagine that I would see myself their TV commercial years later.
If given another chance, I’m sure as heck that I’m gonna do it all over again. ๐Ÿ˜‰
One thing though.

After we all exited from the dirty river, we were directed to have a well-deserved hot shower in the public toilets nearby.
But then something hit my mind.
A public toilet in a park, located next to a murky river? Why do I get such a weird feeling that something might be wrong with this arrangement.
True enough, I walked to the back of the toilets and then I spotted this water pipe.
It’s a pipe that flows directly from toilets…

… right into the murky brown river.
Yes. For the whole 3 hours, I was actually soaking myself inside filthy used toilet water.
But yeah, it was all worth it. ๐Ÿ˜›


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Pulau Tioman + Good company + 4 days of doing absolutely nothing = A very, very, very relaxed Kenny.

Tioman is every bit of an island holiday that I imagined it to be.
Powdery white sand.
Swaying coconut trees.
Turquoise blue waters.

For such a popular holiday destination, Pulau Tioman is ridiculously difficult to get to. From the Johor airport, it’s a 2 hour long taxi ride (RM160) directly to Mersing jetty, then it’s another 2 hour long ferry ride (RM35) before we arrived at our final destination – the backpacker’s paradise of Kampung Salang.

The reality of travelling with two girlie girls sunk in when during our taxi ride, Joyce somehow miraculously managed to convince us to take a detour to Toys ‘R Us, where I was miraculously coerced into buying this multi-coloured spinner toy.

It was the gayest thing in the history of gay that I have ever spent my money on. But Kenny Sia is a team playah so I bought it anyways.
No, there’s absolutely no chance in hell I’m gonna post a photo of myself playing with my gay multi-coloured spinner toy.

After years of not knowing what cartoon nickname to give me on her blog, Joyce finally nicknamed me “Doraemon”.
Not just because I am round in shape, but because I was carrying more luggage than Mary and Joyce combined.
Not my fault k? I had to bring along all my diving and trekking gear! All those two had to carry were tubs of beachwear and bikinis.

Bliss is lying on a hammock as the cool breeze gently rocks me to sleep.

At Kampung Salang, our phones were safely out of reception and eventhough there is internet connection, it was slower than dial-up.
It’s a good thing I suppose, because it forced me to take my mind off things for a while.

Mary is brilliant.
She managed to book ourselves a decent 4D3N package at Salang Sayang Resort at a dirt-cheap price of just RM140 per person in total. Not bad, considering it’s long weekend when we were there.
The resort isn’t anything fancy but it sure has a lot of character.
Placed neatly on the reception desk, is a box of limited edition Abdullah Ahmad Badawi branded tissue papers.

Seeing our Prime Minister’s face on a tissue box looked kinda funny actually.
Some may argue that his face should be better printed on tissue paper itself and not on the box. Others would suggest that the tissue box should be for toilet use instead.
But of course, that’s a different story for another time.

Beach babes sunbathing in their pretty bikinis are a common sight at our hotel beachfront.

Almost just as common (but justifiably less attractive), are monitor lizards as big as crocodiles.
Occasionally you can spot some animals doing weird things in Tioman.

Such as this cat giving himself a blowjob in full view of the public.
For Mary, Joyce and myself, our activities in Tioman can pretty much be summarised as follows.

In the morning, we dive/swim/snorkel/lie on the beach and do nothing.

When the sun goes down, we head out to Four-S Cafe, the one and only bar in Kampung Salang to drink, chit chat and be merry.

Although, if your name is JoyceTheFairy, you can continue drinking Tiger Beer for breakfast whilst the rest of us mere mortals just drink Teh Ais.

Our excursion to the nearby Coral Island was the favourite part of our trip eventhough everything that could go wrong seem to go wrong.
First, our speedboat ride from Tioman to Coral Island was so hard and bumpy that by the end of our 30-minute journey, my ass developed MUSCLES.

Secondly, after we arrived at beautiful Coral Island, we realised the boatman had forgotten, of all things, our snorkelling gear!

What a waste, considering how breathtakingly gorgeous Coral Island is.
Luckily, all is not lost because of the great company that we have.

Emilio, Denis and Costantinos are three travellers we met during our diving trip and hit off immediately.

As soon as the last of tour boats left, the six of us virtually had the whole beach to ourselves and we made the best of what we have by snapping hundreds of happy pictures by the beach.

JoyceTheFairy posing for Tourism Malaysia.

Lady Mary posing for Colgate Malaysia.

Emilio posing for Baywatch Malaysia.

Kenny Sia posing for People-Who-Like-To-Pretend-They-Are-Sharks, Malaysia.

Dunno what exactly, but there’s something inexplicably funny about this photo.

Happiest photo of Joyce playing with the spinner on the beach.

Diving in Tioman was quite a disappointment and not as pretty as many of us had expected.
There were so much dead corals surrounding the island that the place was almost like one big friggin graveyard for corals. I don’t know, maybe I was spoiled by the virginity of the underwater world in New Zealand, but I didn’t pay RM90 per dive just to see dead corals.

At least we still saw plenty of colourful tropical fish.

Funny-looking rock formations.

And giant clams that resembled some kinda gross vagina.

All in all, what a great holiday for the long weekend before heading back to the office.

Can’t wait for my next hedonistic island holiday.

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