Earlier this year in June, Apple released the much hyped and talked-about iPhone 4.
And just like Apple’s previous iPhone launches, it caused an absolute worldwide frenzy.
Thousands and thousands of Apple fanatics queued up early outside Apple stores, just to be among the firsts to own the latest incarnation of Steve Jobs’ creation.
From London to New York.
Shanghai to Tokyo.
Sydney to Singapore.
The hype of the iPhone 4 still lives!
The saddest thing is – those of us living in Malaysia had to wait in agony while the rest of the world gets to savour the delicious offering from Apple.
It brought back painful memories of 2007 when the original iPhone was launched, yet none of the telcos in Malaysia managed to bring it over.
It reminded us of a one-sided love affair. We love Apple but Apple don’t love us back.
Those among us who couldn’t wait had already purchased parallel imports.
Many business-savvy gray-market phone shops are more than happy to sell you their iPhone 4s if you’re willing to shell out to RM3,000 for something that has no warranty.
I’m not gonna lie. I tried getting mine from official stores in Hong Kong and Singapore. And I tell you what it is like.
It was like trying to get a meeting with President Obama – virtually impossible.
All their iPhone 4 are sold out. Heck, even the locals who pre-ordered online did not manage to get them.
I was almost losing all hope, resigning to my fate that it is probably better to get one of those iPhone 4 copycats.
That is, until I received this official invitation from Maxis on THE LAUNCH OF iPHONE 4!
At the stroke of midnight on the 24 September, Maxis once again became the FIRST telco to bring the new Apple iPhone 4 into Malaysia.
So what do I do? I booked the first flight out from Kuching to KL.
The scene at The Gardens Midvalley reminded me of the photos I saw from iPhone 4 launches around the world.
Hundreds and hundreds of people queuing up right outside the entrance into the ballroom. Some came as early as 7pm to book their spots. I could not even see the end of it because more and more people just added up from behind.
It was just as chaotic inside the Grand Ballroom as it was outside. There was a buzz of activity as Maxis staff manning over SIXTY registration desks were on standby to distribute the iPhone 4s and swipe your credit cards.
Even then, my sources tell me that people are still getting their iPhones as late as 6am!
The first Maxis iPhone 4 customer was this girl called Nina. She had the honour of receiving the gadget directly from the CEO of Maxis.
She also became the poster girl for Maxis after being photographed by over 280 media in attendance covering this event.
At the jam-packed press conference after the launch, the CEO of Maxis announced how they are once again the first to launch the microSIM, as well as the first to launch the iPhone in Malaysia.
While he acknowledged there was another telco also launching the phone, the CEO didn’t think it really matters. Compared to his competitor, Maxis not only has more flexible contract plans, they have a much faster and wider 3G coverage as well.
Best of all, the iPhone 4 by Maxis is cheaper than iPhone 3GS by almost RM300!
Meanwhile, I discovered the green-coloured background lights outside the building made me look like The Incredible Hulk.
And this is The Incredible Aud.
Audrey, who has been using a China knock-off iPhone 3 is finally upgrading to
a genuine Apple iPhone 4!
I was lucky I did not have to queue up with the rest of the crowd till 6am.
Maxis arranged a VIP Party at G-six nightclub, and there’s a separate registration desk just for the VIPs, complete with free flow and a violinist in a sexy white gown playing on the bartop.
With my credit card in one hand, my application form in the other, and my disappointment at not being able to get the iPhone 4 overseas all behind me now, I finally managed to get my hands on the brand new Apple iPhone 4!
How was it?
After using the phone for almost a week, I’m proud to say that it is the best full-featured smart phone ever. Even better than the Blackberry Torch, even better than HTC Android phones. A full review will be coming up.
Thank goodness Maxis brought the iPhone 4 to Malaysia. If it didn’t, I would have bought a similar model I saw at Low Yat Plaza.
The Air Phone No.4!
Android and Blackberry are far better than iOS…
i support iphone4
@Jay True that.
Gotta admit android phones have slightly steeper learning curves, but once ur over that, nothing can beat it.
iphone 4
hahahahhahaha , it’s a good feature phone 
I want ~~~ but I also want a bb ..
I still rely on my good old clam-shell Nokia phone where I can sms with 1 hand.
Boo. Good old Nokia for the win.
I would like to see how u hold u iPhone 4 while u’re talking to the phone XD
*hold ur* juzt woke up from nap
it’s amazing to see how people do crazy things to get this phone over there while we in Australia just need to sign up with 3 and wait at home and the phone gets delivered in a couple of wks.
It is getting common here and it’s not even a show of status or something like that. Even a high school kid can easily afford an iphone 4. you just pay $5 on top of the plan every month and you can get one. Different world isn’t it?
The phone does have a poor reception and when you hold it in a certain way when you are talking over it, the line would just cut off. Quite annoying. Hopefully the free bumper case will solve the problem. We’ll see how it goes.
iphone is an overrated gadget
Android >>>>>> iOS
jus a phone.. getting a life is better..
“…better than HTC Android”
Stopped reading there. Ah, well at least you didn’t get the “talipon air”, you know what I mean ^^,
Incredible Aud looks more like Ju-On Aud. Lolz!
I own both an iphone 4 and my older bro owns a samsung galaxy S. We’ve been just comparing both phones ever since the day we got it.
