Speaking of Maggi, there’s this pretty interesting contest running on their website right now.
Contestants are shooting videos of themselves showing why they are Maggi Mee’s biggest fans. The videos with the most votes go to the judges, and the first prize winner gets RM5,000 cold-hard cash. Last I checked, there’s only four other videos submitted so far. How difficult could it be to win the money, right?
Go and send your own videos in while you can. It’s like YouTube, with money. While you’re there, check out the others as well. Some of them are kinda cute.
This is my Maggi Mee moment. What is yours?
Open Challenge To Penang Bloggers
I am issuing an open challenge to all bloggers based in Penang.
Someone once said to me that Penang has the best food in the whole of Malaysia. As a true red, black and yellow Sarawakian, I beg to differ.
I think Kuching has the best food in the whole of Malaysia. That is my opinion. Yes, it is a lil controversial but I’m sticking to to my guns and those Penangites living on that little island to the west can prove me wrong. 😛
A while back, I revealed my choices for what I think are the best of the best you will find in Kuching. These are food that us locals here crave for. They are so good, Kuching people here have no hesitation travelling 7 miles out of town just to get to that coffee shop to drink that authentic cup of Teh-C-Special.
So, I wanna know your Penang equivalent. I wanna see your version of the Penang Food Awards. The challenge to all you Penang khia is this.
Where can I find the BEST OF THE BEST Penang food?
I’m talking about your best Assam Laksa. I’m talking about your best Penang Char Kueh Teow. I’m talking about your best Nasi Kandar. Preferably complete with pictures and maybe some directions on how to get there.
You can post your choices for our very own Penang Food Awards and whore your blog links in my comment section as much as you want. Closing date is one week from now. I’ll look through all your recommendations and the one with the best guide to Penang food wins.
I can’t do much in terms of prizes though. Unless the Penang Tourism Board can cough up something, the winning blogger will get a Blog Plug of the Day from me and a one month text link on kennysia.com. Hey, it’s better than nothing.
Of course lah, there is an ulterior motive behind this. 😉
See, I’m flying off to Penang the coming Saturday. Joo Nee, one of the finalists in reality TV show Nescafe Kickstart Season 3 has decided to fly me down to make an appearance at the opening launch party of her dance studio Let’s Dance!
What Captain Jack Sparrow would look like if he were a female.
If you wanna say hi and lend your support to Penang’s own dancing diva, we’ll be there 8pm – 12midnight, Saturday 10th February on Level 28, Northam Tower A. Be sure to register through their website as places are limited.
OMG! That’s how I look like in 2002. hehehe
This won’t be my first time to Penang. I’ve been to Batu Ferringhi and Kek Lok Si temple before, so I’m not interested in tourist attractions like those. After the opening launch party, I’m gonna make full use of my time in Penang to sample the legendary range of Penang food, and perhaps check out the nightlife there a little. Some suggestions from the locals would be nice.
So Penang people here’s your chance. I’ve shown you what Kuching has, so now it’s your turn to show me what you’ve got. 🙂
I was recently introduced to this intriguing blog of a Yoga Instructor from KL.
“Hmm… did I step on dog poo? Lemme check”
It was all fun and games going through photos after photos of her bending her body in directions opposite of what God intended it to be. That is, until I came across this photo.
Is she made out of rubber or what?
The only time I would find that move useful is if I was in Thailand, and I want to say hello to someone behind me.
Yeah, that’d be fun.
Tribute to the mrbrown show’s Zhng My Car Series
Long time readers of kennysia.com would know that I’m a big fan of the mrbrown show podcasts, especially their highly entertaining Zhng My Car sketch series.
If you haven’t yet already done so, feel free subscribe to their podcasts and see how this dynamic duo single-handedly popularised the word ‘zhng’ in Malaysian and Singaporean blogospheres. The boys have always been terribly welcoming everytime I step foot into Singapore, which is why I think it’s appropriate to show my appreciation in the form of a song.
To the tune of the Black Eyed Peas’ My Hump, this song is titled My Car and features such familiar vocals by mr brown, Mr Miyagi and Little Miss Drinkalot.
Of Cheese and Penguins
Alright, this is gonna be one of those what-I-had-for-lunch kinda post. Feel free to ignore if you wanna.
One of the best things about having a blog is that it does a lot of good to your stagnant social life.
Moving back to Malaysia from Perth after 8 years was a big turning point for me, because that meant losing a lot of friends and networks that I’ve built up over the years. But ever since I got readers coming to this site, I’ve been meeting new people from all over the place non-stop. And I love every moment of it.
Jasiminne the Penguin is one of the more interesting ones I met recently. At just 19, this quirky graphic design student is showing a lot of talent in photography and photo-editting. You gotta be impressed with some of her creative artwork.
Cheesie is another one. When I first mentioned her in my entry about The Stellars , she didn’t take the avalanche of insults too well and ended up feeling distraught for several days.
Who’d have thought just 30 days later, a lot of positives came out as a consequence of that entry. I shan’t divulge too much. Suffice to say, Kenny Sia here indirectly played the role of a matchmaker and *cough* found her a special someone after being featured on kennysia.com. How cool is that?
