Kuching Cat Museum

The Kuching Cat Museum is located inside the bizzare-looking UFO-shaped DBKU building in North Kuching.

Most people pass by this building on their way to Santubong without bothering to drop by. It’s quite unfortunate, because cat lovers would find this place a very interesting tourist attraction.
Besides, how could anyone not love pussies? 😉

The entrance to the cat museum is a gigantic fugly cat.
To enter, you literally walk in through the cat’s mouth.

Inside the cat musuem, there are many different kinds of cat.
Hungry cat.

Serious cat.

Horny cats.

Cow cat.

Occasionally, you might even see a Kenny Cat.

Inside the cat museum, there is also an exhibition of a cat’s grave.

A grave for a pet cat.
Awww… That would have been a very sad and sombre affair.
If it weren’t for the description on the grave stone.

The pussy is called Dick!

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Malaysia To Export TV Shows to South Korea

This was in the news not too long ago.

Apparently, some station in Korea wanted to import our local TV shows to their country.
The information minister is very happy because he hoped Malaysia can do to Korea what Winter Sonata did to Malaysia.

Now, I’m all for exporting Malaysian-made content to the world. I think we have pretty creative people in the entertainment industry and I’m sure we’d be able to come up with something that Koreans would like.
Besides, how difficult is it to write a storyline to cater for Korean tastes anyway?
All you need to do is make sure someone cries every 5 minutes.

The hardest part, I think, is finding the type of actors that Koreans would enjoy watching.
We all know that Koreans are very used to their male actors looking like sissy girls and their female actresses looking like ghosts. Finding suitable actors for the job in Malaysia is definitely not gonna be easy.
Surely, it is not gonna work if our version of Winter Sonata looks like this.

Unless we wanna give them horror shows lah.

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How People ‘Eat A Chip like Kenny Sia’

I am constantly amazed by the creativity of kennysia.com readers.

A few months ago, I found myself eating potato chips, soaking in toilet waste-infused river water, filming for a TV commercial that was to be on broadcasted on television screens across Malaysia. It was the first time ever a company has engaged a Malaysian blogger to appear in their TV ad, and I am super honoured to be part of that.
Now, as cliche as it may sound, kennysia.com is nothing without the readers.
Which is why to celebrate my 3 seconds of fame on TV, I pitched an idea to Mister Potato for a very special online contest to reward you, my readers.

Three weeks ago, I put the call out to my kennysia.com readers to take part in the ‘Eat A Chip Like Kenny Sia’ contest. The grand prize was:
(1) A holiday for two to Bangkok
(2) Me as your personal tour guide
(3) A generous amount of shopping money
(4) An everlasting friendship with Kenny Sia
Yes, this is a contest like no other, because this one has my friendship on the booty as the big prize.
To take part in the contest, all that needs to be done is to take a photo of yourself imitating my part in the TV ad.

The contest has ended and the response was jaw-droppingly overwhelming.
I was expecting just a simple “jump and bite” picture.
Something like this.

Instead, what I got in my inbox was utter shock and horror. 😉 The extent that people go to abuse someone just to win themselves a free trip to Bangkok is just ridiculous.
First there was Rachel Liew’s sister abuse.

Save petrol, use Mister Potato

Then there was Tee Kean Lam‘s baby abuse.

Jesselyn Lam brought out her tortoise to her backyard to abuse.

Her tortoise bears an uncanny resemblance to Kenny

Loh Chan Wai carved out a potato, stick some eyes onto it and abuse.

And JC Veaghen took out her Spongebob plush toy to abuse.

Then there were many good ones who took the slightly more “unconventional” approach.
Susan Low‘s baby girl is too cute not to post up.

Fiona Lim thought Mister Potato was a Mexican singer and dressed up as one

Pirated version of Mister Potato

Douglas Lim got caught with his “Kenny Sia” expression when he violated the fundamental rule of cleanliness in his science laboratory.

Joshua Chng gave his boy Mister Potato chips as motivation to do sit-ups.

