Mat Rempits Wanted To Transport Voters To Polling Booths

There’s this news from a while back that kinda went under the radar because everyone was so pre-occupied with watching “Paris” Chua Soi Lek’s video.

Apparently, some clown over at Putera UMNO thought it was a good idea to pay Mat Rempits cold-hard cash to help send voters to the polling booths on election day.

This comes in the wake of rebranding these hooligans as Mat Cemerlangs, signing them up as Rakan Cops, and sending them on an all-expense-paid trip to the North Pole for a sky-diving expedition.
Getting Mat Rempits to send voters to the polling booths. What a stupid, STUPID idea.
AS IF it wasn’t bad enough already that these noisy pests on motorbikes are terrorising our streets riding like this.

Can you imagine what’s gonna happen if they REALLY let those Rempits take the Aunties out on election day?
Where is the Auntie gonna sit?

Somebody is gonna get a heart attack I tell you.

Ok, I may be a bit biased for saying this because I sat between actor Christien New and director Mark Tan during the screening, but I watched Jarum Halus yesterday and here’s what I think.
The movie is a bit slow, long and artsy-fartsy, so it may not be everyone’s cup of tea. But great acting, solid storytelling and a FANTASTIC soundtrack made it one of the better local productions I have watched. 4 out of 5 stars.

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