Took out Sunday’s paper, saw this.
On first glance, it appears just like a regular national paper’s education insert with a cover story about a bunch of Malaysian undergrads in the USA who took time out from their studies to travel across the country.
Upon closer inspection, I noticed something a little peculiar.
Noticed anything out of place?
Here, lemme zoom in a little closer.
What the heck is a McSHIT!
Is it when you go McDonald’s and eat too much Big Mac, then have to go toilet to make McSHIT!?
More importantly, how did something like “McSHIT” made its way onto our national newspaper. ON THE COVER OF THE EDUCATION INSERT SOME MORE!
Someone’s gonna get into trouble at The Star‘s offices today. Are they nuts? You’d think The Star would’ve realised their mistake when they put McShit on the cover of their Education insert. But nooooooo…
Flip open the center page, and you’re greeted with this.
Good luck in the courtroom today, Jeff Ooi! Malaysian bloggers walk with you.