Rachel Beh made good use of her double-taping skills to create this Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon Kung Fu chip moment.

Then there’s one who thought all I wanted was a hot chick as my travel companion.
Instead of sending me a photo of her eating Mister Potato, she sent me a photo of herself posing like this.

Trust me, I was very tempted to just put her through as the winner.
There were many very good entries, and I had a difficult time short-listing those few for the sponsor.

Tong Ching Yee’s “Spud Lovers”

I’m sure the head honchos at Mister Potato knew the stakes was high. They probably sat down in one of their top level board meetings (along with their Mexican-looking moustached mascot), examining every single photo, until they eventually chose one person as the winner.
Any the winner is…

Joshua Chng with his Mister Potato motivational sit up photo!
Congratulations! Joshua will now get to bring a friend to travel with me on an all-expense paid trip to Bangkok, Thailand!
For all the short-listed entries of the ‘Eat A Chip Like Kenny Sia’ contest, go to the Mister Potato website and click on Mister Potato Goodies

WY Leong’s Pac Chip

As much as I appreciate the contribution of all readers, unfortunately there is room for only one winner.
There were many who went through extreme lengths taking part in this contest but didn’t managed get anything.
Like Yee Bing, who decided to eat the chip from…

…somebody’s feet.
Sorry you didn’t win.

free web hit

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Rainforest World Mud Festival

I hate to be honest.

Pinkpau was not happy

But the Rainforest World Music Festival was a sore disappointment this year.
I didn’t mind that the ticket price has gone up from RM60 two years ago to RM90 this year. The major problem everyone had was that the venue was awfully muddy due to heavy rainfall on the first day.

It’s difficult to get into the mood when your ankles were immersed in four inches of soggy wet mud. The organisers tried alleviating the problem by covering the surface with wooden saw crumbs, to no avail.
Then there’s the problem of hooligans.

I’m all for partying hard and going crazy at events such as these, but terrorising other revellers by throwing mud at them is definitely NOT cool.
It didn’t help that the mud has a disgusting stench that smells like a yoghurt mixture of vomit, sweat and somebody’s severe case of diarrhoea.

That being said, the music on display was once again quality stuff. I especially enjoyed the skilful percussion acts from India and Japan.
Those ethnic musical instruments are all very unique.
And then there’s this guy from Congo.

“Do you want to play with my instrument?”

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kennysia.com Kuching Food Awards 2008 Winners

Ten categories, seven days and two inches added to my waistline later, it’s time to announce the winners for the 2008 kennysia.com Kuching Food Awards.

Here, kennysia.com stands up and takes his hat off to the best of the best local fare. These awards applaud not just to the obvious, but also to those quietly making a difference. And of course, I encourage everyone to try the good food listed here.
For visitors to Kuching, not to worry. The location of all the winners are noted on my handy Google Maps application.

10. Best Fine Dining

Winner: The Steakhouse, Hilton Hotel Kuching.
If you want to dine at The Steakhouse, be sure to bring along your wallet, an arm, a leg and your first-born child.
Because that’s about how much you’ll be expecting to pay for a meal over there.

Dare I say though, it was absolutely worth it. Fine-dining is never meant to be a cheap affair.

I dined at The Steakhouse once only on Chinese New Year’s Eve. It’s a special occassion so we all thought about splurging a little bit.
It was such a fantastic meal, my mouth waters just thinking about it. We had Yee Sang (raw salmon and jelly fish) served in cocktail glasses, chicken consomme in a Chinese teapot, garoupa grilled to perfection and beautifully presented.
In terms of visual presentation, it’s 10/10. In terms of taste, it’s another 10/10.

Unfortunately, mathematics tells us 10×10 = 100, and I got the shock of my life when the bill comes up to RM100 per person.
Having dined at most of the other finer restaurants around Kuching, I have no doubt in saying that The Steakhouse beats all competition with its boot firmly impaled up their arses.

