ADV: Fortune Favours The Bold

Spotted this ad on TV while I was in the USA and I simply LOVE IT.

It really epitomizes the idea that good things come to those who ask for it. Of course, there’s also that unrealistic thing about a guy who can just sit in a meeting, still get his beer, and then NOT having to pay for it.

But the point is – there’s a fine line between being shameless and being bold. There’s no point being subservient, because you’re always gonna live within the boundaries that other people set for you.

Being brave and bold – that’s always gonna win you friends and get you to places! 🙂

See, that’s the reason why I like drinking Guinness so much. I’m a sucker for creative marketing like that.

Makes me wanna try the same thing as well.

Hmmm… I think I might need wheels underneath my glass.

33 Replies to “ADV: Fortune Favours The Bold”

  1. Yup Kenny you’re gonna make it! Make it in the Guinness — ermmm…Guinness book of records that is for breaking the most number of glasses within a nano second ^_^

  2. Hahaha, that’s a good one Kenny. You nearly managed to catch it. I think with a few more tries you’ll be able to master it Or probably after a few more pints of guinness 🙂

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