Life should never revolve around the blog.
The blog should always revolve around your life.
Otherwise, how else would I be able to travel and explore the world on a bicycle, blog about my adventure and be nominated as a finalist for Best Travel Blog and Best Micro Blog in the 2011 Nuffnang Asia-Pacific Blog Awards?
Thank you to whoever nominated me loh. I know I am not worthy, ‘cos like… I don’t update as frequently as I used to. ‘cos if I do, then I think I don’t have to sleep anymore liaw. May as well quit my business and apply for job as Zombies2U Sdn Bhd.
I’m not sure who the other finalists are, but please be sure to check them out and vote for the most deserving winner at
If you think I deserve it, then vote me lah. If not, then vote others lah!
Voting closes 27 November 2011, which coincidentally… is my 29th Birthday.
So… you know lah, HINT HINT.
Ok la… yo birthday present. U got a vote from me… LOL!
Looking forward to see the result of the award… hopefully not the same old people who gotten the award for years.
Good luck & all the best!
Hi Kenny,
Glad for you. Yes, you are right, blog should revolve around life. We are can see that you are more mature in terms of thinking and things that you wrote nowadays. Shame on those “Haters”, I really wonder why they need to leave sarcastic notes on your comments. If they don’t like your blog, just leave it, nobody want to retain them. Why spending time read the blog and leave those negative messages, so childish, LOL. Anyway, continue to love your life and treat people well.
You getting married?
Congrats for the nomination Kenny. As your birthday present you got the vote from me.
all the best again~
Regards, (A Growing Teenager Diary) ..
love your travel posts!
sure vote for u la. no worries la. win edi. reward us la! haha!
Congrats, Kenny. I voted for you for both categories for Best Travel Blog and Best Micro Blog.
but you dont blog as much anymore. give the ‘fresher’ blog a chance in the scene…
i’m suprised how you are nominated when you only update once in a blue moon. Do you really deserve the nomination? I don’t think so..
maybe if it was 3-4 years ago, i’ll probably said you deserve it.
I guess its unfair for the other people out there who has a real passion for this field.
how to vote when u hardly blog. I miss those old days I read ur funny posts years ago, now joker is busy with new gf & gym.
ohai. i just wanted to say that honestly from the person who used to think you’re very mainstream HAHAHA, the quality of your entries have improved a lot since you started blogging less frequently and since you started the gym.
so what if you blog less? how does that make you less deserving? does quantity count more than quality now? why should you give up to a ‘fresher’ blog if you’re just better?
rubbish lo all these naysayers. the award is based on votes anyway so it’s the public and the readers who will speak.
i voted for you!!!
reflect on yourself mate! no need to suck up to somebody.
vote for least deserving blog!!!!
boot licker. or as i like to said, as$ kisser hahahaha.
no doubt i am a big fan of your blog. Enjoyed your witty posts, catchy pictures. I would have voted for you those days.
Ever since you started your gym, your blog deteriorated, quality is poor and i dont see you catching readers attention. You want the vote, make an effort at least(not one blog a month). Nothing is free in this world kenny. There are more deserving blogger out there, better viewership and more entertaining.
Kenny quote ‘life should never revolve around the blog’. In fact nomination should never revolve a non-deserving blog. Don’t expect people to bootlick you.
Kenny I am utterly surprised you are even nominated. Even bigger shame is your guts to ask for votes. When you first started blogging, fair enough good post, frequent updates. I feel embarrassed on your behalf! You can see from the number of supporters you have.
Kenny you lost your touch in blogging already la. Don’t even try and convince your reader to vote for your lackluster blog. Thick face Kenny shame on you begging your reader. We can all see the number of posts you have in a month. To be honest, your blog lack both quality and quantity. I voted for ytravel as they showed more enthusiasm in blogging.
I agreed with Hillz. Shame on you when you’re asking for votes.
Didn’t I write in my blog entry that if you don’t like my blog, just go ahead and vote for others who were nominated?
The purpose of this blog awards is to bring out the hidden gems by other bloggers you never knew existed. The purpose of me writing this blog entry is to pass the baton.
I don’t care about winning. I won before.
If it were not for me asking you to vote, you would not even know who the other nominees are.
Can’t you see what I am doing?
if your intention was to pass the baton? How sincere did you sound from your blog at the end? (quote it’s my 29th birthday ,So… you know lah, HINT HINT.)
Oh come on haters.why da fuck did you all bother to read his blog then. Dont waste your time reading for goodness sake.Post your “encouraging” comments elsewhere.