So anyway, I was in KL over the weekend and made plans to meet up with the two girls. Couldn’t get hold of Cheesie initially because she had more important things to do like attending a play.
Starbucks Espresso Tiramisu cake = 4/10.
Jasiminne and I had Starbucks and Haagen Dazs at KLCC. Camwhored a bit. It’s damn difficult to control myself everytime I meet up with a hot chick ok. It’s even worse when mildly suggestive sexual connotations are all over the place.
We had this phallic-looking bowl of ice-cream from Haagen Dazs.
And discovered there’s this new menu item called the Melon Milkshake. Seriously, wtf?
“Hi, can I have some of your Melon Milkshake please?”
We’re waiting for Cheesie but she didn’t pick up our calls.
Jasiminne’s pal Leonard was nice enough to pick us up from KLCC after work and ferry us around. We stopped by the KLPac (performing arts centre), which is a absolutely gorgeous. It’s tucked inside a park hidden away from the hustle and bustle of central KL.
Then it’s down to more camwhoring.
SEPET 3: One Chinese boy. One Chinese girl. One wardrobe malfunction.
It wasn’t until much much later that evening that Cheesie FINALLY called us. By then we’d already left for dinner at The Curve. Today’s entry started out as a Blog Plug of the Day in my Short Talk, but turns out that this one deserves an entry on it’s own. It’s love season again! Malaysians and Singaporeans are forever arguing. La la, la la la… The good people at KLue magazine have been very nice to me lately. Download: the mrbrown show Podcast: “Causeway to Kuching” (MP3, 7.2MB, 20m48s) Writeboard – the online collaborative software used to prepare for the mrbrown show podcasts. Surprisingly, very little work went on behind preparing for the show. Comedy skits like the Zhng My Car series require a bit more work though. For Zhng My Car, Brown and Miyagi would collaborate over Writeboard, where the gist of the script took shape and they can review it individually at work or at home without meeting up face-to-face.
The Stellars
See, today’s Blog Plug of the Day is not a blog, but the Friendster profiles of four Paris Hilton-worshipping KL socialites. Their pages have been going around via word of mouth on MSN for a while now, and I simply HAD to share it with you guys or I’ll be failing my honourable duty as a webmaster.
Honestly, I do not know what to make of them.
These girls are so outrageously narcissistic, it’s RIDICULOUS to the point of being HILARIOUS. Just look at their profiles, and repeat after me. “Holy shit! Are they FOR REAL!?”
Check it out. They are Malaysia’s VERY OWN Pussycat Dolls. Introducing… “Babybelle” Cheesilicious! “Tiara” Jasmine! “Jewelstar” Melissa! And “Princess” Melyssa!
Give it up for The Stellars!
“Fashion is my passion and shopping is my talent.” Word!
Man, I don’t know what’s so special about them but I’m a fan already. Where do I sign up for their Louis Vuitton Handbag Trust Fund?
Japan has Harajuku Girls. Malaysia has The Stellars. High fashion never looked so good and I LOVE ‘EM!
I reckon all girls should aspire to be a Stellar. Didn’t somebody used to say that there’s nothing sexier than a woman’s confidence?
Don’t cha wish your girlfriend was hot like she? 😉
Girls I’d Date Based On Their Online Personalities
About a year ago, Finicky Feline wrote an amusing entry listing the guys she’d hypothetically date based on their online personalities. I thought it was pretty cute (partially because I was on it. hehe)
It’s always been very difficult and time-consuming to know someone new online. You spend a lot of time chatting and e-mailing to find out about that person. With blogs these days, things are sped up a lil bit. You can usually get a pretty good idea what a person is like from their blog before you even meet up with him/her.
In the lead up to Valentine’s Day, I thought I’d put up a list of chicks I’d date solely based on their online personalities. Looks sorta count. Habits and real life personas don’t. I’m judging them based only on how they present themselves online and nothing more.
Oh, and I better emphasise that we’re only talking about a HYPOTHETICAL situation here. 😉 I’m absolutely not trying to go after any of them. So to the boyfriends of the girls below, you can put away your sticks and parangs now. Don’t bash me up hor.
Girls I’d date, in no particular order.
Linda Chia
This girl is all class from head to toe, but Linda is more than just a pretty face.
I’ve seen so many guys mistook her for an idiotic slut, and then I watch them get shredded to smithereens by dear Linda without her even breaking a sweat. It shows that she’s tough and independent enough to defend herselves, and all the small obstacles in life mean shit to her. Too many girls are bitching and whining about every damn thing from boyfriends to Hello Kitties these days, Kick-ass chicks like Linda Chia is rare gem. Low maintenance also. Nice.
Finicky Feline
She has it all. The brains, the wit, a stable career in engineering. I read about how she tried quitting smoking, how she’s picking up Mandarin, how she dealt with breakups. Unlike many others, this girl is not vain, not narcissistic and definitely not a bimbo. In fact, FF has already achieved and experienced much more than anyone her age could imagine. She is just full of inspiration and determination, and I reckon she should be the role model for all young emo girls out there.