9. Best Casual Dining

Winner: Chef At Home, Lorong Taman Hui Sing 5/6.
For first-timers, it is not easy to find the place because there aren’t any visible signboards outside the house.
Chef At Home is located inside a residential house where the car porch and garden are conveniently converted into an alfresco dining area. It’s nice and romantic.
Very cozy, and it doesn’t cost a bomb.

What I like about this place is its range of delectable grills. Their steaks are juicy and their chicken chop are so tender it literally melts in your mouth. You can never go wrong with the meat here.
They have quite a sense of humour when it comes to naming their mocktails.

This one is called Malaysian Sunrise. Orange juice with grenadine syrup topped up with 7-Up.

And this mixture of chocolate milk with sprite is called Michael Jackson.
Why? Because it’s black and white.

8. Best Food Court

Winner: Hui Sing Hawker Centre, Lorong Taman Hui Sing 3.
Just across the road from the winner of Best Casual Dining is the winner for Best Food Court in Kuching.

Click on map for details on location

Hui Sing Hawker Centre is in my books, one of the best local eats in Kuching.
Sure, it is not as big as the triple-combo Jalan Song food courts, nor as flash as the brand new Food Avenue in 4th Mile that offers retractable rooftop, projector TV and free WiFi. But what Hui Sing Hawker Centre lacks for in size, it more than make up for in quality.

It is here that the delicious White Lady was created, alongside other famous icy delights such as ABC and Matterhorn. These creations are not easily found outside of Kuching, and they are absolutely delightful especially with the hot and humid weather over here.

Other dish worth trying in this excellent food court are the pork satays, the fried taugeh noodles with clams, the tomato kueh teow, the sotong kangkung and the curry chicken rice.

7. Best Nightspot

Click for map

Winner: Mojo, Jalan Abell.
While we’re still waiting for Zouk and Ministry of Sound to set up a proper nightclub in Kuching (won’t happen at least for the next 10 years), Kuching people are still partying their weekends away in pubs.

Mojo deserves a big thumbs up for introducing something a bit different to the locals.
While Soho gets heavily crowded and overrun by wannabes on weekends, Mojo manages to do their part to keep their customers happy. It is not Velvet Underground of KL, but it’s close enough.
Funky DJs, plush couches, a proper dance floor and a memorable theme party last Halloween made Mojo officially the coolest place to hang out in Kuching.

I’m sure after winning this award, more people will be coming in to further crowd the place.
What the Teng brothers need to do next is install more freakin’ airconds!

6. Best Place To Have Breakfast

Winner: Choon Hui Cafe, Jalan Ban Hock.
This legendary establishment has been feeding hungry Kuchingnites for many years.

Click on map for details on location

Located close to town, right next to Grand Continental Hotel, Choon Hui is as authentic as it can get to a old-fashioned Kuching Chinese-style coffee shop. It is open during breakfast hours only, starting business very early in the morning and finishes around 11am.

This is what my typical breakfast at Choon Hui looks like. A bowl of laksa, a roll of popiah, kaya butter toast and a glass of iced coffee served in a Guinness Extra Stout beer mug. You may also order kolo mee, chicken porridge or soft-boiled eggs here.

The laksa here is very popular among the locals. In terms of visual presentation I give it a 10/10, though taste-wise it is not the best in Kuching.
The popiah served here, on the other hand, is nothing short of perfect. I love how they wrap the vege and crushed peanut so perfectly, it never falls out of place when you take a bite.

Make sure you dip it in the sweet sauce. It is mouthwateringly awesome.
Even with the mushrooming of newer and trendier kopitiams all around Kuching, Choon Hui has shown no signs of losing its loyal base of customers. Not only is the quality of food here consistent, the people running the shop are all genuinely warm and friendly.
Not matter how busy they are, they will smile, joke and make small talks with you even if you’re just a total stranger. This is authentic Kuching hospitality at its best.

And the best part is? You don’t have to pay 10% service charge for it.

5. Best Beverage

Winner: Honey Sea Coconut, Ching Chang Drink Stall at Song Kheng Hai Food Court.
I love this drink. It’s a cool and refreshing concoction of honey and sea coconut, and Ching Chang Drink Stall serves the best version of this drink.
The uncle manning this popular stall is also very lame.

