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I give absolutely NO permission to the press to produce anything in this entry.
If you want to talk about what behavious is right or wrong, don’t read. If you cannot appreciate tongue-in-cheek humour, don’t read. If your name is Ng Heng Ghee, don’t read… Go jump off a tree instead.
If I ever said I’m not a fan of Sarong Party Girl, I’m sorry. I take those words back. She’s found a new fan in me after the Singapore Bloggers Conference.

SPG (her account of the evening here) missed all the afternoon session of the conference and only turned up during the after party.
I spotted her red sarong party dress at the balcony on the second level with her male companion. I don’t know if she knows me, so I walked over there and introduced myself.
I’m glad I did. That girl just kept giving me surprises after surprises throughout the night.
Kenny: “Hi, I’m Kenny. :)”
SPG: “Heyyyyyyyy, you’re Kenny! You’re from Kuching right? Guess what? I’m from Kuching too!”
Kenny: “Whoa!”
Surprise #1: She recognised me.
Surprise #2: She’s from Kuching! Damn, I never read enough of her archives to realise that.

To be precise, she’s born in Singapore but her parents are from Kuching. But I don’t care, I want to claim her as one of our own. 🙂 Despite her being so controversial, I’m still proud that such a talented girl like her has roots from my hometown, ok?
SPG: “You know… I know exactly how you look like underneath those clothes.”
Kenny: “I know how you look like underneath those clothes too!”
Not bad for a conversation starter eh? How I wish I could say that to every girl I know. 😉

We were referring to the ‘nude blogger’ incident when SPG posted on her blog an artistic shot of herself in the nude. Next thing you know, the mainstream media went crazy posting biased sensational headlines about how ‘dirty’ she is.
I was amused why the newspaper made a big deal out of this when porno sites have been living on the Internet for ages. So I went ahead and post my own nude photo.

Sad to say, my picture wasn’t as well received.
Later that evening, in a room where many other bloggers were congregating…
Kenny: “Hey, can I take a photo with you?”
SPG: “Yah, sure!”
Kenny: (to mr brown) “brown, can you help us take a photo?”
mr brown: “Sure, man.”

SPG: “You know what would be really funny? I think we should do a photo with our tops off.”
Kenny: “!!!”
Kenny: *thinks* “I’ll do it. Are you gonna do it?”
SPG: “I’ll think about it, but only if you do it first.”
Kenny: “Okay.”

A piece of Sarawak’s lush rainforest in Singapore
I don’t know what happened next but the chatty room full off bloggers suddenly turned quiet. VERY quiet.
All I remember was mr brown shaking his head saying “This deserves an entire post on its own, man.”
*click* and the camera flash went off. I turned and saw SPG adjusting her straps. I looked back at my camera AND THEN I saw this.

That’s not ‘one big yawn’. Its ‘two big yonks’.
I showed it to SPG and we burst out laughing our tits off. I felt as if I just shot the cover of my first porno DVD – “Hairy Potter and the Half Naked Nymph”
mr brown walked away feeling disgusted.
mr brown: “I’ve got only one thing to say about this, man… KENNY, YOU GOT BIGGER BOOBS!”
He’s right.
This entry was edited so much, the flow of words is just so mangled right now.
Suffice to say, I did expect ppl to go “OMG you are crazy!”. I didn’t expect ppl to go “You lost my respect, I’m so disappointed in you.”
I wrote it because it was a very unusual and out of the ordinary situation that occured. Its not something that happen everyday, and I think its worth noting.
Some ppl go to Thailand and take photos with ah guas. Some people go to sex expos and take photos with porn actresses.

The incriminating photo.
I took a photo with a professional fetish model, that’s all.
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