Al-Rajhi, one of the most aggressively expanding foreign banks, has finally opened its doors in Kuching.
One thing about the design of the new bank fascinates me.
I’m sure I’m not the only person thinking this way, but everytime I stare at the bank’s logo I thought it looked a little bit…
Seriously, look at it carefully. It does seem a little wrong.
Come on. Don’t tell me you couldn’t at least see two balls and one batang sticking out in that picture.
Such a phallic symbol. Imagine you walk into the building. All their male employees would be wearing one of those push-up underwears.
I mean, if this is a logo for a sperm bank, it’d be perfect.
Then again, that’s a TOTALLY different kinda bank.
Uh-oh, looks like the haze is about to come again. Time for us to bend over and receiving our annual ass-raping from Indonesia.
Hey, didn’t they “hold talks with Indonesia”, like since 2 years ago?