Order a drink at this stall. If your order comes up to RM1.50, he will come up to you and say, “RM1,500 please!”
And he does that EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

4. Best Chicken Rice

Winner: Hainan Street Restaurant, RH Plaza.
Hainan Street Restaurant used to operate an outlet along the same stretch of shophouses at Chicking Eating House at Jalan Petanak.

Click on map for details on location

My office is located around the area so I often eat at both places.
It’s the same everytime. Chicking will be filled up like crazy and Hainan Street will be dead quiet even during the busiest lunch hour. I have no idea why.
My tastebuds tell me the chicken at Hainan Street is more oily, more juicy, more tender and more chock full of flavour of the two.

Hainan Street is no longer operating their outlet in Jalan Petanak, but their nice air-conditioned outlet at RH Plaza in BDC is still doing comfortably well.

3. Best Tomato Kueh Teow

Winner: Ah Kau Fried Kueh Tiaw/Noodles, Expert Food Court Jalan Song.
This is one of my all-time favourite Kuching dish.

Click on map for details on location

From the picture, it may not look like much. But trust me on this, it tastes better than it looks. A lot better,
Many establishments in Kuching serve tomato kueh teow, but none do it as good as this one does. Very rarely will you find one where the tomato-based gravy is cooked and fried to the right amount of flavour. You can literally taste the bite of the tomato on your tongue.

Not a lot of people come here for the tomato kueh teow. Actually, if I didn’t stumble across this place myself, I wouldn’t even know it is capable of serving such a fabulous dish.
Ah Kau Fried Kueh Tiaw/Noodles is located in the busy Jalan Song food courts and opens for lunch and dinner only.

2. Best Sarawak Laksa

Winner: Golden Arch Garden Laksa, Golden Arch Shopping Mall.
The Golden Arch “Shopping Mall” (to use the words loosely) is a dump.

Click on map for details on location

It is never a “shopping mall” because there’s absolutely nothing for you to “shop” over here.

There are only two places worth going to in this “shopping mall”. First, is Planet Karaoke Pub.
The other is Golden Arch Garden Laksa for breakfast, serving possibly the juiciest prawn-iest laksa in the whole of Kuching.

The laksa served here skimped on a few basic ingredients (eg eggs, coriander). But every laksa lover knows that the secret of the flavour lies in the gravy.
At Golden Arch Garden Laksa, the spiciness of the laksa has the right amount of “oomph”. Not too mild until you couldn’t taste anything.

But not too overwhelming until a pair of hands reaches out from the bowl, grabs you by the collar and gives you a tight punch in the face.

1. Best Kolo Mee

Winner: Min Joo Cafe, corner of Carpenter St and Bishopgate.
Let me teach you how to order the best tasting kolo mee you could possibly find in Kuching at Min Joo Cafe.

Click on map for details on location

When you rock up at the coffee shop on the corner of Carpenter Street and Bishopgate, 99% of the time this old and rundown establishment will be packed with customers filled to brim. So if you wanna taste good food, you have no choice but to stand on the side waiting for your turn.

So you stand there and wait. And wait.
And wait some more.

30 minutes later, a customer leaves and you sit down at his place, sharing the table with two other strangers. A loud and feisty uncle yells at you, “It’s like that over here. Everyone sits with everyone!”
And then you continue waiting. And wait.
You wait, because there’s nobody coming to take your order!

So another 30 minutes later, the loud feisty uncle comes by and take your order.
You already know what you want. There is only one dish here that kept all the customers come back for more. It’s their signature kolo mee with mixed pork soup.
So you made your order with the uncle. And guess what?
You continue to wait! Very very patiently wait.

15 minutes later, your order finally arrives. It’s a bowl of kolo mee with nothing but fried shallots on top.
A moment afterwards, a bowl of soup with all the spare parts of the pork arrives.
One spoonful later, you immediately understand why us locals keep going back to that unhygenic Grade C hole to wait another one hour plus in that stupid queue.

