It’s‘s 1 year old birthday!
Not like anyone should care, really. 😉 But it’s my birthday and I can cry I want to.

I registered “” on the 1st January 2005 and initally it was hosted on the cheap $3.95 per month servers, running content management system Movabletype as its backbone. Soon afterwards, tag-board (Chatterbox) was installed, adding much life and interactivity on the website.
By April 2005, after experiencing one too many downtimes and bandwidth overshots, it became clear that has outgrown it’s old host and I made the much delayed decision to migrate to the very reliable Site5 servers which I faithfully stayed with until today. By November 2005, plagued once again by extreme bandwidth overshots on, I launched as a sister site to host huge bandwidth-eating audio and video files, and hopefully putting an end to my server nightmares.

The decision to start was made on an impulse and never had I imagined that it would become as popular as it is today. Throughout it’s existence I have made a lot of wrong decisions and, whether intentionally or unintentionally, made a few enemies and offended many people in the process. However, these are nothing compared to the many fruitful friendships I’ve established across Kuching, KL and Singapore as a result of my blog. That, in itself, is a priceless gift that no one can take away from me.
What is your favourite KFC moment?
For me, the following entries represent the best (and worst) of in 2005.
Top 4 Most Impactful Entries of 2005
April 01, 2005 –April Fool’s: Making Fun of Myself
Introducing Kimberlycun, owner of Malaysia’s smoothest pair of legs, and coincidentally the author of that fantastic blog with a fantastic title, “Narcissism Is Necessary”.

Introducing… my legs.

I wrote this entry shortly after I joined Project Petaling Street and became fascinated by the popularity of some bloggers. was relatively unknown back then.
A lot of people hailed this entry its turning point (for better or worse). It’s kinda hard to argue with the facts. The hit counters shot from mere hundreds to thousands after Dr Liew and Mr Miyagi linked to me. This started a snowball effect that lasted several months.
Kinda amazing when you think I was just acting very stupid in that entry.
May 24, 2005 – XiaXue And I Are Getting Married!
Meet our future daughter, Wenny Sia.

Of the five bloggers I parodied in the April’s Fool entry, The Hustler Diaries became defunct, HB ended up becoming my occasional drinking buddy, Kimberlycun and I fell out for some absurd reasons, Jeff Ooi and I found new respect for each other, and Xiaxue proposed to me (fake one lah).
Another stupid entry, but when I think about it, I think this exchange kinda marks the start of some tight Malaysia-Singapore “cross-blogospherical” interactions.
June 14, 2005 – Datuknametoolongitis
How bad can this get? I thought those were the worst, I have no idea.
Until I came face to face… with The Mother of All Long Roundabout Names.

DOUBLE the “Datuk”, DOUBLE the “Abang Haji”, DOUBLE THE OOMPH!!!
The popularity of this entry on Kuching’s notoriously long road names is quite unexpected. I was merely writing about the culture shock I experienced when I returned home. A few weeks later, I heard rumours of it being circulated via forwarded e-mails, all the way to the desks of StarMetro in KL and The New Paper in Singapore.
6 months later, StarMetro contacted me and I agreed to let them publish the entry (for an agreed fee of course). Coincidentally, the nephew of one of the Datuks “featured” felt insulted, flew in a rage and wrote a scathing message against me in the notorious-for-flames Sarawaktalk forum. Ouch. When I wrote it, who would’ve thought something like this could’ve happened eh?
August 03, 2005 – Kenny Sia Replies To Furong Jiejie
The worst thing is, Furong Jiejie wants ME to print out this picture and hang it over my bed tonight.

Excuse me while I vomit my dinner out.
I don’t know what to say.
Thank you Furong Jiejie for your “sexy picture”.
But I’d rather hang this picture over my bed tonight instead.

Ericka told me someone at her workplace liked this entry so much, he bloody printed out THAT Furong Jiejie photo and put up on his partition wall. That freak!
Top 4 Most Offensive Entries of 2005
I’m no angel and I don’t profess myself to be one. I want this blog to be the most honest thing I have ever done in my entire life. Sometimes I’m brash, sometimes I’m careless, sometimes I hurt people’s feelings.
Two things usually happen from then on. If I realise I did something wrong, I WILL retract my comment and I WILL sincerely apologise. I’ve done it before. It’s not that hard.
BUT. If I think people are being unreasonable, I will stand by my stance and people are simply gonna have to accept that that’s the way I am. Call me stubborn, call me egotistical. At least I’m HONEST. And don’t give me that “As Malaysia’s top blogger you must do this and that” bullshit. I take none of that crap.
July 19, 2005 – The Siarong Party Girl Controversy
A disgusting and shameful act or a naughty but hedonistic fun? No one got hurt right?
September 27, 2005 – In The Media And My So-Called “Fame”
Yea, I went too far that time.
November 12, 2005 – Singapore Very Safe One

