Annoying Friendster Trends

I had wanted to blog about the recent marriage of two of my closest friends. So I logged on to Friendster to surf their testimonials. Whilst surfing, I saw some pretty girl’s picture I was distracted by someone else’s profile, so I clicked profiles after testimonials and testimonials after profile and…. anyway, needless to say I didn’t end up writing a single word about Geraldine and David’s marriage. πŸ™‚

I haven’t been checking out Friendster much since its craze a few months back. I remembered it used to be much simplier. You have a network of friends that you know. Then, you found out that both you and your friend knew someone else and things like that. Its a fantastic concept, a great conversation starter and I had fun locating my old mates from secondary school and even primary school. My oh my, how things have changed. The whole Friendster culture has evolved out of proportion. Gone are the days of honest testimonials and people in your friends list that you actually know (exchanging messages through Friendster once does not count). Today’s Friendster is overtaken by honest-to-god kiasu people and over-enthusiastic teenage girls.

Here’s the top 5 annoying Friendster trends. Feel free to point out more if you want. Oh, and one more thing – I make no apologies in naming names. πŸ™‚

5. The ASCII Art Testimonials

You know the ones. A friendster testimonial is supposed be someone writing some ass-kissingly nice stuff about the other person. It used to be the best part about Friendster because I get to find out funny things about people I know – like how Huey Mei got so drunk once she locked herself up in her car and crying "I don’t want to die". These days its all about the ASCII arts. These are pictures made up with characters on the keyboard and come to think about it, they are actually very similar to me – ie, they take up a lot of space and they sure look damn ugly.

What puzzles me even further is why would people approve these sort of testimonials? These ASCII arts just bury the sincere and genuine testimonials your real friends gave you deeper and deeper. (What? You mean I have real friends on my Friendster?) Makes you wonder where your priorities lie.

4. The Copy-and-Paste Testimonials

Copy-and-Paste Testimonials

These are just as annoying as the ASCII art testimonials. These are “testimonials” that aren’t really testimonials, but rather some amusing piece someone found elsewhere and decided to just copy and paste it into the person’s testimonial box. Its usually funny the first time you read it. But after surfing a while later, you saw exactly the same testimonial elsewhere!

I did see worse ones. Someone copy and pasted a generic cutesy testimonial like “StAY CuTe AnD BeAuTiFuL, gur|, y0u r0x!”… but they gave it to a guy. And the guy accepted it!

I can’t believe the lack of sincerity in that. If you don’t want to write a testimonial, then don’t write. Or at least write something original lah. Its like when you’re invited to a birthday party of a friend you really hated. Instead of giving him a generic present like a box of cheap $2 chocolates you bought in a rush, just go empty handed, or give him a piece of freshly made shit wrapped in colourful paper – at least that’s original, see?

3. ThE CrOoKEd LeTTeR TyPerS

ThIs oNe is eAsY To sPoT fROm a MiLe aWaY. tHeSe PeOPle hAvE sOMe PaTIeNcE tO bE AbLe tO tYPe tHiS WaY. I sEriOUslY hAVe nO iDEa HoW oR wHY TheY DiD iT. WaS iT suPPoSed tO be cOOl? WaS It suPpOSed tO bE cUtE? My EyEs HuRT wHEn I ReAd iT. WhY cAn’T tHEy JuSt tYpE nORmaL LiKe eVErYoNe eLsE!

I’m ok with crooked letter typers, honestly – in fact, I kinda find the cuteness in it. Unfortunately, sometimes they push their boundaries a little too hard when they write a whole testimonal using crooked letters. It annoyed the hell out of me! Like this testimonial below:

Makes me really want to hit him back sometimes… with my fist.

2. The Beauty Contest Judge

These are dummy Friendster accounts, the purpose of which is to judge regular Friendster users on their looks. If you happen to be good looking enough by their standards, then you receive a… *drum rolls* stupid testimonial telling you that you are good looking. Fascinating stuff. Except the people who operates these accounts usually get bored pretty quickly and let their account wilt and die after a while.