Hungry yet?

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Doing Karen Cheng

This is a story about Karen Cheng.

Karen Cheng is a Perth mother of two who runs a popular blog at karencheng.com.au.
Karen has a typical mummy blog where she shares snippets of her life, covering topics such as women’s lifestyle, parenting and fashion.

Karen Cheng also has a very peculiar habit.
Whenever Karen is dressed up nice, she will go in front of a large mirror, whip out her digital camera, snap a photo of herself in the mirror, and then upload it onto her blog.

99% of the time, her camera will be fully visible, her eyes glancing downwards towards her camera, and her head tilted slightly to the left as she does that.
She does this so often, her readers even have a name for it.

They dub it… “The Karen Cheng pose”.

One day, Karen received an email from one of her readers.
The reader told her that they were going out for dinner when spotted this large mirror. Since they were all dressed up nice, they decided to take a photo of themselves doing “The Karen Cheng Pose”.

SariPartyGirl doing the Karen Cheng pose

A few days later, she received a similar e-mail from another reader. And then another. And another.
Without even realising, Karen has stumbled across a winning formula.
Girls + Nice Dress + Self-Photography = Big Internet Hit.

Before you know it, a Facebook group was created, 1,104 people joined, 664 people posted photos of themselves doing “The Karen Cheng Pose”, TVs, newspapers and magazines go crazy over it, and a full-blown internet phenomenom has well and truly taken off.

Karen was on holiday in Singapore last weekend with her husband to celebrate her 30th birthday.
Since she has many Singaporean readers, Karen came up with this a crazy idea to combine camwhoring with charity.

Her plan is to get everyone together at one place, do the “Karen Cheng” pose with THE Karen Cheng in front of a mirror, and get each person to donate SGD$10 towards the Singapore Red Cross.
Coincidentally, I was also in Singapore during the same time to attend my high school friend’s wedding, so after some e-mailing each other, I decided to pop into her private function when I was in town.

Waddya know?
Being a mostly girls event, there were babes.

Doing the Karen Cheng with Karen Cheng

More babes.

Doing the Karen Cheng with Sher and Huiwen

And even a dog.

Everyone was dressed up really nice to the point that it was like we’re doing a fashion show.
The best part is? I was one of the very few guys there.
So this is what we do.

I was the luckiest man on Earth for 15 seconds.

Fun and games aside, Karen’s little gathering did end up going to a good cause.
It was just a short two-hour thing, but over 100 people turned up for the event and raised in excess of SGD$2,000 (RM4,600) for Singapore Red Cross.

So this is a story of a 30-year-old mother of two from Perth, who loves fashion and camwhoring so much that she unwittingly started an internet trend, brought together many people, and ended up doing something very good for charity.

And the reason I’m writing about this?
Well, with so much drama and crap going on in blogging lately, I think we all deserve a little happy story. 🙂

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A Shot At Scolari

The fever has barely died down weeks after Spain became Euro 2008 champion, and already football fans have something to look forward to.

One of the biggest clubs in the English Premier League, Chelsea Football Club is coming to Malaysia.
All the stars: Michael Ballack, Ashley Cole, Joe Cole, John Terry, newly-signed Deco are all likely to coming to Shah Alam Stadium as part of their pre-season Asian tour.
And here’s the kicker (no pun intended).
ProEvents, the company responsible for bringing Chelsea to Malaysia is asking me to speak to all-time legendary football manager and Chelsea’s new coach, Luiz Felipe Scolari.

My phone interview with Big Phil is scheduled to be on the 21st July, when he brings The Blues to Guangzhou, China to play against the Chinese national team.
This to me, is an opportunity of a lifetime. It is not gonna be easy interviewing the legend who has been in football for so long, and done so much, including bringing Brazil the World Cup. How am I gonna start the interview?
Which is why I am putting the call out there to all kennysia.com readers.

