‘Cheers!’ In Different Languages

A Mongolian, a Chinese, a Thai, a Singaporean and a Malaysian (that’s me) walked into a bar in Copenhagen.


After a round of Tiger, the Mongolian, keen to make friends though limited in his English, asked everyone to raise their beer bottles.

Mongolian: Ok everyone, CHEERS!
Everyone: Cheers!
Mongolian: In Mongolia, we say ‘tu loh!’ Ok everyone, say TU LOH!!!
Everyone: Tu loh!


Then the Mongolian turned to the Thai.

Mongolian: How you say ‘cheers’ in Thailand?
Thai: In Thailand, we say ‘chai yo!’
Mongolian: Ok everyone, CHAI YO!!!
Everyone: Chai yo!!!

And then the Mongolian turned to the Chinese.

Mongolian: How you say ‘cheers’ in China?
Chinese: In China, we say ‘gan bei!’
Mongolian: Ok everyone, GAN BEI!!!
Everyone: Gan bei!!!


The Mongolian turned to me.

Mongolian: How you say ‘cheers’ in Malaysia?
Kenny: In Malaysia, we say ‘yyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaammm seng!’

At this point, the Mongolian was probably thinking what the hell? Poor Malaysians. By the time they finished shouting, their beer would have turned cold already.



Finally, the Mongolian turned to the Singaporean.

Mongolian: How you say ‘cheers’ in Singapore?
Singapore: Same! Same as Malaysia.

Just got off a 12 hour flight from Denmark today. But this weekend I’ll be flying off again. This time round, I’ll be on the other end of the globe, joining Kim Ong and Lap Sap to celebrate our country’s Merdeka Day with all the Malaysians living abroad in Melbourne. If you’re in town, join us this Sunday night 30th August at CQ Bar in Queen St. 

I promise not to make the koalas drunk.

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