What I like is that she writes really well and puts up awfully truthful entries on boys, girls, and boy-girl relationships. Although she can be a lil intimidating at first, the moment of truth came when I rang her up during my last trip to Singapore. She was already fast asleep so when she picked up the phone, all I could hear was the most erotic bedroom voice on the other end.
For a while there I thought I was calling 1900-GirlsChat.
Nabeh, she just put up a post saying she won’t date Saggitarians! 🙁
The real question is, who doesn’t want to date her? FireAngel is sassy, she’s pretty, and she’s absolutely downright hilarious. I like that. If you’re not convinced, check out her homemade video here (not the one like Paris Hilton lah, you dirty-minded bastards!)
FireAngelism is not just a blog. It’s an attitude. No no no, it’s a RELIGION. And I’m a follower. So don’t even think of putting up stupid cartoons of her or I’ll burn down your blog.
There’s actually a lot more lah, but I’ll just put up these three ‘cos this is getting long and it’s getting late.
But I think it’s pretty clear the type of girls that I like, right? I like the smart, informed, witty and intelligent ones, independent and strong on their own, yet not afraid to kick some serious ass when the situation calls for it (as long as it’s not my ass).
Think Angelina Jolie in Tuan dan Puan Smith.
Those are really sexy qualities in a lady, and I think those girls have it and more.
Is there someone online, blogger or not, that you don’t mind dating if the circumstances are right? Perhaps now is the time to brighten up someone’s day and let that person know. 🙂
Malaysia Vs Singapore
Honestly, I think the sarcasm-filled exchange between this Malaysian and that Singaporean is silly. C’mon guys, it’s the holiday season. Lighten up.
In all seriousness though, you can argue all you want and I’m just gonna say this very important piece:
My petrol brings all the cars to the yard
And they’re like, it’s cheaper than yours
Damn right it’s cheaper than yours
I could fill you but I have to charge
KLue: Malaysian Blogs 2005 Year-In-Review
Not only have they been slacking off and secretly reading kennysia.com during office hours (yeah… work), they described me as a “valued peer of KL‘s growing community of young, creative and involved individuals”.
Eh? KL? Since when I became a Kuala Lampian? I Kuching boy leh!
Those of you living in KL should really go out there and grab an issue. It’s always filled with tons of useful info on things to do/eat/watch around KL, most of which even this “valued peer of KL’s growing community” is not aware of.
Anyway, this is my contribution to the December 2005 edition of KLue Magazine.
I didn’t write the following piece, but it’s too cute to not post it up.
Behind The Scenes At the mrbrown show Podcasts
Topics: Zouk, Kuching clubbing scene, tetno music, origin of Kuching’s name, “what do you call KL-ians?”, tallest building in Kuching, “how do you guys know about Kuching?”, Singapore children now getting taller, Azahari the bomb expert, Miyagi’s army stories from Australia, someone shat on the road, Kuching Kangaroo, Zouk’s water tap.
Subscribe: the mrbrownshow XML feed
Video: Behind The Scenes at “the mrbrown show”
Podcasting is set to revolutionise FM radio the same way MP3 technology revolutionised the music industry. Ever since I acquired the iPod nano, I find myself literally hooked on podcasts and have more or less stopped listening to local radio stations altogether.
I always wonder what goes on behind the scenes at the mrbrown show podcasts. On my last trip to Singapore I was lucky enough to not just appear on the show, but to have the man himself explain to me what went on behind recording and publishing your very own internet radio show.
Equipment-wise, the bare minimum you require is a microphone connected to your computer. But Mr Brown is a bit gung-ho about sound quality, so he made some significant investments acquiring two ice cream cone-like microphones (with stands), a DJ-like set of headphones, a flynet-like pop-guard and a mixer deck that looks like it’s gonna explode if I chin chai press any button on it.
In most cases, Brown and Miyagi simply get together and brainstorm for a few topics an hour before actual recording. Brainstorming was full of laughter and stupid jokes with those two around (check out the video link at the end of this entry). Almost all their shows were done in one take with very little editing effort going into post-production.
For sound-recording and post-editing, Brown uses Apple Garageband on his iMac G4. Any other sound recording software should work just as fine though.
I was nervous as hell throughout the recording, fumbling my lines in more ways than one. Brown was reassuring to me, “Don’t worryyy! If you mess up we will help you out one!”
To him, doing an internet radio show is almost his second nature. In fact, as you will see in the video later, the only time he fumbled was when he did the intro and outro of the show.
After recording, all that’s left to be done is save the MP3 file, upload it, then publish it on the World Wide Web.
Podcasting is not my niche, but I sure had lots of fun recording the mrbrown show (perhaps more fun than the audience who listened to the podcasts). I totally enjoyed myself and I’m sure they did too.
Thanks again, Brown and Miyagi, for inviting me onto the show!
Download: the mrbrown show Podcast: “Causeway to Kuching” (MP3, 7.2MB, 20m48s)