This one I was being careless. Sorry.
December 20, 2005 – “Merry Christmas” Is Another Way Of Saying Screw You
Everyone ignored the rest of that entry because of that ONE sentence that I wrote. *groan*
Top 4 Entries I Used To Be Able To Write, But Not Anymore
What initially started out as a website to share my thoughts and interests with a few of mine like-minded friends (thanks Kim and Irene), eventually grew into an audience that includes not only my group of friends, but long-lost friends, families, strangers, cousins, uncles, ex-crushes, ex-colleagues, current colleages, business associates, my ex-boss, former highschool teachers, magazine editors, newspaper editors, the police, the Home Ministry, politicians, government officials, etc.
The reactions people who knew me in real life have when they first discover my blog was usually one of surprise and disappointment. They’re upset that they believe I’d tainted my image with what I write on my blog. I admit, I think it’s pretty difficult for them to swallow the fact that Kenny, who’s usually pretty quiet and decent in real life, would touch on the topics I did on my blog. Forgive me people, just because I don’t talk about these topics in real life doesn’t mean I don’t think about them.
Regardless, I’ve already toned down A LOT of my act and chances are, you won’t see topics like these anymore. It’s unfortunate but it has to be done. Here are top 4 of my favourite entries that I enjoyed writing, but can no longer do so because of “the image” I had to protect.
January 08, 2005 – United Colors of Benetton Condoms

Ever seen a designer-brand condom?
February 17, 2005 – Ansell vibe4u Vibrating Condom Review

Whose kind of sick idea was this?
April 19, 2005 – The Hustlergate Scandal

One of the biggest controversies to rock the Malaysian blogosphere last year, which resulted in the downward spiral and the eventual blogicide of one of our erotic bloggers.
June 13, 2005 – The Sarong Party Girl Controversy
One of the biggest controversies to rock the Singaporean blogosphere last year, which resulted in the rapid ascension to fame and the eventual fortune of one of their erotic bloggers.
Top 4 Emo Posts of 2005
Because I am human and I have feelings too.
May 05, 2005 – The Last 25 Hours

I wrote this because I want to forever remember how I felt during that day.
May 07, 2005 – Four Days and a Funeral
I hit the absolute lowest point in my entire life.
August 20, 2005 – I Want To Go Back To Perth

Wondering if I have made the right decision.
September 23, 2005 – Ayam That Guy
A meme turned emotional.
Top 4 Hate Comments of 2005
Hate comments and blogs are made for each other. In fact, I don’t think anyone should start a blog if they cannot be prepared to handle hate comments.
Over the past one year, I’ve received so many hate comments that honestly, I’m pretty much immune to it already. I can’t change people say about me but I can change the way I react to it. Besides, these days people just nitpick at every single thing they can. Here are the 4 most absurd hate comments I’ve received.

“You’re one of those with self-given Christian names I see. Pathetic.”
~ bodco, in Kuching Parking 101, who thought it’s pathetic that my parent-given name ‘Kenny’ wasn’t printed on my driver’s license.

“Fuck you lah Kenny,
She is just a little baby and you have to do this to her just so that you can satisfy your egoistic and selfish to attract more readers??? Ever thought about how she would feel when she’s older? How would you feel if your uncle or somebody had taken a picture of you when you were a baby showing your ku ku to the rest of the world so that he can juice up his personal website? “
~ Nick, in Pinku, who thinks a baby’s innocent middle finger is the equivalent of the male penis.
“His act really sia soi bloggers from Sarawak. I got to voice this out as no one would like to talk about KennySia bad stuff or else kenak shoot by him till very the bad. This is true wad. Is he consider as a part of Malaysia Blogosphere ? From my opinion, NO. He is somoene who likes to “hu” the balls and the papaya of the Singaporean famous bloggers.”
~ “kcyap” Justin Yap, in his blog, a fellow Kuchingnite not too happy about my association with bloggers from Singapore.

“OMG.. i don’t comment generally.. but my first thoughts are the video of the CHILD going down the water slide.. is that a bit paedophilic or what?! Please take it off it’s disturbing.. point made :-)”
~ Veus, in When A Good Layout Isn’t Exactly Important, who called me paedophile when all I did was showing animations of little girls in one-piece bathers going down the waterslide.
Funny how in that same entry I had the music video of Crazy Frog with his exposed dick playing, and yet she didn’t accuse me of being a perverted crazy gay frog assbanger.
For what it’s worth, the journey has been wild but fun, and I can only thank you guys for joining in for the ride. Thanks for the support. As corny as it sounds, without you the readers, will be nothing but empty words.
Here’s to a fantastic year it was and a great year ahead of us. Cheers!
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