Please Remain Seated

Just got back from KL a few minutes ago.

You know how when you’re on an airplane, and the plane is about to stop at the terminal, the flight captain usually makes an announcement asking all passengers to “please remain seated until the fasten seatbelt sign is turned off”?
In other parts of the world, that usually means all the passengers should have their butts obediently glued to their seats until the captain says they can go, then they can go unbuckle their seat belts and start moving around.
I guess next time the captain flies to Kuching, he can save his breath making that announcement because obviously over here, that rule does not apply.

Even before the seatbelt sign is turned off, as soon as the wheels of the plane ground to a halt, everyone immediately mushroomed up from their seats and unload their bags from the overhead compartment.
“Har? Seatbelt signs? What seatbelt signs? No such thing here.”

When I was in high school, girls ran away when I asked them to be my date for the prom. Now, the tables have turned. I’ve gotten so much invites to attend high school prom nights this month I don’t even know how I should be acting around those 17-year-olds.
There’s the Lodge School National one this Wednesday; Batu Lintang high school prom on the 13th; SEGi College prom on the 15th; and the Lodge School International prom on the 29th December at Links.
What am I supposed to do? Juggle balls?

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