What’s a beauty contest judge doing in Friendster. I have no idea. Why do people add beauty contest judges as friends in Friendster? I have no idea. What’s the beauty contest judge below trying to say? I have no bloody idea.

Name: oO KawaiiPpL Oo

*+*+* Attention to PpL out there *+*+*

We are here to look for ppl whom possesses Kawaii Looks!!!
If you tink you realli possess a Kawaii look,Please feel free to add us.
All Guyz & Gals are welcum…

However,we are veri STRICT in selecting ppl.
So if we dun tink you possess a kawaii look,we will immediately reject you…
If we haf rejected you,Dun add us back again. Get it?!?!
If you wan us to add you back,Plz try to improve on your looks in de pic.

* Criterias to be a [Kawaiian] in here *
( 1 ) You muz be Kawaii enough for us.
( 2 ) You muz attached 2 or more photos for us to view.
( 3 ) Singaporeans preferred though. But if you tink you r realli kawaii,you can try adding us.
( 4 ) Single would be an advantage.

Up to date rejects –> 245 ppl

Please do drop us a testimonial if you [Kawaiians] wan a testimonial from us.
As we are rather busy,we will write one back for you [Kawaiians] asap.
We will rate de testimonials accordingly.

–> Super Kawaii Peep : 10/10
–> Veri Kawaii Peep : 8 to 9/10
–> Quite Kawaii Peep : 6 to 7/10
–> Normal-Looking Peep : 5/10

Every month,we will placed de Top 2 most Kawaii ppl photos here. One Guy & One Girl would be selected by us personally. And both of them would be named ‘Most Kawaii GuY & GaL’.

Sooo…Dun wait liao.
Hurry Up and Add us now!!!!!
We will be waiting for y0u!!!!

Quickly add us at –>

*Kenny desperately tries to improve his Kawaii looks in his Friendster pic*

I have 3 words to say. Make it 4 words, I want to swear. What’s the fucking point? If I happen to become a "Super Kawaii Peep 10/10" by their definition, so what? Got food to eat ah? Besides, I don’t want to be called a Kawaiian. What a bloody stupid name.

1. The "I am so cool because I have 3000 more friends than you" kiasu girl

These are usually 15 year old teenage girls who enjoy collecting friends. Yes, COLLECTING – like they are stamps or something. They would have one Friendster account, fill it up to the maximum 500 "friends", after which they would open another account, and repeat the process until its full again.

This one girl had seven Friendster accounts. SEVEN. That means she has up to 3500 "friends"! Read that, 3500!!! What kind of 15-year-old in JB have the means necessary to have 3500 friends?! I am amazed! I’m struggling to hit 3 digits worth of friends myself dammit! Who are they trying to meet?

“p/s: pls dun send me msgs to add u.. my email is already in my profile.. if wanna add me juz add. i will accept de.. thanks lotz… oh ya.. write me testi oso.. hahahz^^.. tk cr.. byee”

What the?! What the heck is she thinking? The "I have more friends than you so my balls are bigger than yours (except I have none)" mentality! Does the people on her friends list actually know her? I doubt so. So, how the heck are they supposed to write her testimonials!? "Hmmm… I dunno Michelle, but I think she’s very cute and pretty."


126 Replies to “Annoying Friendster Trends”

  1. i stopped logging into friendster when things like the ones you mentioned above took their toll on me. one word to describe em: kejakunan~

  2. i agree … but i find no wrong in the copy and paste testi … normally those copy and paste testi are for those u added in Friendster … for close friends whom i have met in real life, they will get a “real testimonial” …normally after the first testi, the rest are all copy and paste … but the one bout 7 accounts is too much … and the way she sounded for those who wants to add her are real cocky … so the concept does not serve its purpose … its just stupid activity of adding strangers to you big fat list of multiple accounts …
    for what?

