2006 New Years Resolution

In the year 2006, I plan to:

  • Stop guzzling alcohol like it’s water.
  • Put 40% to 50% of my salary into savings each month.
    (The above resolution is waived if I had to travel during that month.)
  • Ponder about my future a little bit more Scrap that, I have no control of my future after all. No point pondering.
  • Nabeh. Use less cuss words on kennysia.com. KNNCCB.
  • Stop writing about politics, and never use the “A***h” word ever again. Aiseh.
  • Remember Kenny, alcohol is not water… alcohol is not water…
  • Lose 10kg off the spare tyre around my waist. As opposed to gaining 10kg like what I did this year.
    (The above resolution is waived if I’m really really hungry.)
  • Travel to Singapore once every few months. I can never get enough of Singapore. But can someone like, ask the hotels there to charge a little less?
  • Carefully read the MRT Station regulations before proceeding to take more photos inside the City Hall MRT station.
  • Alcohol bad. Kenny good. Kenny no drink alcohol!
  • Most importantly, avoid slacking off from January to November, then try to achieve all my new years resolutions in bloody December!

What is your new years resolution?

Nicole is finally back from Perth and I’m flying off to KL later today to meet up with her.
Things I plan to do in KL:
– Countdown to the new year at Zouk and KLCC!
– Get a haircut from the Lab at Hartamas.
– Wrap my hands around Danny’s All American Hot Dogs, also at Hartamas. Mmmmm….
– Do a studio shot at Portrait One. Thanks Kid!
– Decide whether to get the O2 Atom or the Eten M600.

64 Replies to “2006 New Years Resolution”

  1. I would say, “quit smoking” but I know it won’t happen if I make it into a resolution 😉
    First time I quit was New Years day several years back.. no resolution, just stopped for 3 years 😀 Cheers Kenny

  2. I don’t usually list down new year’s resolutions; but next year is (hopefully) my last university year hence, my resolutions are to graduate in June ’06 and to immediately secure a job after that.
    I wish u all the best for the incoming new year, Kenny!

  3. 1.wanna lose 4.3kg to be 40kg throughout the year
    2.earn at least 50% more than what i earned this year.
    3.make more friends
    4.be more polite
    5.*hUGs* all my close friends after meeting them
    6.read more kennysia.com – to gain more knowledge?
    7.learn to drink alcohol for business purposes.
    8.love everyone around me.
    9.go to church every sunday
    10. SMILE =)

  4. 1.wanna lose 4.3kg to be 40kg throughout the year
    2.earn at least 50% more than what i earned this year.
    3.make more friends
    4.be more polite
    5.*hUGs* all my close friends after meeting them
    6.read more kennysia.com – to gain more knowledge?
    7.learn to drink alcohol for business purposes.
    8.love everyone around me.
    9.go to church every sunday
    10. SMILE =)

  5. To continue reading kennysia.com everyday…..first thing in the morning 😉
    (There are days when I do skip…..hehe)

  6. Ah, another great blogger in the making.
    Alcohol is definitely bad, I have gout issues at the age of 22, and it ‘aint nice to know its suppose to occur for 40’s.
    Love the political and political-correctness issues you mentioned in earlier post. Keep it up. Don’t lose your stance; but you can definitely go for more facts and figures approach. Psychological of the mass is that, as long as you are able to provide evidence of your reasoning, your off the hook, well for the most of it. =)

  7. Kenny, what a list of resolution, maybe i shld work out mine.
    btw, you may also consider Dopod 818PRO, i find that the Atom look a bit like toy to me…just my 2cents, try looking for comparison of the 2(3) models….happy new year!

  8. Guzzle alcohol like water? C’on Kenny, you were smashed after a few rounds at X’Mas, no? Hehehe Happy new year’s to ya mate!

  9. > Travel to Singapore once every few months. I can
    > never get enough of Singapore.
    I’m the opposite of you. I can never wait to get OUT of Singapore. 😀
    But then again, i don’t have to pay for hotels… 😀

  10. Be super-duper-kajerlistically frugal… need to buy a Creative vision:M hahha
    Loose 10kg like you too, Kenny!!
    Kenny Sia Rock Kuching!! Be political but use your inteligence lah!!! Rock on!!

  11. kenny, buy the O2 atom!!! i think it’s great.. i have the O2 mini, and the only thing it lacks is wireless LAN.. that O2 atom HAS!!! grr.

  12. Hi Kenny! Big fan of your blogs!
    i can’t believe we have almost the same resolution list (well.. except the singapore bit.. coz thats too far from where i am – good old perth)
    happy new year!

  13. hmm…ask the hotels to charge you less???
    Actually, Singapore’s hotel fees is considered lesser than many countries and the rate of increament since the financial crisis is significantly less than other Asian countries like Hong Kong, Malaysia and Thailand…
    Anyway, happy new year!
    My Resolution:
    Save money, Lose weight, Earn Money…

  14. LOL Nice res.
    You know, KNNCB is becoming a houshold word for the department I’m working. Thanks to you, of course. 😉
    Hope you could achieve em all and have a Happy New Year!

  15. Why not get a DoPod, the RM4XXX version. My colleague got in (but won’t let me touch it due to my destructive nature).
    too bad I won’t be in KL to help get you around as I will be in Penang for a system installation (boo-hoo)

  16. When I made resolutions for NY, none of them was achieved. When I stopped making them, all the ones I previously listed came true! o_O
    So my resolution is to STOP making resolutions.
    It works bloody well.

  17. you know Kenny, its sometimes better to have little control in life, rather to have all the control and being afriad to make the bloody wrong decision that can ruin the rest of your life…

  18. But Singapore actually has rather low rates as compared to similar cities such as Hong Kong. Really !
    Anyhow, Happy 2006 Kenny 🙂

  19. alternative to alcohol:
    1. liquor-coated chocolates
    2. water. water. water.
    3. starbucks coffee
    although none of the above tasted like alcohol but its a good distraction =)
    Happy New Year, Kenny!

  20. happy new year kenny. 🙂
    oh.erm.fyi, hotel rates in singapore are going up even more for the year 2006. got alot of conventions going on.

  21. Thousands of people worldwide have New Year Resolutions to increase their office productivity by reading less Kennysia.com.
    Those people are idiots. In the era of blogs, office productivity is a myth, and Kennysia.com is a legend. OK, maybe just the Coconuts. But it’s compelling.
    Happy 2006, Kenny. Get those spare tyres out and roll on!

  22. I hope to…
    …gain 10 kg mass – if you could transfer your mass to me, that would be great, no fat please :p
    …learn some magic tricks – what else do you think this would be useful? 😉

  23. let me tell you how to be yourself for those out there who think you’re being yourself. being yourself simply means not being yourself.you just cant.imagine spitting out words that could have hurt millions, but you thought it was you being you…so…who cares!! no no no…this is not the way things work…the next time you think of being yourself, give it a second thought….about new year’s resolution, no point at all…do things right, dont struggle with doing the right thing as no one can tell exactly what is right and what is wrong….

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