Bumped into my ex at Starbucks last night.
It was weird, really weird, seeing her with her new guy.
Not that I didn’t expect her to move on of course. I mean, eventually we all move on. But what I didn’t expect is that she managed to do so so quickly. Like, less than two months after we broke up.
I guess that goes to show what an easily forgettable person I am.
The surprising thing is that I wasn’t as bitter as I thought I might be. At least I didn’t storm out of Starbucks in tears crying to my mommy.
We I had our good times and I am content to let those two years we spent together be nothing but memories. Since there is a better man who can take care her the way I couldn’t, I guess I should feel happy.
There’s another reason why I am not feeling bitter – I too, have begun seeing someone new as of late.
I am still in the process of getting to know her. She is Japanese, so I know we have our differences. But the good thing is that we are seeing each other a lot. In fact, over the Chinese New Year break, we spent almost every single day and night in the company of each other.
Her name is Soni.
Full name Soni Playstation Three.
Oh yes.
There is nothing I desire more than coming home every night and lay together with her on the couch, hands on her shoulders, feeling her shake and quiver as I touch all the right buttons.
I love you my Soni.
The best thing about not having a girlfriend, is that there’s now plenty of time for video games.
Bloody hell. It’s been raining so much in Kuching, it’s like we’re living in a freaking AQUARIUM!