  3. Good one.I still try to maintain some semblance of sanity in my friendster account:no adding of people I don’t know,ignoring idiot msgs like “hello.wat up.add me.” and the testimonials thing.
    All in all,it’s fun to roam around and see the sights in friendster though..

  4. haha unfortunately I don’t have a friendster account so I won’t know what you’re on about but hey — it just goes to show the intelligence quotients of some folk aye?

  5. oh my god – every word you said was right!!! i get physically ill looking at the love-gush ones or ones with name of person then FULL next to them.
    but my pet hate of all time – also extending to blogging is: tYPing LyKe Dis … omg how aggravating can it get?! lol

  6. whoa..dropped by thanx to fazri’s link he gave me…
    well..thats the ugliness of friendster..thats y NEVER accept nonsense from others….rather delete all…*winks*

  7. Amen man…that’s why I don’t have that much testimonials in the first place. I just want something of good quality.
    Nowdays I don’t log in much anymore anyway. It’s blogging all the way.

  8. See… I wrote about #3 a few days back. It’s really depressing that people our age (and older, ie. my 29-year old cousin) StiLL wRItEs LiKE diS!! Isk.

  9. wahahahahahahaha. so straight to de point kenny de kawaiian. hehee jk.
    yup, u r so rite about frenster, yo. its pretty annoyin to me. de copy n paste testimos arent sincere at all. i guess they just wrote for fillin testimo sake yet unoriginality. oh, oh, oh, and i freakin hate de crooked letter typerssssssssss. urtgghhhh!!!! yes i found it cute at 1st but then come to think of it they just did dat to get attention or credit. actually, its de fruit of testimo dat counts.
    de collecting frens entry u wrote is darn farni, man. she thinks this is a competition, but then she’s 15, so give her a break lah. hahah
    yea, my frenster was full. right exactly 500 of em. but then, i knew some of de ppl in my frenster list are hardly acquaintance. n wats de point of keeping ppl i don know. so i decided to delete de ppl i unfamiliar wif n give space for those ppl who found me in frenster which is de ppl i know.

  10. ‘kenIT IS oNEee CUTEeeeeeeee GurL.. STAY CuTE and PRETTY ALWaaaaaaaaYSS!’
    HAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAA…hmm i just had to do that. anyway yaya do write bout dine and david. aww so sweett those two newly weds

  11. i’m in a dilemma abt the testicles. lol.
    i’ve got friends who’ve done some of those stuff and i want to NOT approve, but then i paiseh, cause i don’t want them to think i HAU LIEN or wad, cause they’re really decent ppl in life. So i approve loh.
    urs are the best though. testimonials i mean.
    –yours truly, hot mother theresa–
    p/s thnk u ah mention my name TWICE in ur prev blog? so true one la no such tradition kids give parents angpow?

  12. sarah – Kejakunan indeed! Though I have absolutely no idea what that word means.
    Izuan – OH YEA! My “favourite” one is definitely the one with “FORWARD THIS TO EVERYONE! FRIENDSTER IS GETTING TO BIG AND IS CLOSING YOUR ACCOUNTS!” And people actually forward them! Right, just recently Friendster increased the number of photos you can upload. Take that!
    Earl – Ehhh… I just saw one with TEN accounts.
    Anuar – “See the sights in Friendster”? You sound like you’re holidaying in Friendster or something.
    Reta – HoLy SmOKes! SToP dOinG tHaT!
    Bek – What are you waiting for? Sign up for one now so I can write you a stupid ASCII art testimonial!
    Alli – If you get physically ill looking at the love-gush ones, wait till you see the Valentine’s Day themed background to my blog this time round. πŸ™‚ (Note to Alli: prepare a plastic bag for vomit)
    Karen – Hahahaha! I know I saw that a few times. I thought that was cute though! Good fun reading the testimonials they give.
    Silencers – Haha! Well those are actually good fun, though the question they ask can be really kinda stupid. “What music are you listening to right now?” What the hell do you care?!
    djcarmen – Thanks for dropping by and feel free to keep dropping by. I’m lucky no one has sent me stupid testimonials yet (now don’t you all get started). Though if I got one and I delete it, that person will say that “I no frenz enuff” Geez!
    Edrei – Will blogging be the new friendster? Will people now leave ASCII Arts and CrOokEd lEtTerS in our comment box instead of in our testimonial box? Only time will tell. *Kenny imagines* NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!
    Hsin – 29 YEAR OLD and stILl TyPe LiKe THaT?! Mannn…. I hope he doesn’t work for the local newspaper.
    Victoria – That’s why I said you’re Miss Popular! Lucky you delete a few though, else you can’t add a hottie like me. And that would make you regret. πŸ˜‰
    Chrissie – Writing writing. πŸ™‚
    Kimm – Why praise my testimonials when you can praise my testicles?

