Don’t You Try to Shame Me

“i see ur bro is shacking up with a girl……….LOL
ur mum sure interrogated her more than the KGB eh”

That’s what a friend of my brother said to him in reference to this entry. And with that, the EBCB (Elder Brother Censorship Board) kicked into action.
Getting into debates on the stuff I wrote on is starting to become frequent enough for me to perhaps start a new category to archive it.
In this case, someone thought it was funny to pointed out that Nicole lived with me for a period of time while she’s studying in Perth. Funny enough for him to talk about it and laugh about it. He didn’t want to bring it up to me personally. He had to say my brother that he knew I’m living with Nicole and laugh at me. He made it like its some big news, like Prince Charles marrying Camilla.

Dear Whoever It Is Who Knows Me In Real Life That Reads This Blog And Judged Me For What I Did.
I knew that its bound to happen when I made a conscious decision to start this site.
Many people only saw the serious side of me in real life. Therefore, what I wrote on this site is rather different to what I am in real life.
I’m happy to have people know the light-hearted side of me, know a bit about my life from my Reflections posts and laugh with me at the things I find funny. Everything I write here is harmless fun, and (hopefully) no one gets hurt.
I expect people who read this site to accept me for who I am. I also knew that when I put a slice of my personal life up in public, no matter what, a small minority of people will be too anal and judge me for the decisions that I make in my life.
But you know what? I’m ok with that. Seriously, I’m perfectly ok with that. I am an adult. Many people have opinions about me, both positive and negative. I am ok with being judged, I am ok with taking both constructive and destructive criticisms, and I am perfectly ok if you deemed that my idea of a lifestyle does not conform to yours. But bear in my mind, my friend – if you want to judge me, you’d better take my criticism as an adult as well.
Yes, Nicole lived with me for a while. Big deal. No, we did not share the same bedroom. In case you didn’t know, its relatively common for unmarried couples to flat together for costs and convenience reasons when studying overseas. If you think that its not normal, then my friend, obviously you’re still living in 1840’s China.
I am man enough to admit what I did in a public domain. I’m not like you. You go behind my back and make small talks to other people like what I did is shameful and disgraceful. Newsflash – the comment box at the end of every entry and the tagboard to the right of this site is there for you to tell me what you think about me. Love me or hate me, have the balls to say it to me. There’s no need to hide away from me, laugh at it and make members of my family uneasy. I regard what you did a cowardly behaviour.
I am not ashamed of what I did – not a single bit. My family is not ashamed of what I did – they knew Nicole lived with me. So who the hell are you to try to embarass me?
You brought it up as if it is all such a big deal, making members of my family your laughing stock. You crossed the line and that’s when I regard you as trying to meddle with my personal life.
Have you been leading a perfect life yourself? I doubt it. I know you are a friend of my elder brother, so I’ll be respectful to you. Because otherwise I’m actually just going to tell you to take your idealogies, and shove it up your ass. Obviously, MBABTY.
My Balls Are Bigger Than Yours
If you disagree with my lifestyle, don’t come to this site.
Stay the fuck away from me.

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