Chinese New Year Windfall

Looks like the Year of the Cow has started off pretty good for me.


Visited five houses today, gambled in two of them and raked in RM320 profit. That’s not bad, considering I had been losing hundreds continuously in my previous attempts at playing blackjack during Chinese New Year.

Maybe I should be thanking the Cow God (the Holy Cow?) for smiling so bright upon me. But being a superstitious Chinese, I gotta say thank you to something else instead.


So thank you, my new good luck red underwear!

*hops into a taxi*
Kenny: Uncle, take me to Zouk please.
Uncle: Ok ok!
*20 minutes later*
Kenny: Eh where the hell you bringing me to? *covers crotch cautiously*
Uncle: Zoo! You want to go zoo, betul?
Kenny: WTF? I said Zouk. Not Zoo!

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