Please help me interview the Chelsea coach Felipe Scolari.
Leave me a comment with your questions. On the 21st July, when I get my chance to talk to Felipe Scolari. I’ll ask the question on your behalf.
As a token of my appreciation, 12 of you who asked the best questions will be rewarded with two match tickets to watch Chelsea vs Malaysia at the Shah Alam Stadium on the 29th July.

So here’s your chance to ask Scolari everything that you ever wanted to know about him, football, or the EPL in general. You can ask him anything you want.
Which player does Scolari wanna recruit the most?
Why do football coaches do that funny dance everytime their player made a mistake?
And why do football players always run away so fast after they scored a goal?
Is it because when they SCORE, they must LARI? Is that why his name is also SCOLARI?

Please help me interview Scolari. You ask the questions, I’ll pass it on and I’ll give you some free match tickets.
Go on, the floor is yours!

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Ten Reasons Why Najib vs Anwar Is Like Dawn Yang vs Xiaxue

By now, everyone should be aware of the highly entertaining fued between Singapore’s queens of controversies Dawn Yang and Xiaxue.

Everyone should also be aware of the dramatic battle of one upmanship between our future prime minister Najib Razak, and our other future prime minister Anwar Ibrahim.

I’m not sure if I’m the only person who notices this. But… don’t you think the fight between Najib Razak and Anwar Ibrahim is so similar to the fight between Dawn Yang and Xiaxue?
Here, let me explain.
Najib = Dawn Yang
Anwar = Xiaxue

What? You mean you haven’t noticed?
As glaringly different as these people may be, they actually have a lot more in common than we give them credit for.
Let’s look at the long list of similarities of these two “almost equally high profile” bitchfights, shall we?

Xiaxue Vs Dawn Yang Anwar Vs Najib
Xiaxue and Dawn Yang are two big time bloggers in Singapore. Anwar and Najib are two big time politicians, both of whom are deputy prime ministers predicted to become Malaysia’s future Prime Minister.
Dawn Yang has a hate site, authored by Dawn Wayang. Najib also has a hate site, authored by Raja Petra.
Xiaxue accused Dawn Yang of lying about plastic surgery. Anwar accused Najib of playing a role in the Altantuya murder case.
Dawn Yang vehemently denied allegations of plastic surgery. Najib vehemently denied having ever met Altantuya.
Xiaxue insists on calling Dawn Yang a liar. Anwar insists on calling Najib a liar.
Dawn Yang used her manager Noel to make Xiaxue shut up. Najib used Saiful (or more accurately, Saiful’s ass) to make Anwar shut up.
Xiaxue refused to shut up. Anwar refused to shut up.
Instead, Xiaxue used the increased publicity to introduce to everyone…
Mr R!
Instead, Anwar used the increased publicity to introduce to everyone…
Mr Balasubramaniam!
It was then that an explosive bombshell was dropped. It was then that an explosive bombshell was dropped.
Shock! Horror! Dawn Yang went to Bali on Valentine’s Day with Mr R! Shock! Horror! Our deputy prime minister likes anal sex!

Now don’t you agree they are just soooo similar?

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Nomination For kennysia.com Kuching Food Awards 2008

A year ago, I wrote a entry titled the kennysia.com Kuching Food Awards.

It was meant to be a list of what I personally think are the best food around Kuching, Sarawak.
In the end, it turned into a topic of wild debate and controversy. Although there are many visitors to Kuching who found that list useful to find good food here, there are also many Sarawakians who hated me with vengeance because I erroneously left out a lot of good recommendations on my list.

See? Even Nicholas Teo agrees

The kennysia.com Kuching Food Awards honours the best-tasting food you’ll ever lay your tastebuds on in Cat City.
But it was last updated one and a half years ago. Since then many new eateries have popped up all over the place.
Good places go bad, bad places go bust, and big ass franchise chains from KL have taken over the casual-dining scene in Kuching by storm.

Yet, even with the unforgiving assault of the Starbucks, the Secret Recipes, the Sushi Kings and the Kenny Rogers over the past 18 months, I believe there’s still a place for good ol’ cheap hawker food in the unpretentious side of Kuching.

