Malaysia To Export TV Shows to South Korea

This was in the news not too long ago.

Apparently, some station in Korea wanted to import our local TV shows to their country.
The information minister is very happy because he hoped Malaysia can do to Korea what Winter Sonata did to Malaysia.

Now, I’m all for exporting Malaysian-made content to the world. I think we have pretty creative people in the entertainment industry and I’m sure we’d be able to come up with something that Koreans would like.
Besides, how difficult is it to write a storyline to cater for Korean tastes anyway?
All you need to do is make sure someone cries every 5 minutes.

The hardest part, I think, is finding the type of actors that Koreans would enjoy watching.
We all know that Koreans are very used to their male actors looking like sissy girls and their female actresses looking like ghosts. Finding suitable actors for the job in Malaysia is definitely not gonna be easy.
Surely, it is not gonna work if our version of Winter Sonata looks like this.

Unless we wanna give them horror shows lah.

Blog Plug of the Day: AnonymousCelebrity, the blog of a supposed Hollywood A-list celebrity, IS BACK.
You can suspend disbelief, or you can take what she wrote with a big grain of salt. All I can say is, this time round, she’s dropped a very big hint on her supposed identity.
Can you guess who she is?

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