This Routine Truly Isn’t Exactly Normal

Things like this don’t happen everyday.

I went out on a routine Saturday night, chilling out at Mojo with some friends over wine and local music. Friend of mine brought along a pretty hot chick, someone I’ve never met before (or so I thought). Tasteful clothes, great waist-length hair, clearly a fashionista.
My friend left for a while, so he asked me to entertain his female companion in his abscence. I helped him out, but I got frustrated after 5 minutes because I felt she was being too stand-offish and mysterious.
Kenny: “So where were you at before you decided to come home to Kuching?”
Girl: “I was… somewhere.”
Kenny: “Where?”
Girl:Somewhere lah!”

Speaking of which, one of my pet peeves when striking up a conversation with someone new is when the other person deliberately avoids answering even the most rudimentary questions about themselves. It makes me feel like a terrorist.
Doesn’t matter. I bid farewell to my friends when the night drew to a close and gave no further thoughts to the events going on that night.
That is, until my friend sent me an SMS the next day asking me to call him back urgently.

It’s so urgent he even wrote “back” wrongly. I wondered why he wanted me to call him black when he’s clearly Chinese.
I rushed out to meet him, thinking someone’s probably critically injured or something bad happened. Then I found him sitting idly by at the coffeeshop having his lunch. I asked him what’s so urgent, and he told me to wait.
A few minutes later, someone joined us at the table – it’s the hot chick from last night. She had called up my friend early in the morning, telling him there’s something important that she wanted to tell me personally.

“Do you still remember me?” she asked me in Mandarin. Strange, because last night I was speaking to her in English.
I looked at her once. I looked at her twice. “Last night was the first time I met you,” I said.
Cold sweat started forming on my forehead. A million wild thoughts going through my head.
Who is this girl? Why does she sound like she knows me? Have I met her before? Did I owe her money? *gasp* Did I once make her pregnant?

She gave me a resigned smile and told me her Chinese name. It rang a bell in my head. A school bell.
“We were classmates from Primary School, remember?”
Really? But she looks so… different now. I didn’t have much memory of her because we weren’t close in school and I left shortly after completing Primary 5. I didn’t even ask her to leave a message in my cute Little Bob Dog autograph book! Come to think of it, I don’t even keep in touch with much of my primary or secondary school mates now. Most of them probably don’t even know about the existence of this blog.
Then she added, “you once gave me a farewell card. After that, you just left and I never saw you again. I suddenly remembered who you are from last night because your voice sounded very familiar.”

This is awkward. Here’s a hot-ass fine-looking lass chatting with me happily about things from 13 YEARS AGO, and there I was staring at her blankly without the faintest recollection about her. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?!
Sien. I’m just gonna end this blog entry abruptly. I’m still reeling from the shock ok? Can’t be bothered ending it with a funny one-liner.
I think I shall go bang my head against the wall right now. Bye!

Music of the Moment: An acoustic piece titled “The Drifters” by Kuching’s very own Owen Nicholas.

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