  13. kejakunan: ke-tidak-pernah-an meng-experience-kan sesuatu maka tertimbulah masalah ke-beria-an.
    bm isn’t exactly my best sub. you better ask one of your malay friends to explain it to you.

  14. I think the only thing worse than actually obsessing about friendster, is the amount of ignorant people you come across.
    Another HUGE annoyance i have is of people that use some other name other than their own as their friendster name. Like “DJ Super Hip Hop” or some other rubbish. Sheesh. And dont get me started on Myspace, which is loaded with even more rubbish (in case you didnt think that was possible).

  15. I LiKE to TyPe lIKe tHiS BeCaUsE i’m An IdIoT..
    BTW was referrin to those ppl in friendster, not myself, haha!
    I can imagine ppl readin those fonts; eyeballs going up and down trying to ‘read’ lol!

  16. reader – Heh. someone was obviously angrier before me. Interesting read. Thanks for the link.
    Killarkai – That’s why when you’re supposed to enter in your age in your profile, Friendster don’t allow you to enter a number less than 18!
    Reta – ThOsE wOrDs Are NoT meAnT To bE foR hUmAn!
    Izuan – I call it the MBABTY factor (My Balls Are Bigger Than Yours). Though DJ Super Hip Hop sounds pretty cool. Its got a zing to it.
    kimm & sarah – Thanks for being my kamus, though kamus sound like a bad way of saying camel. So, thanks for being my camels.

  17. I did open a friendster account just to check it out and so far I have only 1 friend (my sis-in-law). Other (true) friends are not interested.

  18. that is so true about Friendster.
    Why don’t you post your comment on the Bulletin Board and let the people who has an account to know that???
    i think by then they’ll realise how stupid are they…

  19. dont forget the top10serch in our frend groups….they have really weird search sumtimes…”tengok abang badan stem”…WHO DA HECK LOOKS AT THEIR OWN BROTHER!! N STEAM?!….

  20. Hohoho! this is damn funny kenny. I’m gonna copy your permalink and post it on my friendster’s bulletin board. LOL.
    i think you’d like to know that I am actually clicking through your blog looking at old entries..coz you know what Kenny? YOU ARE DAMN FUNNY. hahahahahahahaha!

  21. woops..forgot to add. what about those lalachais with the “wanna b fren” messages. Oh. and the dashes in front of their nicknames just so they appear in the top part of our friends’ list.
    OH. the bulletin board messages of overreacting users with the “save our testis!” messages. pun intended.

  22. wahhaahaha i agree, most of them damn 7 sohai. wanna act cute, suck my balls la.
    anyway, if you all are interested in knowing more bout malaysian politicians like mahathir, anwar, abdullah, khir toyo, kit siang, karpal, nik aziz & ong ka ting… feel free to add them. add them just for farks also can la.

