Spotted this at New Urban Male in Singapore.
I can understand why girls wanna wear push-up bras. All men look at women’s breasts.
Push-up bras is a scam to trick innocent men into believing that airport runways are actually a set of twin peaks. That is understandable, because a lot of girls feel insecure about their bodies and still wanna look attractive.
But this is just ridiculous.
If I’m so desperate to make myself look artificially bigger in the downstairs department, I don’t have to resort to buying some overpriced underwear imported from the US.
I’ll just tape a freaking banana down my pants.
Besides, it’s cheaper and better that way.
At least I ever get hungry during the day, food is immediately available.
I’ve been travelling so much lately, I just turned down a free all-expense paid trip to Thailand.
Tell me I’m not crazy.