23 Years

It’s my birthday today. I’m officially 23 years old.

When I was 22 years old, I…
– was working comfortably as a software engineer in Perth.

– welcomed my baby niece Kirsten into this world on Christmas Day.
– started kennysia.com in January.

tendered my resignation, just 2 months after receiving a nice payrise.

– sold everything and left Perth for good in March.
– left my girlfriend alone in Perth, just days after her Australian permanent residency was approved.

– returned to Kuching, and experienced culture shock.
started a brand new career.

– started that whole she-bang on coconuts.
Kuching Shuffle
– discovered the Kuching Shuffler.

– spent a lot of time in the hospital and at home caring for my father.

lost my father to cancer in May.
– was named Blogger of the Year at the PPS Anniversary Bash in June.

– was given an earful by my family after they found out that I kept a blog. Password-protected my more personal posts as a result. I still don’t like people discussing with my family members what I write in here, because I get into trouble everytime that happens.
– found out I have a desperate addict.

– attended Singapore’s first ever blog conference in July. Caused a ruckus in the VIP room.
– invented the word Bloglitics.
– snuck into the Miss Tourism Pageant.
– wrote the still very popular kennysia.com English-Benglish Translator in August.

– wanted to go back to Perth. Felt helpless that my girlfriend and I are drifting apart.
raised over RM5,000 for charity together with minishorts, suanie, Peter Tan and Shaolin Tiger.
– took a semi-hiatus from blogging in September as I embarked on a major project.
< - fell sick and developed strange rash.
– wrote a long-winded social commentary on patriotism, which turned out to be my most popular entry yet.

– revisited Perth in October.
– met Lena Fonseka and got my foot in mouth.
– tried the Detox Diet, and failed the very next day.
What an emotional rollercoaster ride my 23rd year has been. One thing for sure, I’m glad it’s all over. And now I wonder what’s in store for me in this coming year.
It’s my birthday and I’m sitting here in an Internet Cafe in KL. If you’ll excuse me, I need to party.

I’m guestblogging for Cowboy Caleb.

126 Replies to “23 Years”

  1. shit. we only recognised u after u stood up n saw ur coconuts….. >.shit. we only recognised u after u stood up n saw ur coconuts….. >.

  2. Happy 23rd birthday! Keep up the good ‘job’ of entertaining the masses. Eh, you’re still young enough to follow your dreams what. Is Perth still calling?

  3. Ooh ur bday is on 27!!! Cool mine also but in a diff month!!!
    Proud to say that ur blog rox and kinda an addict now…i think it’s the simplicity of the site and the posts that we can all relate to as Malaysians and ppl from Kuching…
    Happy birthDay keNny!

  4. Excellent blog. Happy Birthday, Kenny, and thanks for never failing to entertain. Kudos for having the balls to share your life experiences and diplomacy to tread between privacy, free speech, and personal expression.

  5. I have alwats enjoyed your blog postings (RSS feeds are wonderful!), although I missed out on that one on patrioticism that you said was the most popular. In fact, my trackback to your Orlando-spoof article still creating traffic for me till today. Keke.
    Happy birthday, dude. Your 24th year will be the BEST yet!

  6. Happy 23rd Birthday Kenny!
    Isnt it amazing that you and your blog become so popular in just a year? Hehe…
    Have fun in KL.

  7. Slamat hari jadiiiii
    slamat hari jadiiiiiiii
    slamat haaaarii jadiiiiiiii
    slamat harriii jadi!
    kenny i tot u were nearing 30…. xp my bad. ur actually only 23!!!

  8. You forgot to mention about your marriage to XiaXue.
    Happy Birthday! Wish you all the best in your career and your personal life.

  9. Happy Birthday, I am sure you’re having lots of fun. I am not sure if i should be sad or happy for you that you feel obligated to blog on your birthday. Heck, I celebrated mine, for 3 days concurrently.
    So I think you should go ahead and really really enjoy yourself, pat yourself on the back and look back from previous birthday and say, “my what a year it’s been, I deserve this”.
    Btw, Blogging does become like a permanent job doesn’t it?

  10. o.O u so young only ah? i tot u were much older…hahha…
    Happy Birthday Kenny!!!!
    ps: i have a friend with the same birthdate as you… and he is a great blogger too..ahha..

  11. Happy happy birthday Kenny!! I just spent my Friday and Saturday celebrating birthdays for my friends. There seems to be a lot of year-end birthday parties going on. Hehe… Hope you have a great one.

  12. Hey Kenny, Happy Birthday to u! Well nothing much that I can say, juz hope that u have a great time. All the best upon ur future endeavours and stay happy always..
    We will always be there for u

  13. When i was 23 years old.. i feel bad my gf left me.
    when i was 23 yrs old… i feel bad for no $.
    when i was 24 yrs old.. i feel bad grad w/thout $.
    when i was 24 yrs old.. i feel bad i left my 2nd gf.
    when i was 25 yrs old.. i feel bad , though i got some $.
    when i was 25 yrs old.. i feel bad , for being lonely
    when i was 25 yrs old.. i feel bad, as my job are sucks
    when i was 25 yrs old.. i feel bad, for losing my health
    when i was 25 yrs old.. i feel bad, for no time to spend my money.
    Today i feel bad.. i lose my $ betting.
    Today i feel bad.. for being a loser since i was young..
    Today i feel bad.. for losing the meaning of life
    Now i feel really bad.. i feel like crying
    Today i feel bad.. i feel like crying

  14. Happy Birthday Dude…
    Erm.. I’m not sure if you noticed, but in picture of your niece, she seems to be doing a rather rude gesture. Not that I mind or anything, I think its quite funny but just tho I point that out to you.
    Cheers, Heehee

  15. oh bugger… you’re a young one aren’t you? 😉
    Happy Belated Birthday Kenny!
    Thanks for giving me something to look forward to each time I power up the office comp! =Þ

  16. Nobody gonna make me laugh like u do…
    Im gonna stickwit u foreva…
    Nobody gonna make me feel dis way…
    I mus stick wid u…
    I am da person tat u made me laugh,
    I am da 1 dat u made me laughed so hard tat i peed in my pants,
    I am da 1 dat comes to ur site everyday,
    I am da 1 tat never drops a post for u,
    I am da 1 tat read all ur blogs over n over again,
    I am da 1 whu wanted ur skills of photoshop,
    I am da 1 dat realli wans to meet u in person,

  17. Dear Kenny,
    Sometimes life is like this, we are neither here nor there. We live for the present when we are thinking abt the future and sometimes the past…
    Happy Birthday, and may all your dreams come true…
    Thanks for sharing your life with all of us on the net. I enjoyed your blog and the fact that there is a real person behind all the funny jokes and all, a real person who has a life and problems.

  18. Dear Kenny,
    gosh! am so late in wishing you. but better late than never.
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY. wishing you many many more happy returns and fulfillment in your life.

  19. AwwwWWww….
    So honoured that the meeting with me in Perth in October was of such importance that you it was worthy of you thinking about when you thought back on you years experience… 😉
    Take care and God bless,

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