  23. i deadly agree…..wat’s the point of having so many frens?is it cool to have damn kao alot of testimonials?why do ppl simply add others who they don’t know? Full accounts? Guy havin lotsa girls in his account and vice versa??? “IS IT REALLY NECESSARY?”it’s not an honest or say “loyal Friendster User”…..some have fake identities, i crossed over some who are fake leng lui’s and asking for mobile phone reload cards/numbers……Even there are backstabbings…some use the buletin boards…Come on…..this is the age of Internet….if really serious, just go hang out shopping complexes and approach a stranger and get to know him/her……or backstabbers, just go find that guy/girl and FUCK KAO them la….There are outrageous details about them too….some say they tai kor of wat shit or tai yi lung(loan shark)….scary ar now???BULLSHIT….not only Friendster has been like this, what about others? Multiply? Hi5? e-Circles?etc,etc….heck, i don’t even have any of these “extra” accounts..and what about having clubs,a group of ppl have same interests in a mother account? for wat reason, i also dunno…..without testimonials, overflowing friends and all the crap can kill a person ar?tiu, life is not about being materialistic, even to this point to online features…….haih, wat to do? pray for the best or delete account lor….reader’s that wanna reaply to this comment can do so by email:
    tq for noticing this. James.C

  24. Haha ! This post is too funny.
    And true, unfortunately. This is what happens when an otherwise sound concept gets inundated by attention seeking teens (and older people who act like attention seeking teens).
    But when I think about it, the Internet would be that much poorer without its resident morons right ?
    I mean, who are we going to laugh at ?
    I like you blog. FYI, I’ll be linking as soon as I get some free time.
    Keep writing man.

  25. you’re really funny. thanx for the info. and the 7 accaunts teenage girl, does she exist? if so, she must be a super sangap person.

  26. =P i happen tUh typE liddAT =P n i thinK it’s expressIve esP where ya waNNa strESS on sum words- cherIo tho’ so true bout frienDster..

  27. had a blast reading “annoying friendster trends”
    Hope to read more interesting articles from you!!

  28. Everyone at my school has a friendster. Every one of them are teenagers, and don’t know much about computers (except for a select few). And as far as the social structure goes in my school, those who don’t know much about computers are striving to make themselves cool and popular.
    Sigh. Well, I guess I missed out the part when that thing had just begun, huh? Technology’s always better when it’s in its infancy, and people haven’t come along and f*cked it up, like email and spam.

  29. If you noticed, Most of the testimonial are lies. Everything is positive crap, talk good about the person only. How about the negative testimonials? None, nothing, yada, jilo.

  30. you sure your so called ‘friends’ are alright with you posting that around the web with 10000 malay dicks reading off your blog? Good job, this will be a great site ill definitely recommend to all my so called friendster friends.
    oh i dont know who you are, but you obviously have too much time

  31. You are the resident asshole. But! In a good way. Good work on the blog. You have just made fools of what, 80% of the friendster community. (I barely know what friendster is, I just signed up for an account to mess with people’s heads) Lemme get straight to the point, however. I came up with another alias (besides Matoozle), Kawaiian the Goat. So I googled ‘Kawaiian’. It came up with your site. Damn you, at the same time, for making me realize Kawaiian isn’t all that original. Bye.

  32. you’re a very good writer and have a wry sense of humor. i love it! i added your site to my favorites =)

  33. i have a friendster account.. friendster is so borink nowadays mebbe they made that group just to have fun?

  34. hie.. guyz…
    this is my first time browsing this page….
    this is cool’z man…
    finally i meet someone to wrote out there real usage
    of friendster….
    and what written ere are true… man
    what so proud of having thousand n thousand of friends in your account but u never get to see the person that in the list’s…
    like kenny say… collecting stamps or coins…
    long live to

  35. hah. how so damn true. i’m proud to say i’m FIFTEEN and i DONT HAVE A FRIENDSTER ACCOUNT. i pride myself in that, definitely! great entry!

  36. YES THE ASCII ARTS ARE JUST SUPER SUPER CORNY/ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL
    AND THE ” KAWAII ” GIRL JUDGING PAGES LOL *HOW REPULSIVELY LAME CAN THAT GET !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (sorry for the caps cus i feel the same rage as u do)

  37. LOL!! Jane, tat’s… my ex schoolmate in Sibu. but after having read his ‘blog’… well i don’t really have much to say. Nice finding πŸ™‚

  38. Your ex-schoolmate, Alex? What is he like? Lol. Must be an outcast, huh? No wonder he hasn’t got anything to write… but i see that he has got lots of friends. Maybe it’s one of the cincai add people habit.

