Alright, this is gonna be one of those what-I-had-for-lunch kinda post. Feel free to ignore if you wanna.
One of the best things about having a blog is that it does a lot of good to your stagnant social life.
Moving back to Malaysia from Perth after 8 years was a big turning point for me, because that meant losing a lot of friends and networks that I’ve built up over the years. But ever since I got readers coming to this site, I’ve been meeting new people from all over the place non-stop. And I love every moment of it.
Jasiminne the Penguin is one of the more interesting ones I met recently. At just 19, this quirky graphic design student is showing a lot of talent in photography and photo-editting. You gotta be impressed with some of her creative artwork.
Cheesie is another one. When I first mentioned her in my entry about The Stellars , she didn’t take the avalanche of insults too well and ended up feeling distraught for several days.
Who’d have thought just 30 days later, a lot of positives came out as a consequence of that entry. I shan’t divulge too much. Suffice to say, Kenny Sia here indirectly played the role of a matchmaker and *cough* found her a special someone after being featured on How cool is that?
So anyway, I was in KL over the weekend and made plans to meet up with the two girls. Couldn’t get hold of Cheesie initially because she had more important things to do like attending a play.
Starbucks Espresso Tiramisu cake = 4/10.
Jasiminne and I had Starbucks and Haagen Dazs at KLCC. Camwhored a bit. It’s damn difficult to control myself everytime I meet up with a hot chick ok. It’s even worse when mildly suggestive sexual connotations are all over the place.
We had this phallic-looking bowl of ice-cream from Haagen Dazs.
And discovered there’s this new menu item called the Melon Milkshake. Seriously, wtf?
“Hi, can I have some of your Melon Milkshake please?”
We’re waiting for Cheesie but she didn’t pick up our calls.
Jasiminne’s pal Leonard was nice enough to pick us up from KLCC after work and ferry us around. We stopped by the KLPac (performing arts centre), which is a absolutely gorgeous. It’s tucked inside a park hidden away from the hustle and bustle of central KL.
Then it’s down to more camwhoring.
SEPET 3: One Chinese boy. One Chinese girl. One wardrobe malfunction.
It wasn’t until much much later that evening that Cheesie FINALLY called us. By then we’d already left for dinner at The Curve.
Kenny: “Oi! How come you never pick up my phone call?”
Cheesie: “Sorry! My phone was on silent.”
Kenny: “Where are you now?”
Cheesie: “In KLPac.”
Kenny: “Hey I was in KLPac too! Left already lah! %#$@*!”
Apparently, we’re at different sides of KLPac at the same time. Sure enough, when I looked back at the act-Sepet photo that we took…
Zoom in on the little red box. Magnify 100 times. Despeckle. Sharpen image.
Like tracing the Big Foot liddat
Holy cheese! There she is!
Finally caught up at that pancake place at The Curve.
Then it’s more camwhoring (like, WHAT ELSE is there to do har?)
Jasiminne and Cheesie knew each other through my blog. Ironically, they seem more exciting meeting each other than they are meeting me.
In fact, I think they like each other more than they like me.
Even Albert doesn’t know what to do in situations like these.
And finally, presenting…
The Stellars gone wrong. Horribly wrong.
Blog plug of the day: About Nude, Not Naked. But it ain’t a porn site. 🙁 Darn.