Say one fine day, you picked up an absent-minded idiot’s lost identity card. What would you do with it?
A) Report it to the police.
B) Mail the lost IC to the address shown on the identity card.
C) Bring it to your local newspaper. Then allow them scan the IC and publish it state-wide full and uncensored.
One would think either A or B would be the sensible options. But yesterday’s Borneo Post decided to choose a different path and select C. The newspaper requesting Miss Yee to come forward and collect her card while publishing her IC in it’s full naked glory.
And now, the whole of Sarawak knows Yee Fong Niang’s IC number and exactly where she stays. Be afraid Miss Yee, be very afraid.
Blog plug of the day: Jasiminne the Penguin. College girl + hot babe + amazing photographer = Oohlala…
I especially like her tribute to Sin City.