  39. ROFL! OMG! That ralikh guy! What a riot! Jane must have linked one of the most commented post on his blog. well, correction. The ONLY commented post. LOL. Not too surprised, I am. According to them (the ‘good samaritans’), that’s the only non-copypasted post. Can’t believe he never noticed their comments. Those are potential Kenny-like-bloggers. Made me laugh like what. And they’re only comments. Sadly, we’re sort of like ISA already. So, what do we do? Pretend we didn’t read?
    Kenny, maybe you should give that poor guy a lesson or two..

  40. haha. Check his profile. He has a couple of those copy paste testies. And his ‘about me’. I think that’s a song by simple plan. Quite popular this year I think. Don’t know the title though. But that doesn’t make me uncool..heh heh. What’s so cool about putting someone’s song in your about me? Like they wrote it for you. I personally don’t think he feels he’s been kicked around much. He looks like a rich, spoilt brat to me. What dizzy think?
    He has another blog too! A photoblog! Great! More pics of him syok-syok sendiri. Can’t even comment there. Thumbs down to that.

  41. Jane, well he’s a nice and religious guy. And he was the head prefect, till he retired a few months back. πŸ™‚ Maybe , those ‘just add lah’, friendster mar friends.

  42. Lolz. I was quite new to your site.. came here by chance just yesterday, but I found that your posts were hilarious!
    How ’bout this thing about girls having this trend.. taking picture from the top angle with their eyes wide open and pouty lips.. =P. I thought their looks were distorted like that.. but ppl called them cute. ^^;
    Was it my prejudice?
    I hope not. XD.

  43. Those girls are trying too hard to act cute. They look like goldfish! You kind of expect their eyes to pop out of their sockets anytime, lol. Some don’t pout. They actually suck in their lips. Go have them removed lah!!
    The head prefect? He has a pouty pose too. Check out the blue pic of him pouting.

  44. yea, i find it so annoying too.
    it turns me off when ppl BEG for testimonies.. over and over again until it satisfies their ego cum self-obsessed pride.

  45. I never understand the point of adding strangers into your Friends list (quite an oxymoron sentence leh)
    I particularly hate it when some strangers just mssg you and asked to be added onto your list. Regardless of what relationship status you have, they will just pathetically hit on you with some Extremely LAME pick up lines.
    The main reason why my Friendster account is still active is that I’ve truly been able to keep in touch and found tons of long-lost high school friends. For that reason alone, it’s worth tolerating other crap I guess.
    That said, however, I personally know someone who knew his gf through Friendster. This was actually the real objective of Friendster anyway. Just that I don’t use it for that reason πŸ™‚

  46. Hahah. Talk about making friends in Friendster when you reject people who message you (perhaps genuinely) to get to know you, but you say this instead:
    PLZ:Don’t ask me 2 add’s very annoying ! IF i did not reply ur msg..
    so sorry coz i quite busy..I might to be ur fren..but definitely noT ppl who starts a conversation wif ”CAN wE Be Frenz?” sRy..i hav no time to reply u..! thX !
    go check it out. so lame.

  47. Cool..Very hilarious with a touch of wry humor.
    About the testimonials..usually I write them myself..I think those who just copy&paste are worthless jerks.They’re abusing this wonderful tool on friendster..But recently, friendster incoperated CSS coded profiles into their system. Now, some of the profiles aren’t so boring to linger around anymore!
    About the bulletin board. It’s supposed to be used to tell your friends about an upcoming party or an event. But since most of the people eho make up the friends list are those we aren’t even close to, you can’t just put anything on it anymore. So usually ppl put up jokes, stories, facts…(My favourite: 50 tips on how to flirt etc.) & the bloody annoying copy&paste surveys. I mean, who wants to know what you doing for the last minute, what you last ate and shit?? They’re fun to do…I admit I have posted a few surveys with the title : (Q & A..bored so I filled up this survey~)
    The blogs are STUPID. You can’t do anything to the template but add calenders and the recent comments thing. Better to stick to Blogger.

