Wild, Hot & Sweaty

Over the weekend, I was in KL to attend the Nuffnang Wild ‘Live’ Party.


The event was another one of Nuffnang’s large-scale blogger gatherings since the Pajama Party they hosted in March.
Hey, blogging is never meant to be a solitary exercise and well-organised parties like this one is especially fun to go to.

It’s also a great opportunity to get to know a hot chick or two.

… and maybe a cock.
Being an animal-themed costume party, I half-expected that people might don’t care and just turn up in nothing more than T-shirt and jeans. How wrong was I!
Almost everybody came sportingly dressed as outrageous animals, took part in games, danced and really just completely let go of themselves.

Tarzan Liang (aka Coolest Emcee In The Whole Of KLâ„¢) was again the host for the evening.

Boss Timothy giving the welcome speech.
I thought he might come as a mole (y’know, ‘cos of his trademark mole?) but he came as a lion instead.

Cheesie came as a sexy lioness.
Look, she brought along her lunch box so she didn’t have to eat all the animals there for dinner!
How considerate.

Chris Tock came as a cow, with his udders all hanging out.
The guy won a RM4,000 laptop for being voted Best Dressed!

From left to right, that’s Pinkpau Su Ann as a lady bug, Suet Li as an ostrich and Jolyn as another lioness who came running all the way from Penang.
Su Ann brought along this gigantic leaf and said its her home.

As for me, I came dressed as…

The costume was damn hot ok. Was sweating throughout the entire evening.

A lot of people came up to me and asked where’s my pot of honey.
To that I say, “screw the pot of honey!”
Winnie the Pooh is all grown up now baby.

Audrey the bee flew to my direction thinking I have honey, but I gave her Carlsberg instead.

Finally met Suet Li after hearing about her for so long.
Before this event, I actually thought Suet Li hated me a lot because she boycotted my blog once due to kennysia.com being so mainstream.
But she turned out really nice, and we even camwhored a bit.

From Dreamgirls to bloggers, my girls Adeline the leopard and Hanis the moth.
Five months ago I was dishing out criticism on the clothes they wear.
How strange it must be for them to look at me now dressed as Winnie the Pooh.

With that girl Cynthia, whose boyfriend defeated me in a not very close fight for this year’s CLEO Bachelor award.
Now she wanna kill me. What lah.

Lots of people dressed up as bunnies.
Liang: “Wow, check this out! Four female bunnies to one male. You must be leading a good life my friend.”
Male Bunny: “Yea, but too bad I’m gay.
If all bunnies are like that, they’re gonna go extinct soon.

How awesome is that elephant costume!
Apart from being nominated for best dressed, Shad also won a special prize for featuring his pet TAPIR on his blog.

There’s a cow walking around letting random people cop a feel at his udders.
If only I could do the same thing to girls, the world would be such a beautiful place.

The gorgeous Nuffies from the front.

And from the back.
Oi, look at our tails lah. Don’t stare elsewhere ok.
The buffet dinner served at Modesto’s was fantastic.

It was so good, a cow walked into the restaurant to have his dinner there.
Next thing you know, he walked into the kitchen and mysteriously disappeared.
*cues X-files music*

A chicken and a pooh bear shaking it on the dance floor.
Something you don’t see in Zouk everyday.

I was playing with Cheesie Lioness’ tail, but this picture ended up looking very salah.
Bad Pooh Bear! BAD!

This is Estee the butterfly, who flew in from Singapore.

This is me wearing Estee’s butterfly wings.

This is me wearing Estee’s butterfly wings, Su Ann’s ladybug cap and WenQi‘s bunny ears.

This is me wearing Estee’s butterfly wings, Su Ann’s ladybug cap, WenQi’s bunny ears, Robb‘s porcupine backpack, pulling on Chris Tock’s cow tits.
All in all, an extremely fun evening out and I cannot wait for Nuffnang’s next blogger gathering.

Of course, there are heaps of other photos but I cannot possibly post them all. I’ll let you browse the other blogs for them.
So I’m gonna conclude this entry with a very special community service message.

Stop Animal Abuse.
Please, animals have feelings too.

Wish I were in KL this weekend to attend KLue magazine’s Urbanscapes!

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