Carrying a RM3,000 LV bag to queue up for half an hour just to eat a RM4 bowl of noodle. Only in Kuching.

So here’s the thing.
I am a proud Kuching boy, and I stand by my belief that my hometown has the BEST hawker food scene in the whole of Malaysia. (Sorry Penang and Ipoh, its our time to shine.)
In two weeks time, Pussytown will be inundated with thousands of visitors from all over the world descending here for the Rainforest World Music Festival.
I’d love to have everyone enjoy themselves at the music fest, but I also want everyone to go home at least 2kg heavier after sampling all the good hawker food in my hometown.

Forget The Miele Guide. It is worthless. They have included Tokyo, Hong Kong and Singapore, but tragically it does not even include a single Kuching eatery on their list.
That’s the reason why I’m compiling a fresh new list of the kennysia.com Kuching Food Awards for 2008, and I’m seeking help from everyone in Kuching to nominate their favourite outlets to include in the list.

Over the next one week, I’ll go on a food-tasting mission all over the city. Right before the visitors come down for Rainforest, I shall reveal which eatery is worthy enough to be on the prestigious winners list of the kennysia.com Kuching Food Awards.
I’ll be the judge with a few friends, and I’ll be as impartial as possible. Therefore any attempts to bribe with food, cash, hot chicks or otherwise will not be entertained.
Ok lah, maybe I’ll accept the hot chicks.

Here are the categories up for nomination.

1. Best Kolo Mee

Past winners: KY Cafe, Sekama Road; and Ah Ping Mee Stall, Siang Siang Foodcourt Tabuan Jaya

2. Best Sarawak Laksa

Past winners: Madam Tang’s, Petanak Road; and Chong Choon Cafe, Abell Road.

3. Best Tomato Kueh Teow

Past winner: Hap Hap Hin, Kenyalang Market.

4. Best Chicken Rice

Past winner: Good Thumb Food Centre, Dogan Road.

5. Best Beverage

Past winner: Teh C Special, Fresh Food Court 7th Mile; Iced Milo Dinosaur, Mambo King at Travilion which has since closed down.

6. Best Place To Have Breakfast

Past winner: Kaya & Toast, several outlets throughout town.

7. Best Nightspot

Past winners: Links, Kuching Civic Centre; and BarZing, Travilion.

8. Best Food Court

Past winner: Jalan Song food courts

9. Best Casual Dining

No past winners, but basically casual-dining places are one step above hawker food centres, one class below fine-dining. Prices are usually around RM15 per meal.
Sushi King, Bella Italia, Chicago 7 and so on would fall under this category.

10. Best Fine Dining

No true fine-dining exists in Kuching, so let’s just assume this refers to the type of restaurant you’ll bring your partner to on a romantic Valentine’s date. Prices in this category of restaurants are usually more than RM20 per meal.
Past winners: Bla Bla Bla, Jalan Tabuan; Magenta, Jalan Nanas.

So, who should be on my list this year? Nominate by leaving a comment.
Winners shall be revealed next week!

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The Best Tax Advice Ever

Like a typical Malaysian, I submitted my income tax forms on the very last day of the deadline.

In total, I have to pay several hundred ringgit in taxes to LHDN, so now the government can use my money to build more SMART tunnels.
My income situation didn’t use to be that complicated, so prevously I got someone else to do it for me. This year is the first year I had to submit my tax declaration as a business owner. And I also took a shot at filling out my tax forms completely on my own.

It’s not easy, mind you. It’s almost like we’re expected have a degree in taxation to be able to fill out these tax forms.
As if it was not daunting enough that a first timer like me had to understand all the different tax laws, LHDN had to make my life more difficult by publishing the forms in BAHASA MALAYSIA.
Being new to this, I was obviously blown away by the various jargons and ended up as confused as a thirsty baby in a tittie bar.
Every few minutes, I have to stop and search for answers online.
It was during one of my searches that I suddenly stumbled upon this gem on Yahoo Answers.

That my friend, the BEST advice ever given.

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