  48. Good one.. haha.. but u 4got2 add in the freaking annoying chain letters ppl post in the bulletin boards.. i mean.. wat’s the point??? cut it out..

  49. One REALLY annoying one was a girl who flooded her boyfriend’s testimonial box with cutesy, mushy love letters to him. Hello? I thought love letters were meant to be PERSONAL, between bf and gf, not for everyone to see. And she constantly nagged him for a testimonial back too. In the same cutesy fashion. Gag.

  50. I totally agreed with you kenny. HAHAHA every single word is true. Do notice profile without picture or ugly(opps i mean not reall pretty) hav less attention lol. Last time was now friendster lol

  51. I happen to come across your site by chance. I got to say whatever you said about the Friendster trends are hilarious but absolutely truth!

  52. I dislike ASCII art but accept anyway because i don’t wanna offend the one sending them…
    Funny about the guy accepting the testimonial. =)
    I’m no regular user of Friendster anymore because of the very very true things u say.

  53. So… quality control is needed during such situation..i only add those ppl that i know or i consider as my fren…else forget it..i hate the CUTE GUYS AND GALS…yucks!!1

  54. Kak Lis, janganlah marah. something to cheer u up, ok? πŸ™‚
    a cute cute bear 4 a kawaii gal like u

  55. kenny, just in case u feel left out :
    a cute cute bear 4 a big balls guy like u

  56. no wait that’s not right :
    see what great lengths some of ur fans go to

  57. You are so right Kenny! my gosh!! Do they even know what TESTIMONIALS are.. it’s not a message box! anyway.. friendster is Like.. so Last Last Last… umm.. i duno! but its oLd.. better try something else instead.

  58. you forgot the profile pics with captions going “this pic is ugly! eheeek!!”… those are DEAD annoying.

  59. I completely agree with you guys!
    here’s one of the Friendster blogs I enjoy checking.
    I don’t comment, thats just the thing.

  60. hey,i totally agree with the points u just said. it really goes to the heart of the problem : people nowadays are either trying to be cute and funny when they’re not or they’ve got too much time on their hands. really, what’s the point of going through so much trouble so that people will notice you? yeah, come to think of it, those people who’ve done the five things above did get the attention – a bad impression.

  61. i totally agree with u. its jst so annoying to get a ASCII testimonial frm ur friends..its like in a way trying to tell me that..”i’m sorie..but i have nothin good to write about u, still i wanna drop u a testimonial.” i seriously prefer them to not drop me one..its jst takes up so much space!! and totally not sincere!

  62. more older ppl at MySpace….35-54 group at MySpace grew to 41% in August, from 32% a year earlier(2005)…more teenagers & adults at then?
    “ – college crowd, attracts a higher percentage of adults, is most popular among younger teens”…..Mr.Friendster a.k.a Mr.Jonathan Abrams gotta do something with those “cute & funny” profiles then..

  63. hahaha… i agree with the random adding… i think i have less den 200 frens in my list.. keep deleting them… so bodo people try to add just as collection.. hahaha i too knew a gurl who has 6 profiles or more…

  64. yea!! i really don’t understand those ‘beauty and handsome club’ purpose! y need to collect all the ‘beauty and handsome’ in friendster since many of them are fakers?? mean using other people’s photos~
    and there’s still some more contests every months (or every weeks) to choose the beauty queen and handsome prince. what the… = =
    1 more thing i don’t understand is why there are PLENTY of fakers in friendster and many of them are from MALAYSIA?????!!!! what a shame…they like faking people from countries like Taiwan, HongKong, China etc. not just faking their photos, even the personal details also exactly the SAME!!!!
    i guess they must be very damn UGLY to show their own photos to others. so they trying to use other person’s photos to make them feel better. wasting time, wasting electricity only..
    some even create fans club. grrrr~ really shameless..
    oops, seems like i’m typing too long..but that’s what i feel about Friendster trend nowadays.