A summary of the conclusion would be, the iphone is more user-friendly, more interesting apps/games, has better resolution and has LED flash.
Whereelse, the samsung galaxy S is better in terms of graphics,speed, performance, battery and has more functions. However it’s not so user-friendly compared to iphone.
So it all depends on the user. If you’re more techie and need more features on a phone, consider samsung galaxy S.
If you’re not so techie and don’t care so much about every single feature of the phone and also prefer a nicer looking phone, consider iphone 4.
Despite samsung galaxy S being an iphone4 copycat, it was released 4months before iphone4. I gotta admit, i never thought any other brand could be as good or better than apple’s products. samsung really took it up a notch.
I love both phones but if i had to pick the better one, it’s not a hard question.
Samsung Galaxy S.
Air phone? Hahahaha!! What is that? Is that like a copy of the Airbook for the iPhone? It’s amazing how Apple has managed to form a cult-like following.
Thanks for covering the event so well. I had some friends who attended so I wanted to see what I’d missed and I knew I’d find it here!
actually, i beg to differ that the iPhone is the best phone out there, as a reviewer said ” different people have different needs and you should count only the scores on the chapters that are important to you.”
the iPhone is a great device, no doubt, since i have one, and suffered no reception issues, but there are also other phones out there that are pretty much equal to the iPhone. People will always compare how great this phone is to that and will bash the other phone’s cons, which doesn’t add up, as nothing is perfect in this world.
I think you pay for what you get. To date, iphone 4 still reigns supreme with no close competitors. So calling all those phone engineers ot there to come out with a great product to beat or better than iphone 4 and the sky is the limit
true but my elder sister managed to get one from hk from official store… which is contrast to what kenny said =(
It’s an advertisement; Kenny got to say what he got to say. Hahaha
kenny, i think it’s a little ridiculous that you say this is better than htc androids, considering htc’s direct answer to the iphone 4, i.e the desire HD has not even been released yet!
maxis’s monthly commitment is much more expensive… has a friend who subscribe to maxis 100 plan got a 700 bill for a month coz they charge the data after the quota…
so DiGi’s no extra charge after quota is a better option for those who always on the go n online n u dun have to worry getting a bomb at the end of the month with a lower monthly commitment…
but both telco still charge an expensive price for iphone4!!
gonna wait android vs iphone to battle it out… den I’ll buy one. hehehe. not gonna buy an iphone now n later find all your friend’s on android
iphone fanboy spotted
Not possible. There’s cap for data from Maxis at RM250
Check out the functions/ review on Airphone no 4 … http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TUT39op2Pp8
what so great about IP PHONE4 its also call phone .
The iPhone is a great phone, but it’s not a be-all, end-all sort of phone
Just buy and use whatever mobile phone you want.
hey kenny,
although this is an “adv” post, but you managed to did it better than your “empire shopping gallery adv” post.
i enjoyed and have fun reading this.
gosh i just dont get it,its not like apple is giving those phones away for free,why line like its a phone made from heaven
Lets see..never bought an iphone, all i got is an ipod and an old motorola phone and yet the world hasn’t ended for me yet! So what exactly is the deal with an iphone? I still get the girls, I still get to plenty of parties so I just don’t get the big deal with it is. Does it get you Scarlett Johansson or Megan Fox? No. Does it get you to more parties? No. Does it upgrade you from being a loser geek to Brad Pitt or Will Smith? No. The iphone would be cool if it weren’t bought by so many fat geeks who think whippin it outta their pockets = girl magnet ROFL.
Oooh COOL! I want an iphone 4 too!! So gona get it now…
hey kenny…cool ads …but i heard maxis purposely make the customer to wait longer in order to make the queue longer for media shots…lots of customers complaint about the waiting time … anyway, it is iphone 4 where everyone is looking for.
btw, for those who wanna get iphone 4 unit by itself…original and new + warranty … friend importing … rm 1.9k per unit for iphone 4 … limited stocks … got ipad 64gb for rm 2.4k …
why need to queue like tat for an iphone? really crazy! cant it be bought later? why those people wana trouble themselves to queue like tat just for a phone that has so many problem? its too bulky, once drop on the floor..the screen shattered..antena problem…
kiasu attitude isit? i really dont get these people.
Samsung Galaxy S > Iphone4…seriously
iPhone might not being the best phone but surely is hottest phone in town now!
Maxis’ plans are shit and overpriced compared to Digi’s. At least Digi provides unlimited data, plus with the iPhone 4 I’m going to be using quite a lot of data.
iphone4 antenna issue still persist despite the latest OS 4.1…best bet is, dun get it until it is fully resolved. wait for next batch.
typical Malaysians, making a big deal over something that is going to be obsolete in a few months time
^^ sorry but a ton of people all over the world are making a big deal about it, not just Malaysians, so please don’t say ‘typical Malaysians’ like it’s a Malaysian trait. Idiot.
Kenny !!
Please update blog. It’s been ages. …. we’re waiting for your next entry.
Where’s the new entry ? Where ? When ?
When it comes to India?
how much is the cost for Air Phone No.4?
im waiting for the No.5 to release.. yes, the Air Phone.
u seem to overrate things all the time. i have an iphone 4 n i agree that it is a great phone and all that. but there’s definitely no need to rave about it on and on. -_____-”
You are gay…
You are gay…
Its getting more and more overrated. What are you going to do with it? download every damn apps??
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