  65. Here’s another annoying thing you can find in Friendster. Those never ceasing forwarded messages, especially about the Friendster shutting down and the annoying ASCII and those mushy friendship messages (and I’m not sure whether they actually meant those conveyed message)

  66. Some do it for fun and some do it because their an idiot. But heck if someone can manage 7 friendster accounts sure got a lot of time in him/her hand. I mean, to blog takes a while plus work and what not. But 7 friendster accounts? Man he/she sure don’t have a life then. At least in real life la.
    Oh, you know what I’ll do? I usually include an annoying flash testimonials to some friends. Just for fun. Haha.. those are dumb but cool..

  67. yeah.. i very much agree.. thse people are trying to make friendster somekind of a contest.. who ever got alotta friends are what? as if theve known a hundred in their friends list,,.

  68. u know guys? i have just got my 2 friendster accounts deleted after seeing wat u guys have said. not that i’ve fill up my first one with 500 friends, i delete it cuz i don’t really know how to use it cuz for d first time n i don’t have time for it. i register for another one cuz my friends tell me to do so. they said it’s fun n u can know more ppl n hv more frds but i ain’t think so. i didn’t hv any fren 4 how many days already n i didn’t bother to add ppl cuz i think maybe they’ll add me?? n i only got ONE testi which is from my exclassmate cuz i send her one n she reply me back. that’s all about my account. i c all those ppl in friendster are only those few. i don’t even know them, n they don’t even know me. which means we don’t know each other. n wat can we talk about? how can we leave a testi for them? i think it’s boring playing friendster, juz adding ppl n tell ppl to add u.. in d end, wat for? wat is so cool abt having thousands of friends that u don’t know? wat makes u so cool?.. so for this reason, i deleted my second account. i think i’ve do something right. yeah! friendster is dumb n it’s for idiot..

  69. we call them the lala people. ;p i can’t stand those things either.
    and the english.
    oh GOD, my EYES.
    my brain is just working REAAAAAAAAL hard when i get those messages.
    its like :
    hiXX. my namexx ix (insert name here). howx arex euux orhxx?
    OH GOD!

  70. the kawaai thing is really annoying.. one word. dumb.
    the thing i hate most bout friednster is the buletins that goes like this in the end, “repost this or die in 156 seconds”, “repost this or you will not have a love life for 3 years”. 2 words. plain dumb.


  72. hahah! gosh! i really must admit those 7account thingy was a littlt too naive and dumb. haha. i was young back then. had too much time after school and i wasn’t actually managing all 7of em. once they were full, i’d left them be and managed the new one. XD those accounts have all been deleted and i now have only one =) and all the people in my friends list are people i really know πŸ˜€ but really a great blog entry ere!
    hahaha. good job!

  73. the main type I cannot tahan is those 13 year olds who wear “not enough money to buy more cloth” clothes n god knows what style makeup combo with ugly posses and keep saying ‘i’m cute..miao’….. kinda reminds me of furong jie jie

  74. the one about The “I am so cool because I have 3000 more friends than you” kiasu girl , HAHA she used to be my schoolmate. in fact, she was one of my brother’s friend. i know her. and now i think she at australia. LOL pity michelle xP

  75. i hate the chain mails people posted on the bulletin board. “repost this or david will kill u in ur bed tonight” hello, im still alive? Did david forgot to kill me or something? sheesh. some people add other people for the sake of looking famous cause he/she has a lot of ‘FRIENDS’. whats the pointt? i gotta admit i was one of them before. haha. but i know better now. thank god. lol. and yeah, i did made new friends who are now my good friends through friendster though. πŸ™‚

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